SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - David Breen [BOE-M]

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What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: David Breen [BOE-M]

Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:112241295

Ban Reason: NTIRP

Date of ban: 5/23/2024

Who banned you: 'Nosey'

Ban length: 24 Hours

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Not sure what I did exactly, it was a shadow ban that wasn't broadcasted and I didn't speak with the moderator who banned me before I was banned so I'm not sure why I have been banned.

Why should you be unbanned: Some clarification on what I did would be nice, as well as removing the ban from my history since I did nothing (or am currently unsure of what I did). NTIRP is No Intent To Role Play and I was literally roleplaying tonight so I'm not sure what I did. Having a chat with the team would be nice. I would also like to note that my last warning was around 10 months ago so this seems a little out of the blue and I fear it will negatively interact with any whitelists I wish to obtain.
Last edited:
Jul 20, 2021

I received a clip of you in the early morning UK server playing as a researcher. You were releasing D Class and then killed a guard before logging off. I logged on after you had disconnected, and reached out to @Artemis about getting you an offline warning for FailRP, as the clips were very clear. Artemis then asked me to ban you for 1 day for NITRP, as can be seen on USA logs (I have screenshotted in case they time out beforehand)\

(I think I tagged the wrong Artemis)

I received a clip of you in the early morning UK server playing as a researcher. You were releasing D Class and then killed a guard before logging off. I logged on after you had disconnected, and reached out to @Artemis about getting you an offline warning for FailRP, as the clips were very clear. Artemis then asked me to ban you for 1 day for NITRP, as can be seen on USA logs (I have screenshotted in case they time out beforehand)\

(I think I tagged the wrong Artemis)
Can I see the clip? They were likely my friends and I was performing a test for research and letting D-Class out (which doesn't break Fail-RP, just an ethical/arrestable violation) and I figured that since there were only 5-8 players online, no-one would be roleplaying. I also find it concerning that several other people were letting D-Class out at the same time frame as me and none of them were punished? I would like to emphasize that the D-Class I let out were only helping me perform a test, which doesn't break Fail-RP as I am not assisting them, they are assisting me. I would also like to cover that the guard I killed was either RDM'ing several people (which would be apollo) or was my friend. If the guard's name was any of the following:
-Josh Giddey
-Jack Hass or
then that was one of my friends. I apologize for the confusion. Also, why am I receiving a straight up ban for this when everyone was offline except for around 7 people (3 of which were my friends, which makes 4 of us in our party)? I heavily disagree with this ban and I would appreciate it if you could explain any further a somehow reasonable explanation as to why this is banable? I personally believe that if there aren't any immediate admins online, then the server is not populated enough to enforce this rule. It's just a joke, honestly.
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