SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - John Freeman (2.0)

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Oct 10, 2022
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: M4bro

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:515720

Discord Username: m4bro

Age: 16

What's your current playtime: 6 days and 12 hours for vtime this month. 2 years for how long i have been playing this server.

Do you have a mic: yes

Your characters name:
Chaos name: CI MCOM John “LTG” Freeman

Foundation Name: E11 SGT John “Kratos” Freeman [FR-MAJ]
Civilian name: “Kratos”

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: No,

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: I got 3 RDM warnings, 4 Fail RP warnings, 2 Fear RP warnings, 1 hitbox abuse warn and a serve tox ban. I only remember why I got the tox ban and it was because I made a joke around people that I should have not made. Most of these warnings were when I first joined the server and it was because I was not used to the rules yet. All of these are expired

How many hours can you be on everyday: 3-4 hours

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: Yes, I was a Gamemaster and I did major, map change and minor events. I made lots of the dupes for these events. It was for a Star Wars RP server.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: Because I want to increase the amount of RP given to Foundation but mainly GOIs because I feel like there is a lack of a chance that GOIs are given to RP and to have fun with events.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I think that I can bring more creative events and bring more RP within events. This would make me more special over other applicants and also that I have been on the server for a long time and I have had more experience with RP than others that may be applying.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

“Are we cool yet?”
A Museum would be up next to the lake house and inside would be way bigger than the outside. When inside 3 members of AWCY and 3 other non humanoid people would be inside showing and looking at artwork. The owner of the museum would be AWCY member Joseph Thompson. Seeming to also make some of the artwork shown at the displaces. When looking at any of the artwork, it may cause anomalous effects to happen to the person viewing the person. Examples of the effects are making someone think they are god, making someone think they are a monkey, making someone blind, making someone believe they are Napoleon Bonaparte, and making every bone in your body break. After a little while the SCP foundation finds out about the museum, they would raid and try to take the artwork. If the foundation enters, the 3 non-humanoid people would defend the museum and once they defend from the foundation, the museum would sink into the earth and disappear.

“The Crusade will continue”
SCP-7722-X has been stolen by CI Cell 24 and has been given to the CI near Site 65. CI would send DCs in to give SCP-7722 back SCP-7722-X. CI would still have to hack SCP-7722 out and if they fail the foundation would research the effects of SCP-7722-X. If CI succeeded in their hack, they would give SCP-7722 SCP-7722-X and a crusade would happen. Anyone who is not wearing scrambles or is a reality anchor would join SCP-7722 in his crusade. Foundation would get a comms from the site holding SCP-7722-X about its effects and how to counter it. The goal of SCP-7722 and his followers is to head to surface and escape for their next Crusade. If 7722 makes his way out of LCZ into EZ, MTF Beta-777 would be called and do a ritual to snap people out of the trance and would take SCP-7722-X out of SCP-7722 hands. After that, SCP-7722 would be RCed and the SCP-7722-X would be taken back to its site.

“The Tarnished Legionnaire”
A man would be heard screaming in front of medbay. When IA investages they would find a man wearing a bronze Roman infantry helmet and when asking him any questions they wouldn't get anything out of him because of him only speaking in latin. IA would bring him to interro and wait for further instructions. Senior Researcher Antonio Francesco would come to Site 65 and help translate latin for IA. Finding out that he was apparently a roman soldier named “Publius Carthephilus Aetius”. After finding this out Senior Researcher Antonio would realize that this was SCP-1510. A helmet that keeps the consciousness of “Publius Carthephilus Aetius” and if placed on a human would cause them to have the mind of Publius. Until the Senior Researcher can find out how SCP-1510 got there, Site 65 Researchers are allowed to test/interview SCP 1510 and find more about it. After testing is over the Senior Researcher would find out that the person wearing it is Researcher George Smith and stole the SCP from the site it was being contained. SCP 1510 would get sent back to its site and the person wearing it would get punished for his actions.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):

