SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - "Archangel"

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Sep 23, 2023
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: "Archangel"

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:627933586

Discord Username: Kaido106

Age: 20

What's your current playtime: 07d 06h (and maybe 9 month im on the server)

Do you have a mic: Yes i do

Your characters name: [Foundation] Patrick Tyson/'Archangel
[GOC] 'Soundwave'
[Ci] Franklin Saint

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes it is my first application for GM

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: 6X [RDM] Some were not valid, but I did not know you could make complaints against it.

4X[Fail RP] 1] i was new as 999 and I followed a scp to surface ( i was warn asap not even a verbal) (again i did not know you could not do that) 2] shot someone as a tech expert 3] No idea cause it happen when i think i was not even here 4) shot 076 as a civ while he was surface.

1X [Metagame] Fake cm was called out and i ID check one who was a mod (that warn is still stupid for me) again did not know you could make complaints against it)

1X [FearRp] Was blindfolded broke out and was warned for it (did not know it was fear RP)

How many hours can you be on everyday: It depends cause of work so i would say 5/6 hours (i play mostly at night)

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: Not really its my first time doing that
(was a mod in a old Gmod server but thats really it)

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I would like to become GM in order to propose fun and interesting events for every one and also do more Situation Rp. I want players to have more Rp story's and more Rp situation to deal with because I feel like everyone is stuck on the game. I like this community and I want more people to have fun within the server and game.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I believe I could help for some reasons.
1) I've got some ideas for fun stuff that might happen on the site.
2) The availability of my time. Being in a different time zone can sometimes help when there's not enough GMs around to suggest something or throw an event.
3) As a GM trial or even a normal one, I would be happy to help my fellow GMs comrades for events or anything else.
4) My time in the serv could help and my knowledge about scp's also
5) The fact that i also can speak multiple language can also help during for a event.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
The Yule man (Scp-4666)
The citizens of Pinewood would explain seeing a weird, very tall figure looking like a demon with a large beard and long limbs in the snow at some random time. If people are looking too long at him, the figure will decide to kill that person when they are at their house.

When people go into their house, the figure will attempt to break in and kill all life forms in the house, leaving only blood and half-eaten corpses. For the people who don't go in their house it will only fix them and teleport behind them trying to scare them enough. The Authority of Pinewood, seeing those weird figures and seeing a lot of civilians missing, will call GOC, then maybe go to the Foundation.
(Scp-4666 will appear on pinewood killing the more people possible and scaring also the most possible) (he will also try to break in any house or even base with life in it) (for him to leave, you need to put or sing a Christmas song near him which he hates) (he will leave Pinewood after killing and eating enough people and putting enough fear for other people)

The One Above All (Scp-343)
During a Regular Interview on Scp-073, some researchers were doing to Cain, one of them asked if god was his grandfather. Cain responds by stating, "That man has punished me for my actions from a long time ago. I would prefer not to speak of him at this time, but yes He is. After that respond a loud trumpets sound can be heard in all the site. Cain understood what was going to happen but choose to say nothing to the foundation. One day pass everything going as usual in the foundation but all of a sudden a thunderclap be heard, and a man appear out of nowhere on the site, having a long white robe white hair and white beard. He's roaming around the site looking around cause of curiosity and decide to stay in the site for some times and talk with humans (Dclass SC MTF members etc) before going to find a certain 073 to see if he behaves well on earth. He also calls everyone he sees "my child"
(Scp 343 will appear on site talking with everyone he see and answers some questions if people ask him) (he's goal is to found Cain and see how he is now after Millions of year walking alone on earth)

"Change my Mind"

Due to an Unknown cognitohazard (a weird all black ball) some people have now the same mindset has some scp's such as 999/7722/2295/22415 and 073
the subject will Feel no good and will have the same behavior and mindset as the scp said before
Thinking they are the scp and being sure they are them (of course they don't know their life or secrets) only behavior the anomaly only stay for 15 min after the time passed the subject will be a bit sick and would forget everything he did during these 15 minutes

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): SCP 009 [the Red snow]
During a Raid of site-[REDACTED] made by CI a MC&D got hands on some 009 he has stolen, he put the Snow in a special box he made to keep the anomalies safe he tried to come back to Pinewood to show to the others MC&D what he found but all of a sudden he got attacked by an unknown creature. The box then fall on the ground and opening itself but pinewood being a freezing city -5°C The Snow begin to Spread really fast killing every organic life who touch it transforming them into dead bodies with Red spikes coming out all over the body. 10 min later all the snow of pinewood is red and contagious to any living being except if you have a hazmat suit. You need to wait for at least 35 min before the Snow disappear by itself

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff): O1) A SD who was known for being one of the most trusted Foundation personnel was discovered killing some Researchers and Foundation staff for the fun of it and making them seem like accidents. Omega-1 "Law's Left Hand" Were deployed by ECC on site-19 to found out why the SD Mindset change all of a sudden and if needed to be Arrested or Eliminated.

A1) O5-2 was assassinated by an unknown individual, not an anomaly, but the problem is there is no proof of a fight or even struggle, so it looks like -2 was killed by someone close to him by surprise. The only people who knew where he was were the others, O5's and Regcom A1.-1 Orders A1 to investigate and bring the head of the man who killed his most trusted coworker and to make him pay.

