SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - Jeager

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Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jul 11, 2024
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: Jeager

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:115775457

Discord Username: Jeager

Age: 21

What's your current playtime: 6D 15H 47M

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Nathan 'Jeager' Emmons

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: No

How many hours can you be on everyday: 2H+

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: Yes. I was not a game master but as an admin I assisted GMs in building, playing event characters, and planning events. I ran some events but mostly lower effort ones during low pop. I did help plan some multi stage events on occasion as well.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: As Site Director I have wide abilities to authorize almost anything. Actually doing it is another matter. Becoming a GM would help me be able to both authorize and execute more RP situations especially regarding research projects. I'm especially interested in GOIs like AWCY and The Church of the Broken God. I feel that these two GOIs in particular are underused on server and would like to do some events with them.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I feel I am great at assisting in events. I know I'm not a pac wizard or anything but I can play an event character and I can help plan events. I'm not the most confident at running a large scale event on my own quite yet but I'm very comfortable running small scale events. I know I could make missions for specific departments/factions.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
Are YOU cool yet? - A painting competition is being hosted in pinewood. All the residents are invited to participate in it or just hang around to see the art. Little do they know one of the contestants is a member of AWCY. Foundation will get word that a known member of AWCY is around and to look out for any suspicious activity. Foundation must find the AWCY member before they can breach the veil or worse, eradicate pinewood.

Holes - A large boom and crash is heard from surface. A massive sinkhole has appeared in the plains. Going down the hole reveals a cave system that seems to be man made. Further search reveals some scattered documents from GRU division P. This used to be a secret containment site. With containment systems failing anomalies are starting to breach. Factions will recontain them and return to their bases with them. Anomalies would be event characters or GM objectives.

Insurance Premiums - Inspectors from Goldbaker-Reinz Ltd. are sent out to Site 65 to determine if the insurance payments for the site will rise this year or not. Site Staff will need to try to make everything look up to code and hide any incidents from the inspectors. The inspectors will be looking for anything that may be dangerous, ie broken boxes, uncontained anomalies, GOI raids.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
A blast from the past - MC&D have come around selling a time machine. An auction will occur for it where aggression is strictly prohibited. Whatever group manages to buy it from MC&D will get to use it to change the past to suit them. Upon activation of the device it overloads and sends everyone to the past instead of just the team.

Swap maps to an older version of the site for an hour or two. Just do passive RP while the R&D departments of all three factions try to fix the time machine before it completely destroys the present.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
O-1 - Mirror Mirror on the wall - An ECM accidentally walks into a mirror and walks through it. O-1 must figure out how to get him back out of the mirror dimension without breaking the mirror and loosing the ECM forever. The ECM can walk around to other mirrors around site and can write on the mirrors but is otherwise cut off and stuck.

A-1 - Casper - Systems on floor 3 are starting to act up. Computers keep displaying odd faces, doors keep opening randomly, and... wait... is that knocking coming from inside the wall? A ghost seems to have taken up residence in F3. A-1 must figure out how to get rid of it before it starts getting destructive.

Nu-7 - Operation Robinhood - Transmissions were intercepted from Delta Command that CI have a shipment of something dangerous coming in. Nu-7 must ambush the convoy and ensure the package never reaches its destination. Nu-7 need to be careful just blowing up the convoy as there's no telling what its transporting

E-11 - Mark of the Slayer - A research experiment has gone wrong and there is a portal to hell open in crosstesting. Command has taken a bit of an interest in the portal and will be sending E-11 in with a special demonologist to explore the new plane of existence. Several demons will appear, some friendly but most hostile. E-11 must establish an FOB around the portal and maintain control over it.

CI - The Plaugefather - An entity from beyond this mortal plane has contacted the CI by taking over the body of a Type Blue. This entity has one wish, spread the sickness to all you can. CI will be tasked to steal 008 vials and sacrifice them to the entity. Each vial sacrificed will allow better rewards for the Insurgency with the best being a demon to unleash upon whoever the choose.

UNGOC - Nonprofit - The Manna Charitable Foundation has sent their eyes on pinewood to help and have brought a Type Red reality bender to boot. The UNGOC needs to work with them to distribute aid and make sure they don't breach the veil while trying to help people. CI and Foundation might try to interfere with the efforts so as an established power in the region GOC will take control of negotiations for the GOI to conduct their operations, hopefully convincing the two to either help or stay out of it.

F-Staff - Bird is the Word - Wilson's Wildlife Solutions have come to visit Site-65 and are doing a presentation on anomalous animals and how to care for them. Along with the presentation they have brought several anomalous animals with them to
have interact with the site staff. Some could be a little dangerous but really what isn't dangerous in the foundation

Goldbaker-Reinz Ltd.: Insurance providers for the anomalous world powerful enough to have a seat on the 108 council of the GOC.

