SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - gak

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Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2024
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: gak

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:106102719

Discord Username: Gak0992

Age: 21

What's your current playtime: 7d 4h

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name:
Kowaru Nagisa [CS-EN] - Foundation
Shikanoko noko - Civilian

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: No

How many hours can you be on everyday: 2-3 hours, depending on how school goes.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: I do not.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
I would like to become a Gamemaster, because of other game masters. From my experience on the server, partaking in game master events has been a very enjoyable time, and I would like to be apart of the team that hosts events, to provide others with the same experience that I have been having during events. I also have random ideas that pop into my head from time to time for events, and I believe that they would be enjoyable for other players if the event were to happen.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
I believe that I would be able to help the server as I have a lot of random ideas that could be interesting to other players to partake of. When on the server, I have a lot of medical procedures, and research ideas that could be fun if they were to be played out. While most of them are smaller events, I believe that having random idea’s that other players find fun could be beneficial to departments who have been testing on the same SCP’s for a while to have something new. I have also been playing medical very much while I am on the server which is mainly RP based, such as surgeries, psych evals, etc, and my RP abilities have greatly improved to the point that I feel like I can be apart of events and provide good role play to other players.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

A strange person has walked into medbay, looking pale and different from all other personnel that are on site. They have an older uniform on, and are requesting to have a check up as they are not feeling well. This person would interact with medical and let them run their tests, attempting to find out what is wrong with this person, as they have a disease that has never before been seen.

-The GM would be the sick person, set with a pre-destined disease. Since medical staff are usually not actually doctors, the GM would drop hints, give symptoms, and point the medical staff in the right direction.


A new piece of information has been found by a recruit during a small raid on a point thought insignificant. This information found seems to be ground breaking, and needs to be researched to ensure its validity. Once this information has been proven valid, they now need to spread the word around, as this information is classified and could upset the highest personnel within the foundation.

-The GM would be the one that plays this recruit, ensuring that the info breach is not used to destroy rp within the foundation, and coordinate with CI leaders to have an infobreach raid happen.

Site Command:
There seems to be an influx of personnel attempting to do tests that they do not have clearance for. E-11 has been calling to the research department to let them know that their personnel are acting strange and attempting to do things that they are not supposed to do. The research department has escalated this to site command, and now site command has to attempt to gain control of the situation before the overseers find out that a department is acting strange and causing issues.

-The GM would play as an unseen figure that claims to be a department head of research, and has been giving research staff ghost orders to do these tests. Once researchers have been found out and site command has been notified, all researchers are let go from their holding cell as they have been amenstisized, and were not in control of their actions. The GM would then make his apperance from the shadows, attempting to sample things with poorly written documents. The site command now needs to figure out who this person is, how he got into the facility, and attempt to see what his plans were.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
A map change event could be a sample retrieval mission. One day, SCP-049 broke containment and made it to the wild. During this time in the wild, SCP-049 was able to infiltrate a town and use the citizens within this town as his test subjects. This town was larger than pinewood, and was patrolled infrequently by the UN. The UN noticed that there were far less citizen’s in the area than before, and eventually noticed that SCP-049 was there. MTF groups were deployed to recontain SCP-049 and retrieve the citizens that had been used as test subjects, to anesthetize them and ensure that their injections would not cause later on issues. Once the group had determined that they had no issues with civilians remebering any information, they start bringing the citizens samples back to the base for research to ensure that no further problems would occur. Before this transportation was going to happen, CI were able to intercept their communications and the location that they transmitted their message from. The CI would attempt to stop MTF from getting back to the foundation and steal the samples that they had collected from the citizens. Once the certain group has won, they will get the samples and now need to research how they can use the samples to better their side. This would be done in a custom city.

-The game master would play as the mayor of the town that has been infected, as one of the last survivors. Desperate to keep what little he the city has left, he is escorting mtf units to the hot zones where most of the SCP's are. Due to this being the first time hes seen something so interesting like a breach, and realizing the MTF were going to not let him keep any samples, he turned on the MTF transmitting their location. He knows where to meet the CI, and is now going to help lead them to where they are located to steal the samples and give some to the CI for their help.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
O-1 Situation:
An overseer from a different site has come to the foundation for talks with SIte-65’s overseer council. During this visit, many questionable things were said by the visiting Overseer, triggering Site-65’s overseer council to prompt and ethics investigation into this visitors methods. During this investigation, the guest overseer was able to grab a D-class from d-block, and started heading towards a containment chamber to get samples disregarding the rules and regulations set forth by Site-65. O-1 has been tasked with escorting ethics to arrest the visiting overseer due to all the ethics violations that they had committed, and needs to make sure that this rouge overseer does not attempt to harm any ethics committee member.

