SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - Asmodeus "King"

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Jun 8, 2024

What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: Asmodeus "King"

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:150626263

Discord Username: Asmodeus

Age: 19

What's your current playtime: 06d 05h 45m 12s

Do you have a mic: Yes and Teamspeak

Your characters name: Asmodeus "King" - Foundation
John Steward "King" - Civilian
Moonrock "King" - CI

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: For Gamemaster yes this is my first

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: XP Farming: I received a 1-day ban and a warning for the same incident. This happened when I was still relatively new, and we had just finished fighting back a massive Code Black with Gensec's help. While playing as a scientist, I started crediting everyone as I had seen others do in the past. I did not realize it was a mistake, and I accepted the punishment without argument when the admin informed me. I learned from it and never let it happen again. Other than that, this has been my only warning so far.

How many hours can you be on everyday: really depends on the day as im in the military and may have to sstay in camp sometimes but around 3/4

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: Yes im apart of a Nation RP server on discord known as Project Inkunzi (youll see my name in the Consuls)

The server has around 1800 members with 257 people playing as nations in the game, my job was to help and oversee all the moderator teams which includes the random events and major events team, writing lore is a big thing when preparing major events

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I believe ill be able to cook up a few random events every so often to breathe life into the server without making it feel too chaotic, ive also realized that many players especially the lower levels such as CL3 and 2s are often left out in events due to their low level and thus i would like to cook up some events for them to enjoy

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: Ive been apart of a event team before planning major events months in advance and have many ideas i can help bring over from there too here, Im already known as being very active on the server only ever goofing off in private in order to prevent ruining peoples fun.

Ontop of all that ill focus alot on the main departments such as Research, Security and Medical rather then the higher ups like DEA, IA , SA as i feel they deserve alot more attention then they do now. It also includes ETS however it will have to be when there are less minges on the job

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server): The Artificial Intelligence Applications Division has developed a new AI robot capable of participating in a wide range of tasks. Four of these robots have been selected for deployment at Site-65 for testing and review to assess their effectiveness. These four robots will be assigned to the Research, Security, Surface Operations (SOP), and Internal Affairs (IA) Departments to assist in their respective endeavors within the site.

Due to the remote location of Site-65, supply runs to the site are crucial and essential endeavors. With the increasing activity of Groups of Interest (GOIs) in the region, Site-65 must be prepared to receive the next delivery. A standard delivery of supplies is scheduled for pick-up at the helipad. Foundation personnel, including chefs, tech experts, and engineers, are responsible for retrieving the supplies and placing them in storage before any GOIs can intercept them. Failure to do so would result in Site-65 being cut off until another supply run can be arranged.

SCP-4999 is a humanoid entity of unknown origins and composition. Its physical appearance varies, with dark formalwear being the only constant between manifestations. Due to the rarity of recorded SCP-4999 manifestation events and the highly specific circumstances in which they occur, little data concerning its nature or intent is available; SCP-4999 will manifest only in the presence of one solitary human person at a time. All subjects recorded to date have been in terminally poor health, critically injured, or on their deathbeds. Upon manifestation, the entity will seat itself directly adjacent to the subject's bed, if such furniture is available. If not, it will remain standing or sit on the floor/ground in whatever configuration will allow it direct physical access to the subject without causing disturbance. Once situated, it will remove a pack of cigarettes from its left inside jacket pocket and offer one to the subject. If the subject accepts, SCP-4999 will place it between their lips, remove one for itself, and light both. If the subject declines, SCP-4999 will light and smoke the cigarette instead. The entity will make physical contact with the subject, typically via holding their hand, placing its hand atop theirs, or resting its hand on their shoulder.

(This is just a copy and paste of SCP-4999 im sure you guys know what it is as its a famous SCP and i think it would make for a pretty cool event to have)

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): Event: Research Expedition to SCP-1437

Objective: Investigate parallel universes via SCP-1437, with an unexpected detour to the UK server.

SCP-1437, known as "A Hole to Another Place," is an anomalous sinkhole located in a remote desert. Objects and individuals that enter SCP-1437 emerge in parallel universes, each with unique variations of the Foundation and its operations.