“A cave of red”
4 Men would come to pinewood searching for gold or diamonds. When digging behind ranger hill they find a huge cave. The 4 men would report this to the news that a new giant cave was found. When they go in and look for gold or diamonds. When the 4 men came out of the cave they would be screaming for help and asking the GOC to help them, but it was too late for these men and later they died and became encased in red ice. When GOC and foundation come over to investigate only few would come back alive. When they entered they found a bunch of red ice lining the whole cave. The cave system seemed to go deeper but the entry team could not go any deeper because of the red ice blocking the path. Foundation and GOC would both try to go deeper in the cave, finding animals, people and unknown SCPs encased in red ice. Foundation would find out that this is another site of SCP-009. But the difference with this case of SCP-009 is that the cave it was in was making the area hotter causing people affected with SCP-009 to be encased in the red ice quicker. The source of the heat was hidden behind a bunch of red ice that they could not get though. The best course of action for this SCP is to seal the cave up and make sure nobody gets harmed by it. After taking some of the red ice to research on. The SCP foundation and GOC would seal up the cave so nobody else gets hurt by this SCP.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
O-1: Some of the 01 would feel sleepy on site and when going to be they see a man in their dream. SCP 990 the dream man. SCP 990 would tell them of an event to come that the serpent's hands are coming on site to take down the ethics committee and they are bringing SCPs to help them with their mission. Now the goal of 01 is to make sure the ethics committee is safe and to kill and capture the serpent's hand and their SCPs.

A-1: A-1 Commander has gotten a call from the 05 council that a sample of SCP-006 is needed. The A-1 commander doesn't know why it is needed but all he knows is that nobody can touch it or they must die. The A1 commander would also get notified that serpent's hand operatives in the area are investigating what is there. The goal of A1 is now to make sure the serpent's hand doesn't get their hands on SCP-006 and give the sample of SCP-006 back to the 05 council.

Nu-7: Nu7 would get a call from MTF command that a Anderson Robotics production facility is nearby and it is making new anomalies robots. The goal of the Nu7 is to raid the Anderson Robotics facility and steal any blueprints or anomalous objects that are being stored in there. A high ranking Anderson Robotics employee is told to be at the location and would be top priority to capture for this mission. After raiding the facility, orders would be given to blow up the site and come back to base with any info or targets they capture from the raid. Any info gathered from the raid or targets capture would be given to CL4+ for research or interrogation to find out more about Anderson Robotics. After everything is found from the items that Nu7 got it would be transferred to Containment Site 53.

E-11: An SCP 610 outbreak would happen in a nearby town. 05 would send in an E11 team to deal with the outbreak and find out how it happened. When fighting back the 610 they would find in one of the buildings a sarkic cult ritual. Knowing this they find out that this outbreak was the workings of the sarkic cult and would clear out the rest of the town and call in MTF E-9 “fire eaters” to make sure the rest of the 610 virus would be burned away.

CI: CI would get given SCP 3199 eggs from CI anomalous containment Site 78. CI would have to care for the eggs and once hatch would have to tame and take care of SCP 3199. Since CI has very limited knowledge on how to take care of SCP 3199 they would have to learn how to take care of the baby. Let alone tame it. CI R&D would have to find a way to learn its habits and what it eats and once it's done they might be able to tame it. Once they find a way to tame it they could use SCP 3199 to help them with a raid and fight foundation.

UNGOC: Rangers had called GOC telling them that some type of aliens had landed near the pinewood area. The GOCs goal is to stop the civs finding out about the aliens and figure out what the aliens are doing on earth. The GOC would find out that the aliens were the same people that made SCP-2399 “A Malfunctioning Destroyer” and made the red spot on Jupiter. Info on this would be told to the 108th council and the 05 council would be told about it too. The SCP foundation and GOC would work together to take down the aliens and make sure no info about earth or anything else they may want gets back to the alien’s homeworld.

Foundation Staff: Director of thaumatology, Christopher Rodriguez would come to Site 65 bringing a ritual summoning book with him. He would bring foundation research staff to him to help him summon SCP 3061. Thaumatologists and D class would be mainly needed for this ritual and even some D class needed to be sacrificed. Once the ritual is done a demon would appear in front of everyone. The demon is known as SCP 3061-1 and can grant a wish for a person but at a sacrifice. Sometimes even not falling in on his side of the deal and leaving the person with nothing but trouble. D class would be taken in and tested if the wishes that he grant comes true and how he takes his sacrifices. After this researchers can question how he came to be, what his name is and what history he knows from the past. After some time and the info that the Director of thaumatology wanted to get from SCP 3061-1, The Director would leave the site and bring back the book with him.
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Senior Administrator
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SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Dec 15, 2023
Application Accepted

Hi @John "Kratos" Freeman ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

After deliberation, we have decided to accept your application, congratulations!

Please wait in TS Interview Waiting Room at your earliest convenience and get in contact with me (Grizzly) or Raixin on discord.
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