SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - "The Guardian"

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What server you were banned on:

Your in-game name:
- "The Guardian"

Your SteamID:
- STEAM_0:0:102623131

Ban Reason:
- "I went to bed 6 hours ago and you had already been shittalking the server for a couple of hours, I wake up and you're still at it lol. Find another community, you're not welcome here anymore." - Metro
- Stated when connecting to the server: "Banned by Metro"

Date of ban:
- 10/20/2024

Who banned you:
- Artemis

Ban length:
- 12 Weeks.

What will you do to stop this from happening again:
- As I said in my SCP-RP discord appeal, I will completely remove myself from talking in mess hall, unless to answer questions players have on the server or to direct players to #support, as I have done so previously.

I will not engage myself in conversations where I could easily lose my cool, and I will moderate my language and tone better when discussing topics related to the server.

In short, I will focus on the aspects I enjoyed, such as assisting other players and roleplaying, and I will keep myself from stooping to the level I had fallen to due to drama surrounding the server.

Why should you be unbanned:
- I agree with what Yeke was saying in my conversation with him over the weekend. I had gotten mean, nasty, sarcastic, and in general had become a toxic individual in the external parts of the Civil Networks community. I was burnt out due to many reasons, however, that does not excuse the behaviour I exhibited.

However, I had only ever been kind and helpful in the server. I believe (and I hope others can attest to) that I had only ever been a positive on the server, fostering RP and doing what I could to assist others in their RP. I genuinely love the server and want to see it flourish, else I wouldn't have put nearly two thousand hours into SCP-RP, went up the ranks to become GOC LTGEN, applied and was accepted to Overseer Assistant, and applied for and put creative effort into Game Master.

Thank you for your time.
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Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Hello @The Guardian

After reviewing your appeal and taking significant time to think about this, I waited a week or so to give you chance to cool down and take a break from the community.

We will allow you back to join the community and engage with the discourse within the network, however a key part to mention here is if you do go down the route that you went down, then we may deem it necessary to re-enact this punishment, I believe that breaks are healthy and will help keep you from falling into that mindset where you become overly critical and cannot see the wood through the trees.

I want to state, the reason I have gone back on the punishment is in light of the fact you were able to do good things for the community prior to your burnout, but you do need to rein it in with how you act, we appreciate opinions and concerns as long as they are done in an appropriate manner.

Kind Regards
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