SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - Nate

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What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: Nate

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:112241295

Discord Username: fvm5x

Age: 16

What's your current playtime: 23.1 Days (2.006 Million Seconds)

Do you have a mic: Yes. Additionally, in the event of one of my microphones suffering a failure, I have a backup.

Your characters name: David 'Orion' Breen CRB-CO (Foundation Executive Researcher), David "Orion" King-Fent (Civilian), David 'Orion' Breen (Chaos Insurgency)

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is the first Trial GM application I've made, yes.

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: Yes, they are as listed:
Metagaming Warn (July 8, 2022)
FailRP Warn (July 8, 2022)
FailRP Warn (July 9, 2022)
RDM Warn (July 10, 2022)
RDM Warn (July 10, 2022)
Naming Cons Warn (July 12, 2022)
FailRP Warn (June 1, 2023)
FailRP Warn (June 1, 2023)
FailRP Warn (June 6, 2023)
FailRP Warn (June 7, 2023)
FailRP Warn (June 7, 2023)
FearRP Warn (June 8, 2023)
RDM Warn (June 18, 2023)
1 Day NTIRP Ban (May 23, 2024)
ERP Warn (July 9, 2024)

I'd like to begin with my apologies. Apologies won't mend my previous mistakes but I guarantee I have improved myself over years, and have proven that by holding my first CL4 position in the Foundation. I personally believe that the warns prefacing 2024 are the ones I have improved from the most, as I was unaware of many of the server rules and even misread a good amount of them. As you can tell by the statistic, I have received drastically less warns than I had in previous years. I will now adress the 1 Day NTIRP Ban and the ERP Warning. I am currently unaware of why the NTIRP Ban is on my record as I posted an appeal and it was removed just because the ban had expired. I was never told why I was banned, I wasn't brought to a sit (even though I was on-site) and I haven't really been told much other than "I will be closing this appeal". For the ERP Warning, my Push To Talk button for Discord is Mouse 5, and for Gmod is Mouse 4. These buttons are right above and below each other on my mouse, I said a sexual joke to my friend (who I have known for 10 years in real life) on discord, and when delivering the joke, I accidentally spoke in-game, pressing the incorrect button. This is truly my mistake, as well as every other warning I have received. I personally believe mistakes help you grow, and I no longer use Push To Talk for discord, Open Mic is the way to go.

How many hours can you be on everyday: I usually average 5-10, although once junior year begins in a week, I'll likely have around 3-8 on weekdays, 5-10 on weekends.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: My only previous experience is admin team on Atomic Networks DarkRP, not Event Team. Although I haven't had Event Manager privileges on any servers, while I was admin on Atomic Networks I was granted an increased prop count, and hosted small events. At the time of me being an admin, there was not an event team so I figured I would enhance RP myself.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: Quite often I find myself in situations that could use more RP enhancements, and others do as well. If I could help myself and others have a more enjoyable experience, why wouldn't I? I'll provide an example. I was hosting a party in honor of a friend's birthday and wanted them to feel welcomed and special on site, so I asked a GM if they wouldn't mind helping me spice up the lecture hall, which I booked for a 30-minute party. I'd like to become a GM so I can make fun, enhancing experiences just like this one so that all on-site personnel and even other factions (CI, GOC, Civilian) can enjoy a more fun-packed session.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I have a great deal of free time so I'm constantly available, allowing for more open communications and a more likely chance I'll be able to reach out to anyone who would like my assistance with something. I've been playing on Civil Networks SCP-RP for two years now I have a very thorough understanding of how the server operates.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
1. "Whistleblower" (2-3 Hours)
EVENT: [>F] Site-65 come in, this is Overwatch.
DEA: [R] You're speaking with SOP Special Agent Foster, how can I help?
EVENT: [R] We've been informed there is a whistleblower on Site-65. Their name is Alexei Baranov, capture the subject immediately.
DEA: [R] Copy, anything else we can help with?
EVENT: [R] Yes. The whistleblower supposedly informed one or more reporters of our operations, be sure to uphold surface security.
DEA: [R] Alright, thank you for relaying the message.

Connection terminated.

Event Job (Alexei Baranov) Objective:
Escape the facility without being caught.

SOP Objective:
Defend Surface from reporters & keep the traitor from escaping.

All Combative Personnel Objective:
Keep an eye out for the traitor, capture if possible.

Possible outcomes:

Outcome A: Traitor Terminated
Event Stage 2 Commences.
Outcome B: Traitor Captured
Traitor may be tortured by A-1 or whatever Site Command decides (execution is authed).
Outcome C: Traitor Escapes
Traitor gets away free, stage 2 begins.

