SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Friski

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Jul 22, 2024

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Friski

Your SteamID: 86849128583

Ban Reason: FailRP x2

Date of ban: 7/21/2024 10:53 (PST) 2024

Who banned you: Nasus (STEAM_0:0:484828748)

Ban length: 3 days

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will completely cease to use chemicals to avoid IA via killing myself+

Why should you be unbanned: I was unaware that drinking chemicals to kill yourself was against the rules and for the past 3 hours of me doing that nobody had told me that it was bad and to refrain from doing it, If I was told of the severity of this, I would stop immediately but I was only told to late, I had viewed the guidelines of civil networks prior but had not viewed rules specifying yourself within game.
Jun 19, 2022
Hey Friski!

I pulled you to a sit with the doctor because of what you did in med bay.
During your encounter with this doctor, he found yourself, a techie, within inner med bay and told you to leave the area immediately because you were trespassing in a medical staff only zone. You refused to leave and threaten the doctor with an assault rifle and forced him in to an enclosed area within med bay. You then tried to force the doctor to drink a harmful chemical but obviously the doctor refused to. A few moments later an ambassador and a ia agent discovered what you were doing to and came in and stop you from harming the doctor after you swap you gun with a flask. Then you proceeded to kill yourself with the said chemical to avoid rp punishment.

Within this occurrence, i warned you for 2 instances;
1. You fearrping the doctor while on a non combative job is a failrp
2. You killing yourself to avoid arrest is also considered failrp

Hope this clear any misunderstanding!

Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023
Appeal Denied

Hi, @Walksy

I've decided to deny your appeal as it seems that you've been having a steady stream of issues and bans since June. Due to this, I do not believe you should be given leeway at this time. On top of that, you have had 3 bans in the span of a month, which warrants a furtherance of your punishment.

Due to the above, your ban has been extended appropriately with a "Stacked Bans" punishment as well, which extends it by another 3 days.

Kind Regards, Harold.​
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