SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Steve Austin

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Steve Austin

Active member
Apr 20, 2024
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Steve Austin

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51401107

Ban Reason: MRDM

Date of ban: 20/4/2024

Who banned you: Wrath

Ban length: 2 weeks

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Use my new understanding of the rules and what I have learned from this to avoid recreating this situation which stemmed from a misunderstanding of the rules. Don't intend to play D class as well

Why should you be unbanned: I have really been enjoying playing on the server, I have put in over 40 hours in the past few days and have not had any infractions previous to this, not a warn or anything. I had no intentions of causing any harm to anyone's experience. I had seen other people do similar, if not worse, without being punished and it being solved in RP (usually with them being killed by GENSEC), it was slow and wanted to create something for the security to deal with in an RP scenario which I could've done in a different fashion and I acknowledge that now. I have spent time re-reading the rules to make sure I am not causing anymore issues as I only want to positively contribute to peoples experiences on the server.

Steve Austin

Active member
Apr 20, 2024

You were banned because while I was running an event for researchers, I observed you throw a picture of SCP-096 into a crowd of about 10 people while screaming "I just want to tell you all you're f*****". As you threw a picture of SCP-096 into a crowd of 9 people as a foundation personnel, you were banned for MRDM. Additionally, the member of SL reviewing this can contact me for a clip of the incident.

That's all from my end, please wait for the member of SL reviewing this.
that was not me! I was a d-class and I stabbed two other d-class. you definitely have me confused with someone else.
May 17, 2023
that was not me! I was a d-class and I stabbed two other d-class. you definitely have me confused with someone else.
Apologies, I must've mistaken the names. Regarding your ban you killed 3 d class and attempted to kill another inside testing line. You will still need to wait for a member of SL to review the appeal and make a determination on the outcome.

Steve Austin

Active member
Apr 20, 2024
Apologies, I must've mistaken the names. Regarding your ban you killed 3 d class and attempted to kill another inside testing line. You will still need to wait for a member of SL to review the appeal and make a determination on the outcome.
when I checked the console I only saw that I killed 2, I could be wrong but that's what I saw


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Content Team
Dec 24, 2020
Appeal Accepted

Hi @MrSpaghetti ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

I see you are a new player, however, you did still rdm multiple players. You should only be killing other d-class for self-defense or a quest.

I will be reducing your ban to 3 days. Please take this time to read up on our rules to avoid getting in trouble.
SCP-RP Rules

Kind regards,
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