What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: "ZTX"
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:638030015
Ban Reason: "cheating"
Date of ban: 1/19/25
Who banned you: "grizzly" "Johnathan"
Ban length: Perma
What will you do to stop this from happening again: don't play combative jobs entirely
Why should you be unbanned: I don't know why I need to be making another appeal because I don't even use hacks but I get pulled in ts and SL said they had NL perms to ban me perma for "cheating" I asked why and they said that they had "STRONGER" evidence that I was using "Softlocking hacks" to win fights. Now if you think I hack that's fine but I never used hacks on gmod because I think having skill and getting kills feels rewarding
my first clip is the "strong evidence" from the "global elite who can detect hacks" but this is also the same guy who I 1v1'd yesterday https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jtFL9VvxYqllU7V86?invite=cr-MSxZZzYsMTQ2MjU3Mzc3LA now he clipped the 0:40 mark and he slowed down the clip and said that I was "softlocking" now I don't know how I can softlock a dead body but I hit his leg then his head and kept shooting his body even after death I let you know I also use a custom crosshair I use crosshair X for my gameplay but the overlay does not show on my clips also I have a tool called "sensitivity" that is in the GMOD settings. So meaning I have it set to pull stuff off like that
now my second clip is the guy who I 1v1'd https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jw9h95yAGOZ3R_TOp?invite=cr-MSxmTDcsMTQ2MjU3Mzc3LA now as you can see if you watch my clips I have pretty good aim but he assumed that I was hacking now how did this happen? I said that I kill tbs and he wanted to 1v1 for 100k I agreed and beat him all 3 rounds without losing
now if you still think I'm cheating or you think I'm innocent
I'm sorry to tell you this but this server or people like this guy does not accept skilled players like me which is sad because I played for 3 years and nobody has accused me of cheating until now. Because that false blacklist, my rep going from a skilled player to a cheater just sucks because I got played into getting myself perma banned I don't want to be called a cheater I just wanna be like the rest but it sucks that accusations like this fucks your rep and it's just annoying having to deal with stuff like this. I was chill with the stuff because I think it's funny but now we gotta stop the "bugware" accusations because the damage is already done.
I would like to add I've been in every MTF and reached the rank of CO [except B-1 and A1] and I was a CI delcom so I know how combat works in this game also I have 5k hours in gmod and 4k in crosshairX even tho it's a utility, so really are you going to believe a "Global elite in identifying hacks" or a experienced combative with 3 years of knowledge?
forgot to add, if you think I'm accusing this guy randomly check last screenshot
Also you can do a PC check on me and you will find nothing
Your in-game name: "ZTX"
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:638030015
Ban Reason: "cheating"
Date of ban: 1/19/25
Who banned you: "grizzly" "Johnathan"
Ban length: Perma
What will you do to stop this from happening again: don't play combative jobs entirely
Why should you be unbanned: I don't know why I need to be making another appeal because I don't even use hacks but I get pulled in ts and SL said they had NL perms to ban me perma for "cheating" I asked why and they said that they had "STRONGER" evidence that I was using "Softlocking hacks" to win fights. Now if you think I hack that's fine but I never used hacks on gmod because I think having skill and getting kills feels rewarding
my first clip is the "strong evidence" from the "global elite who can detect hacks" but this is also the same guy who I 1v1'd yesterday https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jtFL9VvxYqllU7V86?invite=cr-MSxZZzYsMTQ2MjU3Mzc3LA now he clipped the 0:40 mark and he slowed down the clip and said that I was "softlocking" now I don't know how I can softlock a dead body but I hit his leg then his head and kept shooting his body even after death I let you know I also use a custom crosshair I use crosshair X for my gameplay but the overlay does not show on my clips also I have a tool called "sensitivity" that is in the GMOD settings. So meaning I have it set to pull stuff off like that
now my second clip is the guy who I 1v1'd https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jw9h95yAGOZ3R_TOp?invite=cr-MSxmTDcsMTQ2MjU3Mzc3LA now as you can see if you watch my clips I have pretty good aim but he assumed that I was hacking now how did this happen? I said that I kill tbs and he wanted to 1v1 for 100k I agreed and beat him all 3 rounds without losing
now if you still think I'm cheating or you think I'm innocent
I'm sorry to tell you this but this server or people like this guy does not accept skilled players like me which is sad because I played for 3 years and nobody has accused me of cheating until now. Because that false blacklist, my rep going from a skilled player to a cheater just sucks because I got played into getting myself perma banned I don't want to be called a cheater I just wanna be like the rest but it sucks that accusations like this fucks your rep and it's just annoying having to deal with stuff like this. I was chill with the stuff because I think it's funny but now we gotta stop the "bugware" accusations because the damage is already done.
I would like to add I've been in every MTF and reached the rank of CO [except B-1 and A1] and I was a CI delcom so I know how combat works in this game also I have 5k hours in gmod and 4k in crosshairX even tho it's a utility, so really are you going to believe a "Global elite in identifying hacks" or a experienced combative with 3 years of knowledge?
forgot to add, if you think I'm accusing this guy randomly check last screenshot
Also you can do a PC check on me and you will find nothing
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