Event Outline:


A research team is assembled to explore the potential of parallel universes through SCP-1437.
Team members include researchers, security personnel, and technical experts.
The mission is to gather data on the nature of these universes and their variations of the SCP Foundation.

The team prepares for the expedition with necessary equipment and briefings.
They descend into SCP-1437 and, instead of arriving at the expected parallel universe, they find themselves on the opposite server (AKA UK will move over to US and US will move over to UK) Both CI and GOC would be informed of the first successful breach into parallel universes from the whole allowing them to jump in and meet their counterparts if they so desire

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff): | O1 | It seems the captains have been a bit naughty recently and have used a large amount of Class F over the months to build a cult-like following within the GENSEC personnel in Site-65. Ethics has deemed it necessary to eliminate the captains and their cult members before they revolt and take over the site. O1 will be outgunned and outmanned but it has to be done, capture and interrogate if possible.

| A1 | Someone has learnt about the location of the O5 Members on site, A1 is tasked with finding, abducting and interrogating this individual in regards to how they accessed this information, before they leak this information out to the rest of the site or even worse to the Parawatch members?

| Nu-7 |Why are there so many salesmen in this godforsaken town? Go and investigate what has gotten all their hopes up. MC&D has gotten hold of SCP-005 and is attempting to sell it to one of the GOIs in Pinewood. Stop them at their secret auction by either spending the most or, if necessary, slamming the hammer down on all of them.

| E-11 | A hidden portal has opened, revealing a new dimension where an SCP entity is wreaking havoc. E-11 is tasked with containing the entity, exploring the dimension, and assessing any potential threats or resources. Utilize specialized containment protocols and dimensional analysis tools to manage the situation and ensure the safety of personnel involved.

| CI | The next part of the engineer's plan requires the help of a dangerous SCP inside Site-65. Our cell has been tasked with retrieving SCP-049 from Site-65, disguising ourselves as the Foundation Transportation Department in order to "transport" SCP-049 to a new site. In truth, he will be collected by the engineer himself to be used to fuel the next step of our plans.

| UNGOC | SCP 1609 has been spotted near our FOB, DESTROY IT ALL COSTS ITS A TELEPORTING CHAIR, nothing could even go wrong from this.....

| Foundation Staff | SCP-011 has been moved to Site 65 for temporary containment while its park is under renovation, ensure it remains comfortable in its temporary holding cell and for the love of god do not piss of the war veterans, he is not afraid to shoot.

Julien White

Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
May 11, 2024
- Support

Same with other applications that have came out as of recent, they include no to barely any formatting, the events are lacking in detail and not much effort has been put into them. This doesn't show your 'creativity' which is something the GM team look for, instead it looks like a half assed job.
Jun 8, 2024
- Support

Same with other applications that have came out as of recent, they include no to barely any formatting, the events are lacking in detail and not much effort has been put into them. This doesn't show your 'creativity' which is something the GM team look for, instead it looks like a half assed job.
If you want more detail on the events i would be able to provide them its just id rather not railroad events and let the players actions lead to the outcome of said events, yknow. I play DND and have been a dungeon master a couple times and I'm just basing my event planning off of that.

One thing i will say is yeah your right about the creativity part its just I'm not really sure what trial gamemasters are allowed to do when they say small events, so it was pretty hard to come up with a few of them and I was planning to shadow another gamemaster if i was accepted and learn that way but I understand if my answers show a lack of creativity
Jun 8, 2024
- Support

Same with other applications that have came out as of recent, they include no to barely any formatting, the events are lacking in detail and not much effort has been put into them. This doesn't show your 'creativity' which is something the GM team look for, instead it looks like a half assed job.
I also want to point out the fact that, the thread doesnt really allow us to fromat due to it being formatted as a form so the lack of effort of formatting would not be on my part same with the other applicants


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Dec 15, 2023
Application Accepted

Hi @Asmodeus ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

After deliberation, we have decided to accept your application, congratulations!

Please wait in TS Interview Waiting Room at your earliest convenience and get in contact with me (Grizzly) or Raixin on discord.
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