-The GM would play as this overseer, starting off as a friendly person from another facility. He would be genuinly interested for the information he requests, and will act accordingly with other overseers. Once this has been done, he will ask what is contained here. He will show over excitment at certain SCP's, and eventually end the conversation with friendly goodbyes. He will have O-1 escort him to D-Class, with the guise that he is a visitor. He would grab a D-Class out of the line, and then start heading towards an SCP that he was never supposed to actually interact with. This will cause issues an O-1 will have to arrest him.

A-1 situation:
A new type of reality bender has been contained within the facility. This reality bender has powers stronger than the normal D-Class type blue previously seen, and has slipped through the process and was placed into D-Block. During his time within prison, the CI raided and was able to info breach information about the overseer council. Given his belief that he was imprisoned falsely, he now has his plans set on revenge and attempting to assassinate any overseer that he encounters. Once the CI were dealt with, he was escorted to a test using SCP-914. He was able to disguise himself using SCP-914, and killed the researcher that was using 914. He now roams the facility, looking for any overseers as discreetly as possible.

-The GM would be the reality bender, with a bit more health than a regular reality bender (D-Class realty bender). Another GM would be a researcher that brings this D-Class to 914, and he would be disgused as a foundation personnel. This D-Class would then turn on the researcher, saying that the overseers are next on his list. This GM would then reach out in communications to let A-1 know that someone has threatened the overseers, and now is disguised as a foundation personnel. A-1 would have to find the fake, and fight him before any overseer could get hurt. The GM would also not have knowledge of the facility, so he has to explorer in a hide and seek fashion against A-1 before he finds the correct place to be.

Nu-7 situation:
An odd message was sent only to lower Nu-7 enlisted members. It claimed a transportation group needed passage within the foundation, and that it was of high importance that this transportation group was not to be stopped. A concerned Nu-7 member went to his higher command, to talk about the message. Since they had never seen the message, they assumed that this transportation group may be hostile and now needs to ensure that when the group does show up, nothing bad is inside of it. The message was signed off by a different site, and had information about a SCP that could cause problems for the foundation if it was allowed in the site without proper care happening. This SCP has an ability that would be able to cause foundation personnel to do the opposite of their job, and make them insane.

-A group of players lead by a GM will enter a vehicle. They will have a suspicious package with them, and more people than resonable attempting to enter the base. NU7 would have to search the vehicle, conduct interviews, and make sure that the group is not there for nefarious reasons. Once the package is found, NU7 Will have to contact the UN, to ensure that the substance inside of it is not harmful. Once this has been completed, a second group of indiviuals will come a minute after one of the leaders says you have stopped an important message, there will be consequences. NU7 Will now have to defend against the other convoy, full of CI. The first convoy will be passive during this event, then be sent to jail for attempting to bring malicious packages into the foundation and collaberating with the CI

E-11 situation:
During a mass breach, a soviet solider from the past was able to slip past primary checkpoint and made his way to SCP-8837. During this time, the soviet royally pissed off SCP-8837, and they are currently fighting within his chamber. SCP-8837 sent a message to NASA, and they said that they are going to send space reinforcements to help him fight this soviet solider. E-11 has been tasked with entering SCP-8837 and helping assist in him fighting this soviet solider.

-The GM would be a soviet astronaut, starting at HCZ during a breach. Once in HCZ, the GM would head to 8837, and attempt to hide during this breach. (To ensure the actual breach is taken care of before the scenario happens), Once the breach is over, the soviet spaceman will enter 8837's chamber, and start the fight. Before the fight has started, a communication from nasa will go through E-11's communications, letting them know something bad is happening.