Reporter Oscar DeFresco arrives at Site-65, fully aware that the Canadian Military Compound is a ruse to cover up Site-65's evil activities, and decides to enter the facility through the ventilation system. Oscar was informed of Site-65's scientific background so he decides to put on a lab coat (Scientist disguise) before entering the facility. Though Oscar is unaware of the foundation's access card system, he has managed to blend in with the research team and now his objective is to find concrete evidence of the Foundation's evil nature.

EVENT: [>F] Site-65 come in, this is Overwatch.
DEA: [R] You're speaking with SOP Agent Kimberly, what can I do for you?
EVENT: [R] A member of the media has reportedly arrived on-site. Search for the reporter.
DEA: [R] Alright, thank you for the information. Anything else?
EVENT: [R] That's all.

Connection terminated.

Event Job 2 (Oscar DeFresco) Objective:
Find evidence of the foundation's wrongdoings and escape alive. (Get photos)

SOP Objective:
Defend Surface from reporters & keep the traitor from escaping.

All Combative Personnel Objective:
Keep an eye out for the reporter, capture if possible.

Possible outcomes:

Outcome A: Reporter Terminated
Event is concluded.
Outcome B: Reporter Captured
Reporter may be tortured by A-1 or whatever Site Command decides.
Outcome C: Reporter Wins
Reporter gets away free, event concludes.

2. "Emergency Alert System" (30 Minutes - 2 Hours)

Moments pass.

A loud crash can be heard as the ground begins to shake, smoke rises from the areas between Foundation vents and UNGOC FOB, where a plane has crash landed.

SCP-1000 "Bigfoot" rises from the ashes of the crash, seeking shelter.

SCP-1000 will act as a Surface SCP, except with a couple unique traits.
-SCP-1000 is sentient, in the lore and in this event. This gives SCP-1000 the ability to enter a base, such as the foundation, giving E-11 a chance to join this event as well as any combative who is summoned.
-SCP-1000 will avoid contact with humanoid objects/ humans but will kill if aggravated.

3. "Authorized Visitor" (30 Minutes - 2 Hours)
An Authorized Visitor from Site-19 arrives on-site, their role at Site-19 being Research Supervisor. Research Supervisors are field-based researchers who discreetly maneuver between sites. Research Supervisor Stanley Genova has arrived at Site-19 (with a bodyguard) to discuss important matters with the research team. The Supervisor may also introduce an experimental (and classified) substance to the research command team.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
"The Logistics Department"
(EVENT) Logistics Manager Kate Pearl: [>F] Greetings, my team will arrive on-site shortly for scheduled logistics work. Mind securing the entry?
(DEA): [R] Of course! Once you arrive we will open the gate.
(EVENT) Designer Kate Pearl: [R] Very well, thank you.

Kate and the logistics team arrive on-site and make their way to Heavy Containment (E-11 and SOP may guard the Visitors), working in maintenance rooms to fix some ventilation systems and air ducts. Unfortunately, one of Kate's team members accidentally destabilized an HVAC system, releasing mysterious gasses all the way up to the town of Pinewood. Pinewood is now covered in a thick fog, which if inhaled may have anomalous effects on the victim. The only way to avoid the effects is to be equipped with a hazmat suit. To remove the anomalous fog from Pinewood, Hazmat SOP Personnel must get a janitor's vacuum and vacuum in all of the toxic gasses, and they must be discreet. Otherwise, they might have company...

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
O-1 Mission: "Law's Left Hand"
[>O-1] Attention. A group of IA Ambassadors have formed a cult and have assassinated a Site Manager as well as countless site personnel.
[>O-1] Locate the cultists and capture them. Neutralize them if necessary.
The mission communicator will then relay the three cultist's names.
O-1's objective is to locate the correct cultists and capture or neutralize them.

A-1 Mission: "Black Dawn"
O5-6 was in a flight nearby to Site-65 and unfortunately (perhaps due to tampering), the flight crashed in Pinewood. O5-6 is being held by the CI Terror Cell and A-1 must coordinate with GOC and SOP to raid and retrieve the overseer safely. To make this mission more intense, there will be a stand-off between the foundation and CI where CI have several guns at the overseers head and A-1 must negotiate for the overseer's life.

Nu-7 Mission: "Operation Warpath"
Nu-7 was informed of a terrorist who has taken residency nearby Site-65. The terrorist is armed with improvised explosives, loud is not an option. Nu-7 must silently raid the terrorist's warehouse and apprehend the target before they get the chance to set off the bombs, meanwhile, a second terrorist has made their way into the foundation and has a bomb-vest, threatening to commit a mass murder in a highly populated area, D-Block/Medbay/PW/Core.

