SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - Coral Lycensoft

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Feb 27, 2023

What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: Coral Lycensoft

Your SteamID: 76561198094235638

Discord Username: Spotycoffee

Age: 19

What's your current playtime: 06 D 21 H 20 Mins (as of 12.07.2024 on the month time counter)

Do you have a mic: Yes.

Your characters name: Foundation : Coral Lycensoft
CIV : Amelia Thomas

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes it is my first GM application

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: Nope! I'm a goody two-shoes.

How many hours can you be on everyday: 2 to 8 hours (Depending on irl)

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: Yes, in a few different servers over two games (gmod and the isle). Both event team.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I was peer pressured- jkjk.

I believe that I can bring some enjoyable non combat based events to the server to give the many starving larpers some much needed sustenance! That and so I don't need to annoy the current GM’s

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: > I have many creative ideas running around my brain, ones that can include many different departments and factions!
> I’m always on my best behavior, ensuring to only goof off in private to ensure i don’t disrupt anyone's time on the server. Along with helping enhance their experience on this server.
> I’ll focus on more surface events that all factions can partake in!

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server): With no SCP designation, only a name given by the person entrusted in caring for her. Andromida is a small quadrupedal entity who’s form can phase in and out of the main dimensional plane. She as of current, has the intelligence of a 4 year old child and is a clever problem solver. Her physical form takes the shape of a griffin with a more slender stature- appearing to resemble that of a crow more so than the usual eagles the beast in question is typically depicted with. As of current Andromida’s existence is known to all three main factions in Pinewood. Despite their best efforts to conceal her existence, Andromida with her easily distracted attention span tends to wander.

| 1879 - M | “ The Physician “ |
1879 - M Appears as a middle aged British man who’s attire’s reminiscent of doctors from the 1920’s, he carries an old style doctors bag and roams around places of medicine. Interactions between 049 and this entity have been documented in the past- the topics of what were discussed are not known. “ The Physician “, is seemingly drawn to people with physical injuries, tending to offer assistance in the form of the phrase ‘ Let me take your pain.’, when the patent in question accepts this deal their injuries seemingly fade away, along with any physical pain. The injuries will then soon appear on “ The Physician “ who’m will proceed to excuse himself. Depending on the level of injury, will determine the side effect. Reports state that minor injuries result in an object of personal value vanishing. Major injury costs of this doctor are unknown- but they appear to be cheaper than the American healthcare system.

|SCP - 625 | Anklebiters |
These small critters are nocturnal hunters appearing as small rodent-like creatures sized around 20 and 30cm in length, when unfed they can weigh between 2.0 and 2.5 KG. All instances have sensitive ears and eyes, and tend to have claws between 12 and 16cm in length All instances tend to take part in behaviors of claw sharpening and what not. Analysis of 625’s saliva composition contains a powerful local anesthetic, which they use to paralyze their prey temporarily to tear off chunks of their flesh, tending to aim for the ankles. When not subdued, 625 instances are highly hostile to humans, and are seemingly only subdued by strong bright lights (>400 Lumens), or some form of ultrasonic noice, when exposed to these stimuli, instances will return to a dormant state where they will not react to external stimuli. Removal of offending stimuli will give approximately 80 seconds before the instance becomes active again.
These instances have the capability of moving in speeds of excess of 35KPH and the ability to exert forces of 400N, they have the capability and their unusual muscle structures, they are capable of jumping approximately two meters vertically.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): (This would be a dupe i’d need to make)
Item #: SCP-1879 - B

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures:

1879 - B has no known working special containment procedures, due to its location and nature- all filming equipment either malfunctions or fades out of reality. Returning to the owner once they leave.

1879 - B is an old tavern resembling a pub built from the 1850’s, its a singular structure with a tree on the pathway leading into it. The tavern resides in a pocket dimension only accessible through a mark found on its regular paytons bodies. This mark resembles that of a small and simplified hyena tattoo on their inner wrist. The only marks that are known are typically found on type green reality benders, as if the patron attempts to inform about the tavern to a non thumatologist personal the mark will vanish and they will cease to know anything about the tavern.

There is a spherical atmosphere around the tavern, any attempts to leave the bubble result in shadow-like entities blocking the person in question's path. If one is to persist- and not take the warnings, they will fall off the edge and phase back to where they vanished from.

An entity designated 1879 - B.2 appears at the door to the tavern when a patron approaches, B.2 appears to be one of these shadow entities, commonly known as ‘Jester’ by the patrons. This entity will proceed to check the legitimacy of the mark, if you don't have it the entity will become hostile and drag the person in question to the edge of the sphere and ‘send them back’. ‘Jester’ appears as a shadow canine, reminiscent of a spotted hyena in physical structure.

There is one more entity, 1879 - B.3, “The Bartender”, Not much is known about this entity. But he appears to be the one in charge.

As of current there has only been one known foundation thumatologist who has gained access to this tavern. Thumatologist Andrew Stlarka, his current location is residing at Site 19, a part of the research team researching SCP-053.


