SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Tigole

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Well-known Member
Jul 11, 2024
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Tigole

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:449956124

Ban Reason: Mass RDM, LTAP (Adding Ban Evasion myself because of KAdmin increasing my ban)

Date of ban: Sat Oct 12 08:36:38 2024

Who banned you: Damian Max

Ban length: 27 Weeks & 5 Days

What will you do to stop this from happening again: What I will do is not Ban Evade next time, not break the rules and not cause any sort of major roleplay disruption, chaos or general minge type behavior within the server. I will improve my behavior within the server and improve my standing with the Community.

Why should you be unbanned: I understand that Ban Evasion is a very serious offense within the server, it's also my first time Ban Evading and didn't know the consequences and now I see that. I will not continue to get myself warned or put myself into situations where I would be warned for things such as MassRDM, Ban Evasion and other things. I want a second chance within the community to prove myself in-game that I'm capable to enjoy my experience on a server like this without being a total nuisance to others and breaking the rules. I would like to be on the server without breaking rules and play with my friends again and because this server is really fun and interesting to me.
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