NU7) An organization called "Anderson Robotics" was discovered trying to make a cyborg with blood from some keter class scp to try to get their capacity. Nu7's objective is to raid Anderson Robotics and eliminate all the cyborgs.
Before they're done and find out what samples they used to make them.

UNGOC) During a test with 106 and 939 a 939 was brought to 106 cc and got Multiple of his limb being destroyed to see if 106 would react to the beast scream what he did but during that test the 939 Scream to certain Frequency only others 939 could hear that's how more than fifteen 939 were running to where the scream was heard Foundation decided to call GOC to help with that invasion the surface was about to have.

E11) A weird sound can be hear in the foundation like a heavy breathing people have the impression that something are coming for them,some witness swear they saw a little Ghost with a cotton bedsheet on him moving around site killing people and dissapearing E11 was Deployed to investigate to find out who or what that Guest is.

Ci) One of the Founder of the Chaos insurgency who was using a secret way to stop aging was found and kidnap by the Foundation and is now with O5's trying to get more information on locations or more secrets about the insurgency. Ci goal is to free their "hero" from the grip of the Foundation and escort him back to safety.

Foundation Staff) A strange little rabbit came on the site, everyone was thinking it was just a regular rabbit who came as a pet only for him to begin eating doors walls and even try to eat people foots and terrifying every Sentient scp's.
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Your ‘map change’ event just seems like it kills of surface for an hour, with little rp potential other than having to wear hazmat suits.
Your other three events don’t really have that much detail either or simply seem very vague in description.
Furthermore I feel like you should have reviewed your app for grammatical errors a bit more before submitting it (grammarly?).

You also forgot missions for E-11 and CI.

-support until your app is updated based on the criticism


Active member
May 13, 2024
+/- Eh?

I was a fan for a few of the events but noticed E-11 and CI were missing their mission, alongside the map change event preventing any activity on surface from civis and mcnds as neither can attain hazmats in their spawns. Another thing I personally can ignore if approved is the fact one of your missions requires the O5-2 to canonically die in the story, actively removing one of their slots.

However there is some things I like which somewhat balance it out so, 50/50

J P Bingus

Well-known Member
Dec 2, 2022
- support

The things you listed as ways you could help the server are things every GM is expected to do: make fun events, have time to do them, and help fellow GMs. What sets you apart from what normally is done?
Sep 23, 2023
Your ‘map change’ event just seems like it kills of surface for an hour, with little rp potential other than having to wear hazmat suits.
Your other three events don’t really have that much detail either or simply seem very vague in description.
Furthermore I feel like you should have reviewed your app for grammatical errors a bit more before submitting it (grammarly?).

You also forgot missions for E-11 and CI.

-support until your app is updated based on the criticism
Sorry for the Ci and E11 i completly forgot it was a bit late when i did this application im gonna fix that asap
for the map change i wanted to do something else with surface but i was not sure about what to take the 009,a city under the lake house ice who is a church of the Skarlett king children,a portal Opening in the Red lake dimension and like a lot of people a 001 Day break out idea but that thing is being too much used i feel like.
and for the details i just wanted not to put too much here and let people discover it during game or else
(and for the writting sorry im not the best at it)
Jul 1, 2023
I do think more thought needs to be put into some of these.
Events can be more than just "X comes to Site-65," although if done properly those can be good events.
As for the writing, I think if you could be more detailed with your 3 event ideas, that would be helpful to me, since currently I am not fully understanding the finer details of the events.
Sep 23, 2023
+/- Eh?

I was a fan for a few of the events but noticed E-11 and CI were missing their mission, alongside the map change event preventing any activity on surface from civis and mcnds as neither can attain hazmats in their spawns. Another thing I personally can ignore if approved is the fact one of your missions requires the O5-2 to canonically die in the story, actively removing one of their slots.

However there is some things I like which somewhat balance it out so, 50/50
It was more for the A1 mission but that could be a good event if one of the O5 want to leave or maybe 2 of them we never know
For the all map event i wont lie i had others idea like i said before 'a city under the lake house ice with a church of the Skarlett king children,a portal Opening in the Red lake dimension and 001 day break' but i took the 009 cause i think it was one of the ideas ive never saw on the forums before
Sep 23, 2023
I do think more thought needs to be put into some of these.
Events can be more than just "X comes to Site-65," although if done properly those can be good events.
As for the writing, I think if you could be more detailed with your 3 event ideas, that would be helpful to me, since currently I am not fully understanding the finer details of the events.
i put more info and reasons about the events now (except the yule man cause bro just here to kill no reasons)
Hoping it look better
Sorry for the Ci and E11 i completly forgot it was a bit late when i did this application im gonna fix that asap
for the map change i wanted to do something else with surface but i was not sure about what to take the 009,a city under the lake house ice who is a church of the Skarlett king children,a portal Opening in the Red lake dimension and like a lot of people a 001 Day break out idea but that thing is being too much used i feel like.
and for the details i just wanted not to put too much here and let people discover it during game or else
(and for the writting sorry im not the best at it)
More detail is required to show us that you are competent as a Gamemaster, these don't have to be events that you actually end up hosting. Extremely vague ideas don't give us much to go off.


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Dec 15, 2023
Application Accepted

Hi @"Archangel" ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

After deliberation, we have decided to accept your application, congratulations!

Please wait in TS Interview Waiting Room at your earliest convenience and get in contact with me (Grizzly) or Raixin on discord.
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