AWCY: Anomalous artists. They want the anomalous world to be public knowledge and as such place their projects in very public areas.

GRU Division P: The USSR's answer to the foundation. Its mostly defunct now with its members scattering to GOIs such as MC&D and CI

The Manna Charitable Foundation: A group made up of several charities and religious organizations. Their main goal is using beneficial anomalies to assist those in impoverished areas around the globe. They mean well but sometimes don't do all their homework.

Wilson's Wildlife Solutions: A group of anomalous zoologists that have been somewhat brought under the umbrella of the Foundation. They are trusted to deal with safe and Euclid anomalous animals. The Foundations gives them animals to take care of fairly often and they have a good relationship with each other.


TYPE-RED reality bender: A reality bender with regenerative capabilities. Essentially better medics provided their abilities dont have a detrimental side effect.

EDITED Changed some of the weaker events that wouldn't work super well in practice or are just overdone
Last edited:
Nov 16, 2024
- App is meh. The responses are short, and it is formatted as just a white wall of text.

-I like your ideas, especially the inclusion of under used GOIs.
(I would like to see them expanded on. Set clear expectations and have a good exit plan to end events in a way that you aren't leaving everyone wondering what happened, leave some room for a little improv by both you and the players.)


-I have seen you create RP in game consistently from small things to large things, that have engaged many people. So, I know you have the potential to do even greater with GM at your back. However, the app is showing only showing a decent base of what is available. Expand on your ideas!
Jan 9, 2024
I am going to approach this how I normally approach tgms event ideas. when you reply I will change my opinion of support

Are YOU cool yet?

This concept has potential, but the writing feels lackluster. A few questions come to mind: How will players be able to paint in-game? There doesn’t seem to be a painting mechanic. Unless you’re relying on a series of /me’s, which could work, but that might get repetitive and dull. Also, when the paintings come to life, are they hostile or passive? You mention “interacting” with them, but what does that actually entail? Additionally, what happens if someone is a terrible artist? Will the paintings behave differently based on skill level, or will there be a set standard? I’d like to see a lot more detail fleshed out in this idea.

Cave Story

I’ll be honest—this one doesn’t make much sense to me. Who are the mole people? Where did they come from? Also, I feel like E-11 would just shoot them on sight rather than attempt to capture them. Are they an SCP, or just a group of people who lost their minds? I’m really confused about the core of this concept. Please expand on it significantly. Additionally, why are they digging into HCZ? It seems unlikely that they’d be able to breach the concrete or the actual structure. Lastly, how would capturing them help resolve HCZ being blocked off?

Insurance Premiums

Now, take this from someone who doesn’t know all the GOIs—I think you need to provide much more detail on who the Goldbaker-Reinz are. Without looking them up, I have no idea, and I feel like others who aren’t familiar with them might see this as an underdeveloped event. Also, how exactly will you get site staff to “clean up and make everything up to code”? The site is in a constant state of breaches—are the inspectors aware of this? How much information do they have about Site-65? I’d like to see a lot more detail here, possibly even a storyline explaining why they’re coming to Site-65 in the first place.

A Blast from the Past:
This concept has potential, but the way you’ve set up the story—where the time machine only works for travel exactly 10 years into the past—makes swapping to an older version of the site feel somewhat disconnected. Why would the site look significantly different just a decade ago?

Additionally, I don’t see much incentive for either side to use the time machine. Why would they choose to activate it instead of simply destroying it? What makes this opportunity valuable enough to take the risk? As it stands, I’m not confident that either faction would see a reason to use it.

Regarding the paradox aspect, time travel doesn’t inherently create a paradox—it depends on how the mechanics of time travel are defined. How do you plan to handle interactions with past versions of characters? Would players encounter clones of themselves? And what about individuals who retired or died in the past decade—do you expect players to portray these characters, or will they simply not exist in the past?

Also, I wouldn’t necessarily classify this as a full map change event. A true map change typically involves loading into a completely different map, whereas this could potentially be achieved through in-game construction or modifications.

Lastly, regarding MC&D’s role—will they sell this information? Is their representative the only one aware of the time machine’s mechanics? Expanding on their involvement and potential motivations would help flesh out the concept.

I’d like to see you refine these details and address these questions to strengthen the event idea.

Mirror Mirror on the Wall:

This event is one of the most interesting ones you’ve posted, but it still feels too short and lacks details on how you plan to execute it. There are several key aspects that need more clarification.

