SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - dragonmine29

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Game Master
Game Master
Feb 2, 2024
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: dragonmine29

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:244566484

Discord Username: StxyDrxgon

Age: 21

What's your current playtime: 7D 20H

Do you have a mic: yes

Your characters name: foundation: Hydra | GOC: Wyvern

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: yes

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: i have one ban on record for MRDM during my first month in the server, and i have received a Fail RP warn that has expired and no longer shows in Warns.

How many hours can you be on everyday: 3-4

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: no

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I would like to become a GM to enable more RP during situations i am in along with make events across the server that includes most people as i feel events tend to get locked behind CL4 cards too often.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I am very active during low pop hours, where i notice that there tend to not be many staff on, especially GMs. During these low pop times i would be doing things to enhance RP across the server. I also tend to listen to many SCP lore videos when I'm at work so i have a pretty good knowledge base of the SCP universe, including lesser known GOIs, such as the mekhanites and the daevites.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server): 1:
COMMS: {NEXUS > GOC FOB 65} "MEMBERS OF --- *static* 65, WE ARE IN THE PROCCESS O---- *static* TRANSPORTING --- *static* W-- *static* OUR - OUR ENGINE IS HIT WE AR- *static* -RASH LANDING - *static* SEND IMMEDIATE HELP - *static* - SPECIAL CARG--- *static* - BE CAREFUL-- *static* GODSPEED... *static and explosion is heard*

After this transmission is received by members of GOC FOB 65, they were able to get a rough trace on the general location of the transmission, backed up by an emergency SOS beacon in that area.

Upon leaving the FOB and arriving at the last known location of the NEXUS members, they locate a crashed helicopter. When looking inside, they see multiple bodies mangled beyond all recognition, along with a single briefcase.

After retrieving the briefcase and returning to their FOB to contact NEXUS Command, they find all of their comms to be inoperable. Upon opening the briefcase, they find a small amulet.

(From here on out, the event would change based on how the players react and choose to handle it.)

Should members of the GOC begin to analyze the amulet, they would find a strange energy signature of thaumaturgic nature. It would appear that the energy is disrupting their communications, and if touched without protection, the person would be immediately thrown into a comatose state. Should a dead body come into contact with the amulet, the body would begin rapidly regenerating before seemingly coming back to life. Upon coming back to life, this person would begin screaming, "Send me back, I want to go back. We don't belong here," before doing anything they can to be killed. The people that have been put into a comatose state would eventually come out of this state. However, while they will not be nearly as insane as one of the revived dead bodies, they will be rambling on about "not belonging here".

Upon questioning what they mean, the person will begin to describe a very dark world. In this world they would have experienced zero "feelings" aka, no pain, no sadness, no sensation of self. However this also includes no happiness, joy, love. Now that they are back in their bodies, they are being overloaded with sensation. They describe the "world" they were in as addictive.

All persons affected by the amulet will begin becoming sick. When given an MRI, a "tumor" will show up in their brain. Should surgery to remove the "tumor" occur, there will be no "tumor" visible to the surgeon. Further MRI scans will show the "tumor" has turned into a black void within the cranial cavity. The persons effected will die within 6 months of contact with the amulet.

Towards the end of the event, it would be recommended that GOC contacts NEXUS Command. They will be told to attempt to liquidate the amulet, should this fail. A transport helicopter will be sent out to the FOB to attempt to bring the amulet back to NEXUS Command for safe storage.

COMMS: {OVERWATCH HQ > FOUNDATION SITE 65} "Hello Site 65, we are reaching out to inform you that a squad of Lambda-4 is passing by Site 65 with an anomalous entity en route to Site 19. They are experiencing technical difficulties and will be stopping by Site 65 to get it sorted out. While they are there, we request that you bring this entity into a temporary containment cell until members of Lambda-4 can continue on. Feel free to gather samples and conduct minor testing with this entity while it is in your facility. Please have Lambda-4 inform you of the procedures involving this entity."