Current interview contains all current knowledge Mr Stlarka has given, he seemed rather… Hesitant in regards to providing information. Disciplinary action has been given in response to his insubordination.
Interviewee: Thumatologist Andrew Stlarka
Interviewer: Operative Daniel
Date/Time: 1988/08/05 09:21 EST
<Begin Log>

Operative Daniel : “ You are aware that your lack of cooperation could potentially be seen as a form of treason, correct? “

Mr.Stlarka : “ Believe me, i’m more than aware, But given the nature of this anomaly- if I say too much or give off some sensitive information about it i’ll lose my access and privileges! “

Operative Daniel : “ This is not up for debate mr.Stlarka, There are other thumatologists you could funnel this information through. Be vague if you have too. Just give us the answers we ask. “

MR.Stlarka : “ Fine, fine. When I got there it seemed like a quaint little location. Seemed well kept and the bouncer was a happy little fellow. When I got in there it was a lovely little tavern- there weren't many other people, but they didn't seem connected to whatever this anomaly was. “

Operative Daniel : “ Continue. “

Mr.Stlarka : “ Well, of course I went to the bar! Why wouldn’t I? When I arrived there, I was greeted. Asked what sort of drink I wanted- Hell I didn't even need to ask and he started mixing up my favorite beverage. “

Operative Daniel : “ Anything else? “

Mr.Stlarka : “ I mean, he was nice to chat too really, offered me advice- not malicious but genuinely some good advice. He doesn't seem evil- just, running his own tavern business. “

Operative Daniel : “ You’ll still be receiving Disciplinary action for your hiding of this anomaly, but thank you for cooperating. “

Mr.Stlarka : “ But I told you what I could! Why am I still getting punished? This is ridiculous! “

<End of Log>

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff): Due to the deatail behind other awnsers, I do apologies for the summary mission ideas!

| O1 | Investigation, What happened that day? On what seemed a usual day ECM Coral Lycensoft suddenly went unresponsive over comms. Causing a panic amongst the operatives. Only for her to strangely reappear an estimated 30 minutes later, walking out of Floor 3. Surely she would have told them? Right…? Something doesn’t add up.

| A1 | Someone has learnt about the codename of one of the Overseers, A1 is tasked with finding, abducting and interrogating this individual in regards to how they accessed this information. Will they successfully capture the culprit before the information is utilized as blackmail?

| Nu-7 | Parawatch has been quiet recently… Far too quiet. What are they planning? They have to be planning something. Well, that feeling was soon confirmed, Parawatch are planning to steal SCP - 2295. As some form of attempt to prove the existence to the rest of pinewood- and validate themselves. Nu-7 must stop their attempts!

| E-11 | Strange occurrences are usual in hcz, but there's a limit to the mental stability of their operatives. A strange mist like cloud roams the halls of HCZ- they must figure out what it does and contain it, to ensure the safety of the site.

| CI | That… Creature… GOC’s pet… It doesn’t belong to them, they don’t deserve it. They aren't using its full potential like we would. It deserves better, we deserve it. No matter what it takes- the leadership would be impressed if we managed to take and train it appropriately. It could be an amazing little spy… Why wouldn't it be? I mean we saw it phase through walls! What other untapped potential does it have!

You better keep that little beast close to you GOC, Chaos is coming to claim what is rightfully ours!
(Thought the ci one would be more fun written up in a pov standpoint. Makes the concept more interesting.)

| UNGOC | GOC Command have tasked the fob at pinewood with the temporary testing and storage of a new prototype android specifically built to help recontain anomalies, Its their job to assist in fine tuning the AI. To ensure no potential malfunctions occur…

| Foundation Staff | SCP-018 has been transfered to site 65, Research staff please proceed to partake in tests. Please ensure no maintenance staff mystake it for a regular ball, and for the love of the site- please dont bounce it in the open, we dont need a high numbers of concussion based deaths! Follow proceedures. And don't use it as a weapon... I know you have temptations..
Jun 17, 2022
+Activity [I see you a lot]
+Worked with GM's in the past to do events
+Super kind to everyone
+Aplacation shows a lot of creativity

Roles Holding
DEA sr Agent
DEA Agent

Roles Held

"I hope that you find the path to greatness and seize every opportunity that comes your way. With determination, perseverance, and a strong belief in yourself, there's no doubt you can make greatness a reality. Remember, it's your journey, and you have the potential to achieve incredible things"
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Active member
May 13, 2024
+Support Corals pretty chill and I could personally see her as a Gamemaster
she keeps yelling at me for kidnapping my LT
Feb 27, 2023
I think that most of the events listed here are detailed and well thought out.
I quite enjoy the obsession with 1879.
I would like to see more of what this person has to bring.

yeah- i have an unhealthy obsession with headconnons regarding why the indoor salesman does what he does- so im building off. Business' have different sectors afterall :D
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