SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - jeff william

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Hunter Goodman

Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 22, 2024
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: jeff william

Your SteamID: 76561198809804515

Ban Reason: inappropriate behavior

Date of ban: 7/16/2024

Who banned you: slayer/gard

Ban length: 1 week 6 days

What will you do to stop this from happening again: The things I have said like any I should not say I will know better that I should never say those things around people and disgusting things or any region or things that could have happen to people, if i do it again I should know my punishment and agree of why I have gotten banned because of the inappropriate behavior that I have said.

Why should you be unbanned: The reason I should be unbanned is because that I know the fact that I said inappropriate things and that I should never say those things again to other people and also the reason I want to be unbanned is that I want to also experience the game play like everyone does and have a fun time and not do stupid things like I just did. In the act of faith of which I have said things i shouldn't have I known better to not say things and and act in RP not anything out of character/real life and things that people also shouldn't know about about your personal life and the stuff that might disgust them or may seem inappropriate. And also i did not make the sign at all when I first got there the sign was already there and the thing is I just shot it basically nothing else, I was asking who did it and no one answer at all.
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Hello @Hunter Goodman

The reason for your offline ban was due to me getting a clip from someone showing you making a "Symbol" that is not allowed in this community. I see in your ban appeal though it does not seem to acknowledge this act. There is nothing else to say about the ban or for your appeal. I hope you have a great day.

All proof from the ban provided has been sent to the appropriate Handler. Please wait for their response & conclusion
Appeal Denied

Hi @Hunter Goodman ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After reviewing the evidence provided against you, we do not tolerate this sort of behaviour, whether or not you created the symbol. You can very clearly see in the clip provided that you are adding on to the symbol to make it bigger. Therefore, I'll be denying this appeal this time around.

You may re-appeal in 3 days time
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