What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Rocky Dragon
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:594816683
Ban Reason: MRDM, stacked bans
Date of ban: Wed Jan 15 10:12:12 2025
Who banned you: Derek White
Ban length: 2 weeks 1 day
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I now know that d class are technically on the same team and i will not kill d class unless it is in self defense
Why should you be unbanned: I did not know that D-Class could not kill each other, as I have been killed many times by D-Class for no reason and have made reports to admin that did not do anything to help me, and due to the fact that the admin who banned me had told a D-Class to kill me before my incident. Where I later went on to kill the D-Class in the line trying to get to the front of the line so I could receive XP as I need more levels. I was later pulled into an admin sit where I was told that I would be getting a 2-week and 1-day ban for MRDM and a stacked ban for saying the n-word in the server voice chat by mistake, and I feel that the prior ban should not be relevant to the case as it has nothing to do with RDM.