The entity in question is SCP 9073: a glowing pink Kiwi Bird. If someone spends longer than 30 minutes with this entity, they will appear to start melting, although they will not notice or show any signs of pain. Once this person has fully melted into a puddle of red, the Kiwi will begin to drink this fluid. Should a person taste this "goop," they would say it tastes like strawberry milk. To go along with this, I would make the samples from the Kiwi be strawberry milk.

Procedures for interacting with SCP 9073 are as follows:
All personnel entering the CC require biohazard suits on. All personnel are limited to 30 minutes maximum exposure time to 9073. It is recommended that personnel bring small berries and fruits for consumption by SCP 9073.
During this time, 2 Lambda-4 will be standing guard of SCP 9073 and 4 will be in Foundation garage working with SOP and technical staff to repair their vehicles. Should the vehicles be unable to be repaired, Foundation is to inform Overwatch HQ, and request additional vehicles flown out and air dropped over the Pinewood area. It will then be SOP job to go retrieve said vehicles and get Lambda-4 back on their way.

COMMS: {The Engineer > Delta Command} "Hello, members of Delta Command. I have received information about a Foundation convoy escorting an anomaly through your area. I am tasking you with retrieving this object and loading it into the transport helicopter I am sending to your location. To assist you, I will be sending extra armaments and vehicles."

The Chaos Insurgency will be receiving a shipment of AA12 shotguns and Kbar-32 , along with an M1 Abrams tank. The Foundation escort in question will have two M1 Abrams tanks, a transport Humvee, and multiple ground troops escorting the Humvee.

The object in question is SCP 3108, an anomalous Nerf gun that, when used, turns the person shot into an entity the user believes to be inferior. This usually results in the person being shot turning into a rat, an ant, or even a butterfly.

Members of CI will have roughly 30-45 minutes to experiment with SCP 3108. When using the Nerf gun, a subject that has been turned into say, a rat, will be 100% identical to an ordinary rat. Both on a DNA, HUME, and intelligence test the subject will match an ordinary rat.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): *sensors on the surface for Foundation, GOC, and CI have all gone off for a temporal anomaly*

Upon reaching the location of the anomaly, whoever shows up finds a building of unknown origin. When samples of the building are taken, they appear to match the chemical makeup of formations in the Egyptian desert and, when carbon-dated, appear to be from around 2400 BCE.

When entering the building, the player will experience a sudden but temporary feeling of nausea and confusion. However, if the player has a form of augmentation, this effect will be lessened or negated entirely. The building is intricately decorated, with what appears to be bronze used for many of the decorations.

Should the player decide to leave, they will find they are no longer in the pinewood area but rather in a massive ancient cityscape in a desert. Samples carbon-dated from this city also date back to roughly 2400 BCE, but the city appears to be extremely advanced in nature.

When exploring different parts of the city, there appear to be no inhabitants left. However, you would notice a large number of shops and libraries, with many of the shops appearing to have blacksmithing components. When reading any of the tablets from the library, you would find the language unrecognizable, however there are traces of old Arabic. Looking into the shops with smithing tools, you would find many forms of prostheses, appearing to be made from bronze and incredibly intricate.

Should this "Bronze" be tested with, a person will find that it is extremely durable. This "Bronze" is shown to be highly heat resistant, highly resistible to damage, and 4-5X the tensile strength of steel. In fact the person testing it would question how this ancient civilization even worked this metal into the intricate designs and machines they did.

Some more exploring would find that there are what appear to be reactors in the city. Upon further research into these reactors it is found that these reactors appear to be cold fusion reactors. Something that not even our technology is capable of doing. Without knowing this civilizations language and designs however, the reactors cannot be reverse engineered.

There is a very large, incredibly detailed building in the middle of the city. When entering, you can see a throne with various "cables" and a headpiece attached to it. Should you connect these to an individual, that person would experience sudden memories from the previous ruler of this city. You would learn that this city is Amoni Ram, an ancient city of the Mekhanite Empire, worshippers of Mekhane, which has since devolved into the Church of the Broken God.

