SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Rocky Dragon

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Rocky Dragon

Well-known Member
Jan 5, 2025

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Rocky Dragon

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:594816683

Ban Reason: severe toxicity , stacked bans

Date of ban: Mon Feb 10 21:29:34 2025

Who banned you: Sora

Ban length: 2 weeks

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I now understand the historical weight of the term "sieg heil" and will avoid using it in the future. I appreciate the importance of maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment on the server, and I am committed to ensuring that my actions align with these values.

Why should you be unbanned: I was recently banned for using the phrase "sieg heil" and was informed that it's a Nazi term, which led to the ban. I am deeply disappointed with Sora for this decision. The term "sieg heil" translates to "hail victory," and I can understand the ban if the words were heard without the right context. However, it's important to note that I was with a German player who I had asked to teach me some common German phrases that could be used on the server without any repercussions. When I used "sieg heil," I was not aware of its historical connotations and was simply trying to engage with my German friend in their native language. I believe it is crucial to consider the context in which words are used, as misunderstandings can occur easily. My intention was never to offend or promote any hateful ideology; I was genuinely interested in learning the language and connecting with other players. Therefore, I kindly request that my ban be reconsidered.
Thank you for taking the time to read my appeal.
Aug 19, 2024
Hello, @Rocky Dragon
Thank you for taking the time in making a ban appeal!

While I do understand your perspective of things, I must say you left out quite a bit of vital information. The context behind everything, is that a player came up to you, speaking German. He stated that he is Lithuanian, and at no point did you ask about what terms you can use without repercussions. However, he did ask "You know the guy that went to art school?" referring to a German Leader who's name I will not mention.

After he asked that question, you started screaming "Sieg Heil" several times in response to this along with making hand gestures, referring to the term that was popularized around Nazi Germany.

I hope that this explains my reasoning for the ban, and that you think before you use these types of terms in the future.

(If the responding SL would like the clip, please contact me)

Kindest Regards,

Rocky Dragon

Well-known Member
Jan 5, 2025
yes I would like the clip and I have made a ticket for it and In my opinion this does not explain your reasoning for the ban as seig heil does not mean hail Hilter and who are you to say that I was referring to the term used around Nazi Germany that is defamation against me and if we really want to get technical the waving emote is a emote that is in a state of constant movement vs the nazi hand gesture that is a stagnant raised right hand with the palm facing down
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Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023
Appeal Denied

Hi, @Rocky Dragon

I have seen the video and it is extremely clear what your intentions were, so please do not try to fog up the situation. Your actions are inexcusable and unacceptable for this server. Any further occurrences and your next punishment will be much more severe if not permanent.

Please avoid situations like this ever happening again.

You may not re-appeal this ban.
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