UNGOC situation:
During a normal day, an odd transmission from high UNGOC command came through, an old group once forgotten has shown their face again. During a containment mission in africa, a group showed up and took out all the UNGOC soldiers attempting to contain an scp. The last transmission sent by this group dispatched to contain the SCP, was their final message, “Their back, you know who. This is bad, and this could mean massive problems within this world. It has been a while since we have seen them, but we need to stop them at all costs. If we cannot stop them, it may mean the end of the current world as we know it. Please, to all who hear, stop them at all costs”. This transmission was sent, and the UNGOC now know their plan, stop the group once forgotten at all costs. The group is on the way to pinewood as they seem to need something there, and UNGOC needs to find the thing they want within pinewood, and hold the area so disaster can be avoided. This group is The Black Queen, and with their information about the foundation, they know how to use SCP’s to their advantage against the human race.

-The GM and other GM's would be apart of this group, disguised as memebrs of royal citizens. These royals are attempting to talk with the UN, to see how their base is. Once rejected or accepted, the group will take their action. If rejected, the group will come back undisgiused letting the UN know in communications that their day of destruction is upon them. If they are accepted into the base, they will take a tour and attempt to access locations they are not supposed to. Once the UN has figured out they are here for malicious reasons and know of the communication, they know need to ensure that the group does not leave the base by any means necessary.

Foundation Staff:
A new type of SCP was found in a containment chamber during a routine checkup. This SCP had no attempt to be hostile or cause any issues, and was okay with being taken to the cross testing chamber. During the transportation, the SCP showed really odd behaviors that not many other scp’s had shown before. Being completely unaware of its abilities and powers, E-11 called upon researchers in an attempt to see how this scp reacted to certain situations, they called medical to see if the SCP showed any signs of intelligence and proper communication skills, and called gensec to ensure that this new scp did not cause any issues to foundation personnel during the test. This SCP would be a once dog turned human, and still has a lot of their dog qualities. They need to figure out how this dog had turned into a person, and still kept most of their human qualities.

-The GM would be a non-hostile new SCP, allowing to be taken and researched, tested, and let the foundation do whatever they desired within reasonable actions.
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+ Support
(I wont mention anything of you as a person due to me being a UK player and as such never having met you, but I will respond based on the application.)

+ The events are fairly detailed and the application doesn't seem particularly rushed.
+ The ideas for events are pretty unique and interesting! (I particularly like E-11's mission, it's seems silly but fun at the same time)

/ No map listed for the map change event. Not really a concern (since they never really happen) but it's always nice to match an image to a vision!

It'd be helpful if you listed what the GM's would do in the event, to give an idea of how you would perform it, and keep players engaged!
Additionally, the formatting could do with some re-working.. Not at your own fault, the new form system is strange and makes stuff a bit tricky to read. It's not exactly required, but making something easier to read encourages more people to respond to your app!


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2024
+ Support
(I wont mention anything of you as a person due to me being a UK player and as such never having met you, but I will respond based on the application.)

+ The events are fairly detailed and the application doesn't seem particularly rushed.
+ The ideas for events are pretty unique and interesting! (I particularly like E-11's mission, it's seems silly but fun at the same time)

/ No map listed for the map change event. Not really a concern (since they never really happen) but it's always nice to match an image to a vision!

It'd be helpful if you listed what the GM's would do in the event, to give an idea of how you would perform it, and keep players engaged!
Additionally, the formatting could do with some re-working.. Not at your own fault, the new form system is strange and makes stuff a bit tricky to read. It's not exactly required, but making something easier to read encourages more people to respond to your app!
The map event was harder for me to explain in detail, I was thinking of creating a city with props and decals, and having each side do the required task until the event was done. I just couldnt arrticulate that when I was making the application haha, but ty for the support.
The map event was harder for me to explain in detail, I was thinking of creating a city with props and decals, and having each side do the required task until the event was done. I just couldnt arrticulate that when I was making the application haha, but ty for the support.
Ah, that's a simple and common mistake. The map event actually refers to changing the servers game map to a different map from the steam workshop. This NEVER happens and is a somewhat pointless question. Though it still exists to give people a shot to prove their creativity! I think the idea you submitted for it is good regardless and as such it didn't affect my +support for you. I wish you the best of luck!


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Group Moderator
Mar 17, 2024
Application Accepted

Hi @Kowaru

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

After deliberation, we have decided to accept your application, congratulations!

Please wait in TS Interview Waiting Room at your earliest convenience and get in contact with me (Raixin) Grizzly or Pawz on discord.​
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