SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Issac Grathwol Shafiki

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Dec 18, 2022

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Issac Grathwol Shafiki

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:552465280

Ban Reason: RDM (X) Dred

Date of ban: 11/10

Who banned you: Santa-Paws

Ban length: 1 Week

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I believe the best thing I can do to stop this from happening again is to whenever kill somebody to gather evidence that can be presented to help defend my case, I can also ask more specific questions about the rules to make sure I fully understand my rights.

Why should you be unbanned: Why should you be unbanned:
I believe I acted within my rights and was falsely banned.

What occurred to get me banned was: that an officer attempted to pull out cuffs and cuff me with elastic restraints, it was unprompted and he didn't say anything to me, so I promptly ran into the outer airlock and pointed my gun at him, and started asking him what he was doing(we were both the same rank), then 2 IA agents run in and without saying anything point their guns at me, they were acting really weird, and fearing for my life I killed them. They never tried to act as an impartial force or deescalate the situation that why i assumed they didn't have good intentions.

"You must have a real and justifiable reason to kill or attempt to kill another player. "

This is what it states under RDM. I had a very justifiable reason to shoot there and I don't know why I was banned and for so long. When I tried to explain this to the admin, he just laughed at me, (the admin is also an IA agent) He also at one point switched his story and said it was fail RP but then later switched back to RDM. If there is a staff ruling or something I missed I would love to get to know more about it and I would be fine serving out my ban, but I don't think I RDMed in this situation.
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