SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - idk

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What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: idk

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:556344903

Ban Reason: MRDM | NITRP - Mexi

Date of ban: Today

Who banned you: Mexi

Ban length: 3 Weeks

What will you do to stop this from happening again: not shoot d-class inside of airlock?

Why should you be unbanned: i'm not going to spend a whole lot of time writing this, most of my kills were NOT RDM, and some of which were crossfire. i believe i was targeted due to the staff being a d-class at the time this took place. i would also love to see these "clips" that were talked about during the sit, as i can provide clips that disprove the MRDM that took place.

at most, this would be NITRP, because of the way i baited d-class. what the staff member said to me during the sit he claimed was fact even though i was not able to review the evidence in question.

during this sit, i was accused of releasing d-class, and taking d-class out to kill them. i have not taken d-class out to kill them at all, at most i released d-class that were close to breaking out because they were acting like minges about it.
Jun 5, 2024
Hello @"Wick"

Thanks for taking the time to make a Forum Appeal.

I am here to respond about your Ban appeal, We had multiple different members of the community complain that you were bringing D-class out of the D-block handcuffed, And once they were leaving, you gave them warnings while letting them free manually.

Here is another example. You attempted to kill this D-class via body blocking, and then once you failed. The D-class admits that he shouldnt be halving his cuffs but was doing so to let him out easier inside d-block. Instead you dragged him to medbay where you removed his restraints and killed him.

You also were killing off d-class members by dragging them into the bulk instead of letting them walk out, avoiding the logs, then killing the last d-class to enter without proper warning.

I had other staff members spectating you while you were playing and they reported you were not intending to roleplay, speeding through warning D-class in airlock.
I can provide this clip with SL/admin permission since it has staff information on the screen.

And last I have a clip of you entering d-block to kill a D-class hacking the door and a clip of you asking 912 to break rules by running through d-block without consent for a search by a GSD Captain or Sargent. And then you subsiquently running into d-block breaking said rule.

I created a virdict, which I than asked 2 other members of staff for review and they agreed with what I found your ban to be. And how sufficient it is before you were banned.

I also confirmed after the fact with a head mod that this response is sufficient and all the clips provided are correct and follow the rules.

Awaiting your reply

Regards - Mexi.

Johnathan Doe

Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Jan 31, 2023
Appeal Denied

Hi @"Wick"

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

Hello Wick, after reviewing the evidence against you, speaking to some additional staff members, having a lack of response from you personally about the evidence provided against you I have determined that you was indeed killing D-Class personnel with no sense of purpose and wrongfully. Dragging them into doorways to kill them with the door and releasing them from their cuffs to terminate them both of which we find unacceptable. Due to this I will be denying your appeal.

You may re-appeal in 2 weeks​
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