SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - "Moxxie"

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What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: "Moxxie"

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:216385001

Discord Username:

Age: 17

What's your current playtime: 1d 8h (2500+ hours total) (Was recently on LOA for family emergency)

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: F: "Moxxie"
GOC: Elias "Goofy" Rivery / "Iceborn" / "The Devious"
CI: "Strix"
Civi: "Dyrus, [GT] Ronny "Doofus" Salami

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: First GM Application:
Staff Application:

All other forum applications:

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: I haven't received a warn/kick/ban at all

How many hours can you be on everyday: I can spend 5-6 hours most days, but I'm going to be moving soon so my activity can shoot way up

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: I used to be a GM, though it was only for a month or two. I used to do events for a Secret Lab server a few years ago

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I want to give it another shot, as I feel I could've done better. I also have friends that are GM's, and I would love to help them with events, and do events with them

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I have a lot of knowledge of the SCP universe, and have many ideas for events I wasn't able to do my last run. I also want to bring more roleplay into the server, as there isn't as much as there used to be. I also want to give people lasting memories of the server, to paint it in a positive light when they think back on the events the server has done.

I also have a ton of experience on the server, been playing for 2 years now, having played in all factions of the server, all departments on Foundation, and (almost) every MTF

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server): (Some of the events listed have been reused from older GM application, as they were never used for an event)

SCP-019 "The Monster Pot"
After a field agent discovers and brings SCP-019 to Site-65 for safe containment, the SCP foundation discover that they have a new task that has to be constantly overseen or else a catastrophic breach could occur. SCP-019, due to Site-65's ill-prepared containment of SCP-019, begins to have SCP-019-2 instances to emerge from the pot. Although these instances are smaller and weaker than most of the sites anomalies, being able to be taken down with only couple mags of ammo, they have to be in check or else too many to handle may spell the end for the site. (Any amount of GM's, preferably at least 3 will act as the 019-2 instances, while E-11/GSD make sure that they don't break out of containment, or allow too many to be in existence at once)

Maintenance Mishaps
With the addition to janitors to the site, as well as the upgrade to T&E, Site-65 gets a visit from the Foundation Technical Department Director, who helped design most containment chambers and procedures that Site-65 uses. The Chaos Insurgency, who are itching to cause some chaos (laugh track) find out about the Technical Director visiting the site, and hatch a plan to kidnap him, and use his knowledge against the foundation to disable the containment procedures of SCPs (A few GM's get together to play as the Director and a few guards. If the Director gets kidnapped by CI and brought to 3 containment chambers, the SCP's CC will be disabled)

The Stalker
A couple DEA agents that were investigating a potential info breach suddenly disappeared from their posts, and were unable to be contacted. This alerted the foundation that there was something in pinewood that needed to be dealt with. At the same time, the UNGOC have a few field agents disappear around the same time, prompting them to launch their own investigation, both factions unaware of the others investigations. As more and more people show up, the less active the creature is, but as soon as the numbers die down, the creature strikes again. (Dual event that could potentially merge into one if the GOC and Foundation communicate and work together. Would only need 1 GM with either the 22415 Dimension Swep or the 106 Swep to make people disappear)

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): During a tense day between the 3 factions, the ground beneath them begins to shake. As they go to investigate, they quickly find a massive portal has appeared in the Pinewoods open field. It lays dormant for several minutes, allowing people to investigate it, before it suddenly activates, and a ton of creatures come running out of it. These creatures easily wipe out the Pinewood Ranger force, showing that they are dangerous. The 3 factions must put aside their differences to deal with lest they let these creatures overpower them and take over
(A maybe half dozen, if not more GM's use custom/default GMOD models to disguise as creatures, and just run around and fight with the 3 factions until they either win, or die)

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff): Nu-7/DEA + Chaos Insurgency
A Research Director from another site is passing through Pinewood, and plans on making a stop at Site-65. Before they arrive, though, Nu-7 and DEA are to make sure that nothing is to happen to the convoy. The Chaos Insurgency are made aware of the Directors visit, and plan on kidnapping him to help their comrades at another cell.
Nu-7/DEA have to protect the convoy from CI, while CI have to try and kidnap the Director (Director will not cyanide or try and get killed). If CI manage to get the Director, it is up to Nu-7/DEA, as well as whoever they invite to retrieve the Director from the CI's hands. CI are not willingly selling the Director, so no amount of money can buy them back (This way nobody wastes money on an event). If CI fail to get the Director, and they make it to the garage, then the CI will have a chance to raid for the Director (Will plan event to happen off of CI MR cooldown)

During a very important diplomacy meeting between the UNGOC and the Overseer Council, UNGOC FOB is attacked by an unknown enemy. They didn't seem to be aligned with CI, nor with any other GOI they knew about, so they must work together to protect their respective VIPs from the enemy raid.

E-11: Site-65 are tasked with the temporary containment of SCP-075 "The Corrosive Snail". During the fairly simple task, a containment breach occurs, and SCP-075 manages to escape from its chamber. This puts E-11 at high alert, as the snail is known to pounce at people and excrete a highly corrosive substances from pores on its body. Due to it's high speeds and small mass, it's hard to locate the SCP, which sends E-11 into a goose chase looking for the snail before it kills someone

O-1: One of the Ethics Members has been kidnapped, forcing O-1 to have to retrieve them. They don't know where the ECM is, though, having to investigate clues that are left around from the kidnapping. Eventually they will come across a portal in a random supply closet, which will lead them to the base of a unknown GOI. O-1 will have to fight through the base to get the ECM back (ECM wont be interrogated for anything, so no worrying about losing classified information, just for O-1 to have fun killing people)

Foundation Staff: A sickness has been going around the site, inducing nausea and pain in all parts of the body. The use of kant counters have shown that the infection has an origin point someone in LCZ, and may possibly be anomalous. Although the kant counters cannot figure out exactly where these infection origin points are. It's up to containment specialists and medical personnel to figure out where these infection points are and eliminate the origin points before the infection evolves into something fatal

Dr Random K.

Blacklisted Player
Oct 8, 2023
Site 54
Id like for your events to feature more passive rp, as most of them seem very combat focused
Other than that the app looks good


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Dec 15, 2023
Application Denied

Hello, @Moxxie

Thank you for taking time to make an application, What the Event Team Leads have decided was to give you more time on the server before we accept your application, so staff and other GMs can get more interactions with you! We hope to continue to see you on the server and can't wait to see your application again :)

You may reapply in 2 weeks!

Regards, @PolarBear
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