[SCP-RP USA] External Affairs Special Agent application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:631971872

Discord name: Kick#2235 / Anonrifle#0 (No access to this account at this time)

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Started in November of 2022 if I remember correctly. In game time over a month.

Age: 23

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: EST

Character name(s): Kevin Ki

Civilian name: John Jingleheimer

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

What are your total levels?: 150

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: I was a GSD CPT for a few months and got to E11 CSG before a accident happened and I had to stepdown from both sadly. I had planned to continue with E11 if I hadn't been injured. I am now a PVT in NU7


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I wanna say I had a FearRP warn as a D-Class when I was first starting. I had to go AFK so figured I'd just suicide and broke cuffs. But it happened well over 8 months ago now.


How long have you been a Senior Agent for? September 13th was when I got it so 2 weeks and a day now.


Why are you applying for Special Agent?: I really enjoy playing DEA, between CI combat, to assisting NU7 and E11, negotiating for hostages and raiding, and the RP it brings between handling Parawatch, info breaches, and the occasional espionage on surface. I feel like being a special agent will open more opportunities for this RP and character development.


What makes you suitable for Special Agent?: I feel like I've done well as a DEA up till now and I enjoyed my time as a GSD CPT a long time ago, I feel like I could do well in this position and know I can maintain myself professionally in a Jr CL4 position by experience in said previous role.


How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?: I wrote around 4 documents, a SCP-1025 evaluation, a unused CPT's guide to maintaining GSD, a Riot Sweep guide, and a permission forum for D-Class. None of them I'd look back and describe as "Well made". As for what makes a good document, I'd say a Index, proper use of titles, paragraphs, and punctuation, images where necessary to make it look good, clear focus in each area to allow the reader to easily understand the purpose of the document without rambling.


What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?: Maintaining the LvL3 agents, providing the information necessary to them to their superiors (mostly agency managers), training new agents and agents eligible to it to seniors. Plan and lead operations to stop info breaches, CI infiltration, and planning out raids (not authorizing), as well as allowing MC&D salesman that aren't blacklisted the authorization to sell weaponry to CL3 personnel.


Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Kevin Ki was in a small GOI as security personnel, not in a sense of loyalty but making a quick dollar. The group was basically just a large group of Parawatch with funding for weapons, a nothing burger till they managed to take out a SCP-939 and decided that Twitter was the place to post their discovery.

The local site was quick to crackdown on them, destroying all evidence of SCP-939 and raiding the group. The group despite it's weaponry wasn't prepared for a MTF raid, only a few even fighting back and others just tossing their weapons away. Thankfully none losing their lives.

After being loaded in multiple unmarked undercover foundation vans and a long ride the group was interrogated at a foundation site. The site was fairly new and understaffed, and needed some security forces and maintenance teams. That's where Kevin Ki got his lucky break. The foundation was willing to make a deal, the security staff of the small GOI tell them where they found the instance of SCP-939, and they can get a new job with better benefits and pay, it was a win win.

Of course some of the security had to "stand up to the man" and refused to give any information they had. Ironically it tended to be the same people that cowered and screamed when the MTF blew in their doors.

But others were smarter than that, they saw the kinda place they were in. You don't become so advanced under all of society's nose without knowing what you're doing, plus, money talks, and that money talked it's way across a map and right to the woods the 939 was killed.

With that a MTF with gasmask and weapons was sent into the woods on a hunt, to the public it was just a military training exercise.

The MTF found a cave and a pack of 939 inside. Managing to capture a few alive, and return them to the site for evaluation and testing, and the security that played ball got a new job in GSD.

It went well for a bit. A simple job and the few who were accepted enjoyed the easy pay, even if they were under heavy observation by their superiors. Until the site was attacked.

It happened suddenly, a containment breach. The SCPs were running wild. Researchers and janitors fleeing as they were killed or injured, security teams trying their best to contain what they could as they hoped for a MTF to come in and assist, but for some reason they couldn't get any distress signal out.

Then some military like vehicles pulled up to the front of the facility and men in combat gear quickly jumped out and ran to the door. Some security teams quickly ran to meet them and explain the situation, but were quickly shot down. It was the chaos insurgency, and they were there to collect what they worked hard for.

Staff of the site stood no chance, the only ones to survive were the ones that hid or went missing. Some of the new security was missing, but mostly the older more experienced staff. Kevin Ki was lucky enough to have been hidden behind a hallway cave in and rescued by a MTF sent out to inspect the site that went radio silent.

He was questioned, and explained what he saw at a diffrent site after being evacuated to it for testing to make sure he had nothing out of the ordinary. After all was said and done he was given the all clear and sent to a new site, very few of his old friends from the GOI coming with him.

He doesn't know it was the Chaos Insurgency that raided that facility, doesn't know it was some of the people he called friends who cut the ability to send a distress call, he doesn't know the GOI he was in was all a front put up by the Insurgency, and he was ment to die. All he knows is he was moved to Canada to continue his job.

The only people who know what really happened, was a few high ranking individuals, and the MTF that stormed the CI cell to retrieve the 939s and other SCPs they captured, and burn any trace of the foundation there.


Well-known Member
Jun 9, 2023

Application Accepted

After consideration with the senior team of External Affairs has come to the conclusion that you are currently fit for the position as a Special Agent. please contact me or any of the other Agency Managers

Thank you for applying.​

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