For instance, will the ECM be transported to a different location? If so, where exactly will they end up? What will they experience in the mirror world, and how will they interact with it? Additionally, how will O1 track their locations? Will they be visible through multiple mirrors across the site, or only through the one they originally fell into?

Communication is another important factor—will the ECM be able to send messages through the mirror, or will they still have access to comms? Expanding on these details would help bring the event to life and make it more immersive. I’d love to see a more fleshed-out version, as this concept has a lot of potential.

Sick Day:

I’d like to see more details on why O5-13 is visiting the site, especially since we don’t typically use O5 members in events. What exactly will they be doing while they’re there? Additionally, what behaviors would be considered “odd” for O5-13? Since very few people have detailed knowledge about them, some clarification would be helpful.

Will O5-1 be involved in this event? Will they provide insight into O5-13’s usual behavior? Right now, the concept feels a bit unclear—are they sick with an actual disease, or are they just behaving strangely? Could they be an imposter? Lastly, how do you plan for A1 to determine what’s wrong with them? Expanding on these points would help clarify the direction of the event and make it more engaging.

Operation Robinhood:

What type of item is CI receiving? Will CI be directly involved in the event, or is the focus primarily on Nu-7? If CI is included, how will they communicate—will they be receiving radios, or is that only for Nu-7? Right now, the event lacks details, particularly regarding CI’s role and how they will interact with both the event and Nu-7.

Additionally, how does Nu-7 intercept these messages? Are they real, or are they fakes meant to mislead Nu-7? If CI is attempting to trick them, what’s the goal behind the deception? I’d love to see more details fleshed out to add depth and intrigue to the event.

Mark of the Slayer:

Honestly, this event feels like a simple "Doom"-style wave defense, where players fight endless enemies until the event concludes. I have several questions that need clarification to give the event more depth.

What role does the researcher play in this? What exactly did they do to cause the portal to open? Did they use a specific SCP, or was there another catalyst for this event? Additionally, how do you plan on having RSD close the portal? Is there a specific method they need to follow, or is it just a matter of surviving until the event ends?

Regarding the demons, will they just keep coming in waves, or is there more to their presence? How do you plan for E-11 to engage with them—will it just be a shoot-to-kill scenario, or do the demons have intelligence and unique behaviors? Expanding on these details would make the event feel more fleshed out and engaging rather than just a mindless combat scenario.

The Plaguefather:

This event feels more like a standard 008 breach than something unique. I think it would benefit from a complete rework because, right now, it seems like the story is just "CI breach 008" without much depth or motivation. Why would they choose to breach 008 in the first place, rather than simply killing the Type Blue?

If you’re set on using this concept, I’d like to know what disease you plan on incorporating—how does it tie into the story? Additionally, why did this entity choose to take over the body of a CI member? What is the entity's goal, and why would breaching 008 be part of their plan?

To be honest, I’m not particularly fond of this event idea as it stands. I think it needs more substance and clearer motivations to be truly engaging.


I’m still unclear on some details, so could you please explain what the Manna Charitable Foundation is? It would be helpful to provide more context for players who aren’t fully up to date with the GOIs. Additionally, what is a Type Red? I think clarifying these terms would make the event more accessible to everyone.

How do you plan on handling the interaction between CI and the Foundation in this event? If it’s a surface-level event, it’s likely that all three factions will interfere, so I’d like to know how you intend to manage that dynamic. Also, what role will civilians play in this event? How will they be involved or affected?

One last thing: some of your phrasing is a bit confusing. For example, you mention, “The UNGOC needs to work with them to distribute aid and make sure they don’t breach the veil while trying to help people.” Who exactly is the GOC working with here—the Foundation or the Manna Charitable Foundation? Clarifying this would help a lot.

It would be great to see more details and clarity to better flesh out this event.

Bird is the Word:

Could you provide more details on who and what Wilson's Wildlife Solutions are? The concept has potential, but it would help to have more background information, especially for players who might not be familiar with the group.

Also, what kind of animals are you planning on introducing? Are they regular animals or anomalous in some way? How do you plan to prevent players from simply killing them? Will these animals be aggressive and attack others, or are they more passive?

I’d like to see a lot more details on how this event will unfold and how you plan on managing these interactions. Expanding on these points would help flesh out the event and make it more engaging for everyone.


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Dec 15, 2023
Application Accepted

Hi @Jeager,

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

After deliberation, I have decided to accept your application, congratulations!

Please wait in TS Interview Waiting Room at your earliest convenience, change your name to "GM waiting for interview" and get in contact with me (Grizzly) on discord.
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