Epsilon-11 Mission: "Echo Chamber"
[>E-11] We have just recovered satellite data of an unknown threat entering Site-65.
[>E-11] The target seems to be invisible, unable to be seen through Night Vision Goggles, either.
[>E-11] Locate this "ghost" and neutralize it. Class-IV Containment Beams should work on the target.
E-11 must locate the ghost who can attack site personnel and recontain it using anomaly containment beams.

Chaos Insurgency Mission: "Operation Sabotage"
Members of CI receive intel that the foundation is having a VIP visit the site, so they raid the site with hopes of capturing the VIP, who will be escorted by a team of 2-3 SOP personnel. Successfully capturing the VIP will result in access to information or something along those lines. The VIP (while on-site) can perform inspection of SCP Chambers and chat with high-ranking staff. The VIP is a donator of the SCP foundation, a very wealthy and valuable asset to the foundation. (CI can terminate him for fun)

UNGOC Mission: "Cerberus"
UNGOC Command is informed of SCP-008 and intend to steal some for their own research, and they intend to ensure their victory and successful extraction. UNGOC is armed with Orange Suits (3-5) and other heavily armored raiding units, with the sole purpose of retrieving at least one syringe. If a successful extraction is made, the UNGOC may perform tests as they please, abducting civilians or purchasing D-Class (from the people they just raided) to perform these experiments on.

Foundation Staff Mission: "Iron Lung"
An unknown cyber terrorist has managed to hack into the foundation's systems, holding ultimate control over the site. fortunately, the cyber terrorist was unable to gain access to SCP-008, or SCP-079. Unless the Foundation Staff don't do as the terrorist says, the site will experience a five-SCP containment breach; one of the worst breaches the site has ever had.

Edits: Fixed grammar, colored text.
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SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Nov 26, 2022
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
Map change events are events that involve changing the map. I would reorient your question surrounding this. Despite this critique, I am very impressed by the application - especially how you account for each outcome. Something I usually do not see in an application.

cool wizard hat
very active
fun event ideas
+ Support
+1 Such a comical guy with his wizard hat and awesome attitude
Map change events are events that involve changing the map. I would reorient your question surrounding this. Despite this critique, I am very impressed by the application - especially how you account for each outcome. Something I usually do not see in an application.


Thank you all so much for the support! It means a lot to me. On the Map change event topic, I wasn't sure whether that was adding perma-props, implementing a permanent map area (e.g. 22415's new CC replacing the empty hall), or temporary map areas (Such as event dimensions, e.g. Coral's first event), so I appreciate the clarification. I will fix the error below.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
"The Final Addendum"

A routine inspection of the site is performed and reveals several structural issues within the site's inner systems and build. Multiple malfunctions and structural weaknesses are identified and ultimately lead to the O5 deciding that all site staff are being moved to Site-9 in the near future.

Two days following the inspection, site status is reported as operational until a site-wide blackout is induced and 3 containment failures occur. Immediate evacuation procedures occur, Code-Black is initiated. The following SCPs have breached:

- SCP-682
- SCP-008
- SCP-079

In order to exit the site, you must be ID Checked and Tested for the 008 infection in order to maintain security. MTF E-11 is focused on containing the breach, even though the Alpha Warheads will be detonated whether the breach is contained or not. The site's health is too low to maintain safely, so even if the facility is saved, an evacuation will occur and all site staff should proceed to the garage for secure transport to Site-9.

In order to do the command "changelevel" in a way that promotes RP, staff members should be brought into helicopters or escape vehicles and brought to a designated safe-zone (likely closing off Hill House or using UNGOC as a safe zone), and all SA and SC should be secured in the GOC's inner shelter.

In the event that SCPs breach surface, UNGOC may be equipped with Orange Suits and ERT may be summoned immediately. In order to make the event fun for non-combatives, researchers are given a chance to have research talks with the GOC, chefs are able to use their kitchen, SA and SC are able to coordinate the site's replacement and other logistical issues.

Once the SCPs are terminated or cuffed, they are brought to the GOC's containment and considered RC'd. This allows the level change to happen, and if CI isnt raiding, the event may proceed.

CI May participate by hearing of the site's destruction and attempting to steal confidential files before it's destruction, or by causing general chaos.

After the level change, operations proceed as normal.


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Dec 15, 2023
Application Accepted

Hi @King Fent BOE-M T7-D ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

After deliberation, we have decided to accept your application, congratulations!

Please wait in TS Interview Waiting Room at your earliest convenience and get in contact with me (Grizzly) or Raixin on discord.
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