Much of this is vague as many parts of this change based on how the players choose to interact with these events and objects they find.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
A member of the serpents hand has infiltrated the foundation and caught wind of an ethics member that has not been treating some entities with any respect (specifically the TGs that are in a bare cell with no amenities). O-1 has caught wind of this infiltrator and must locate, detain, and question this serpents hand member of any information he has.

While the UIU is generally on good terms with the foundation, A-1 has caught wind of a UIU infiltrator sent to gather information on the O5 council, members of A-1 will be tasked with locating, detaining, and gathering info on the UIU along with reaching out to the UIU for questioning

There have been reports of a man with strange powers wandering pinewood, Nu-7 is tasked with bringing this person in for evaluation of anomalous abilities. They can choose to try and bring the man in peacefully or by incapacitating him and bringing him in by force

To follow up, E11 is tasked with receiving the individual from Nu-7 and evaluating the threat level and abilities of the man and possible containment procedures for him.

CI has received information regarding an object that the Foundation has come into possession of, and are tasked with infiltrating Foundation stealing the object and figuring out how to weaponize it against the Foundation.

UNGOC & Foundation Staff:
Members of the GOC have come into possession of a object that they cannot destroy and appears to be influencing reality around it. they are tasked with reaching out to Foundation and collaborating with Foundation staff to come up with a containment procedure as the object cannot be destroyed.
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Julien White

Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
May 11, 2024
- Support

This application has nothing that stands out, most events / missions are lacking in detail and there is no formatting. There has been barely any effort put into this application excluding the small portions of writing.


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Nov 26, 2022

For the small events I would put more effort into them. Describe them a bit more, what RP will take place, etc. (Referring more to the 1st than the other 2).

As for the mission events, emphasize. Why is the UIU investigating the O5? How did A-1/O-1 hear about the infiltrators?. As for the CI event, that is basically what they do daily so I'd think of something more unique. I'd also like to particularly see more detail on the UNGOC & Foundation Staff mission.

Overall, I think several areas could use improvement (including grammar). I will gladly change to +Support should all of these be addressed/remedied! :)


Game Master
Game Master
Feb 2, 2024

For the small events I would put more effort into them. Describe them a bit more, what RP will take place, etc. (Referring more to the 1st than the other 2).

As for the mission events, emphasize. Why is the UIU investigating the O5? How did A-1/O-1 hear about the infiltrators?. As for the CI event, that is basically what they do daily so I'd think of something more unique. I'd also like to particularly see more detail on the UNGOC & Foundation Staff mission.

Overall, I think several areas could use improvement (including grammar). I will gladly change to +Support should all of these be addressed/remedied! :)
the reason they are left vague is purposfull, im not a fan when staff try and strong arm an event to go a certain way, i would prefer most of that to be up to the player. so if i do get GM and do events there would be a basic guide like what is shown here, and then the rest is up to the players. just like a DND campaign


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Nov 26, 2022
the reason they are left vague is purposfull, im not a fan when staff try and strong arm an event to go a certain way, i would prefer most of that to be up to the player. so if i do get GM and do events there would be a basic guide like what is shown here, and then the rest is up to the players. just like a DND campaign
I get that, however you can include more detail without describing exactly how the event will end. I just mean like describing more on each event in general. For example, with the first event - how will GOC interact with the bodies? What will they do to get rid of them? Will they cleanup the crash site? etc. etc.


Game Master
Game Master
Feb 2, 2024
I get that, however you can include more detail without describing exactly how the event will end. I just mean like describing more on each event in general. For example, with the first event - how will GOC interact with the bodies? What will they do to get rid of them? Will they cleanup the crash site? etc. etc.
I have gone through and edited this, added some more details, fixed some grammatical and other errors, please let me know if it is still inadequate, and if there are anymore things you recommend I change. Much appreciated


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Dec 15, 2023
Application Accepted

Hi @Drxgon ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

After deliberation, we have decided to accept your application, congratulations!

Please wait in TS Interview Waiting Room at your earliest convenience and get in contact with me (Grizzly) or Raixin on discord.
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