SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - 'stone'

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Jun 16, 2023

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: 'stone'

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:623610466

Ban Reason: stack bans[a], fear rp, nlr, and nitrp

Date of ban: 7/20/2024

Who banned you: verlocity

Ban length: 4 days

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will take rp more serious and not goof off with friends

Why should you be unbanned: there's not really a good reason but i was goofing of with saanvi someone i consider a friend and we were at when someone asked me "do you intent to rp" i said "not around saanvi" and i would say 10-15 mins i was pulled to a sit and he told me what i was being band for but i don't think the fear rp should be there because when a nu7 tried to cuff me i ran and pulled my gun out so it would be harder to fear rp me but he apparently was chasseing me with his gun out and i went back to tell him my side ooc and that's why i got nlr

i really do like the server and would like to play more especially after almost a month of not playing so if you could un ban me i would be grateful if i can get the fail rp and/or the nlr removed that would be great

i hope you take it into consideration if im not getting banned i could wait but i would like one or both the warns removed

at the time there was no active codes and i was gsd guard but got on chef to not hog the job


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Hello @Roy,

I am the staff memvber that Issued your ban on the CivilNetworks USA server. From Point of View i received a report from a Doctor about someone Break FearRp and NLR and NITRP. Upon Bringing him and him providing me the evidence of said situations. The clips provided, show the Doctor saying that hes going to get you arrested for assaulting Foundation staff, in whicj after this an Nu7 attempts to detain you. The Nu7 then FearRps' you, You then proceeded to continue to run away from him while under gun point. Then after you reached inside of medbay you pulled a gun out and started to shoot the Nu7 that evantually killed you. Upon Being downed you then intentially Killed yourself (Held mouse one to finish yourself). Then you came back to same spot in medbay entrance that died from and starting speaking about your Lives previous actions in an in character manner.
Then The reporter showed me another clip, in which you audibly stated that you had No intention to Role play with someone.

Kind regards, Verlocity
Jun 16, 2023
as for my steam id i could not find it in the site that was provided i used cn to get it normally

if cuffs can be used as an active weapon I'm sorry but to my knowledge he was the only person trying to arrest me so i ran with no guns on me at the point he did have his gun i pulled mine out so it could be harder to fear rp me and i had no intent to use and never used it in that moment but when he saw my gun he killed me on site and when i was downed i held mb2 to give up and i thought it was allowed as my time in ci and in foundation i never got in trouble

for the nlr i went back after hearing him complaining about me breaking fear rp i went back to explain my side on what was going on in my head (out of character) sorry if it looked in character

as for the nit rp warn their was no active codes but i was gsd guard but later changed to chef but i was goofing off with saanvi soup someone i consider a friend and at the time of answering the question in the clip i was not taking any thing seriously and answered the not seriously but honestly as i do like to rp but in the moment i was not rping

if you could provide the clips i will be happy to go thru the and explain any actions but some of the things in your response is not true as i think they might be false information but if you have questions on this matter feel free to ask
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