What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)
Your Username: NotWill
Your SteamID:
Discord Username:
14, though I believe I am mature enough for GM. I believe other people would agree.
What's your current playtime:
Do you have a mic:
Your characters name:
William 'Fiber' (Foundation)
William 'Eye' (CI)
William 'Optic' (Civilian)
William 'Spy' (GOC)
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Yes, this is my first application.
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
The pac3 abuse warnings are kind of crazy but I did not intend to pac abuse in RP.
How many hours can you be on everyday:
3-4 hours, probably more on weekends since I'm less busy.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I would like to apply for game master because I enjoy creating RP, I enjoy having fun with other people on the server and I think it would be more fun as a game master, setting up events for people and etc.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: Generating a good roleplay environment, id be able to make sure that everyone is having fun, setting up events and overall really just making people have fun on the server.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
1. MTF E-11. The E-11 regiment would construct a high power energy weapon, helping to contain powerful anomalies, the first prototype would be constructed in either Crosstesting area in HCZ or the room in PW loop, the first SCP it would be tested on would be SCP-682, second would be 076 and third would be 912.
2. All SCP's have been breached, the foundation calls ERT but nothing can stop the disaster. They then call GOC for help but that wouldnt work, eventually they call code black. But then the SCP's manage to get to surface, theres nothing else we can do. But the foundation has assembled a team better than ERT, they rush in and attempt to recontain the SCP's and they succeed.
3. A new SCP has been brought to the facility, no one knows what it is. But its similar to SCP-008, CI has passed the toxic chemical of the SCP through the vents. Everyone gets sick besides a few people, its not as strong as SCP-008 and doesnt spread that easily, MTF E-11 could attempt to contain it but some of them have been infected, leaving only a few e-11, they then would have to call ERT for backup eventually pacifying the unknown SCP.
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
An expansion of core sector, under the bridge could be a break area with a kitchen and bathrooms and etc, also introducing a new third entrance to HCZ, it could also be equipped with more bunks for site staff or combative personnel and an area for researchers to write documents and etc.
List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
E-11: A new SCP has snuck into the facility, avoiding any contact with MTF or Foundation staff, the SCP is very stealthy and could turn invisible whenever,
it then enters HCZ, where the dangerous SCP's are, it then attempts to break out SCP's flawlessly, E-11 notices something wrong, unsure of what is going on. E-11 begins to sweep HCZ to find this SCP, they then find it and attempt to contain or neutralize the unknown SCP. However it runs away and leaves HCZ and then it is E-11's job to capture it and neutralize it.
Nu-7: CI are plotting something, its a foggy night in pinewood and its quiet. The Nu-7 notice somethings off they then are there guarding courtyard up there on surface, they then see something in the distance. It looks like someone armed with a heavy weapon of some sort, its secretly CI but they dont know it yet. The armed person walks back into the CI base leaving Nu-7 curious. Nu-7 then attempts to infiltrate the base to try to find out what it is, is it a new weapon they are creating? Nu-7 then find out that its a upgraded juggernaut and exfil the base. Preparing if they use that new juggernaut for a raid.
O-1: The Ethics Committee Chairman is on site, O-1 protecting them as usual. A group of disguised foundation staff have been noticed following them, but they are plotting something on the Chairman. Since they have been caught following the Chairman the surveillance on the group has increased. However the group are civilians trying to get info on them. O-1's job currently should prevent them from exfiltrating the site to prevent infobreaching the Chairmans name to pinewood.
A-1: The Cheif Overseer is walking around the facility, he then turns a corner and A-1 has lost sight of him,
they then call out that the Cheif Overseer is missing, in a panic combatives begin looking for the missing O-5, A-1 then split up and attempt to find them.
Foundation Staff: There is a bounty on a person, whoever finds this person will receive an item.
All foundation staff try to find this person to help either neutralize them or arrest them.
UNGOC: The foundation is dealing with a breach crisis, its not your ordinary breach. GOC have been testing a prototype to
fight anomalies, and they believe that they could use it to help contain whats breached in the foundation.
CI: CI have found a new SCP, they research it and everything. They discover that it is friendly towards them. They then get an idea to weaponize it to assist in raids.
They then get more CI for the raid. They think they should be able to mass breach with this SCP, so then their mission is to mass breach with the SCP they captured.
Your Username: NotWill
Your SteamID:
Discord Username:
14, though I believe I am mature enough for GM. I believe other people would agree.
What's your current playtime:
Do you have a mic:
Your characters name:
William 'Fiber' (Foundation)
William 'Eye' (CI)
William 'Optic' (Civilian)
William 'Spy' (GOC)
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Yes, this is my first application.
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
The pac3 abuse warnings are kind of crazy but I did not intend to pac abuse in RP.
How many hours can you be on everyday:
3-4 hours, probably more on weekends since I'm less busy.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I would like to apply for game master because I enjoy creating RP, I enjoy having fun with other people on the server and I think it would be more fun as a game master, setting up events for people and etc.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: Generating a good roleplay environment, id be able to make sure that everyone is having fun, setting up events and overall really just making people have fun on the server.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
1. MTF E-11. The E-11 regiment would construct a high power energy weapon, helping to contain powerful anomalies, the first prototype would be constructed in either Crosstesting area in HCZ or the room in PW loop, the first SCP it would be tested on would be SCP-682, second would be 076 and third would be 912.
2. All SCP's have been breached, the foundation calls ERT but nothing can stop the disaster. They then call GOC for help but that wouldnt work, eventually they call code black. But then the SCP's manage to get to surface, theres nothing else we can do. But the foundation has assembled a team better than ERT, they rush in and attempt to recontain the SCP's and they succeed.
3. A new SCP has been brought to the facility, no one knows what it is. But its similar to SCP-008, CI has passed the toxic chemical of the SCP through the vents. Everyone gets sick besides a few people, its not as strong as SCP-008 and doesnt spread that easily, MTF E-11 could attempt to contain it but some of them have been infected, leaving only a few e-11, they then would have to call ERT for backup eventually pacifying the unknown SCP.
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
An expansion of core sector, under the bridge could be a break area with a kitchen and bathrooms and etc, also introducing a new third entrance to HCZ, it could also be equipped with more bunks for site staff or combative personnel and an area for researchers to write documents and etc.
List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
E-11: A new SCP has snuck into the facility, avoiding any contact with MTF or Foundation staff, the SCP is very stealthy and could turn invisible whenever,
it then enters HCZ, where the dangerous SCP's are, it then attempts to break out SCP's flawlessly, E-11 notices something wrong, unsure of what is going on. E-11 begins to sweep HCZ to find this SCP, they then find it and attempt to contain or neutralize the unknown SCP. However it runs away and leaves HCZ and then it is E-11's job to capture it and neutralize it.
Nu-7: CI are plotting something, its a foggy night in pinewood and its quiet. The Nu-7 notice somethings off they then are there guarding courtyard up there on surface, they then see something in the distance. It looks like someone armed with a heavy weapon of some sort, its secretly CI but they dont know it yet. The armed person walks back into the CI base leaving Nu-7 curious. Nu-7 then attempts to infiltrate the base to try to find out what it is, is it a new weapon they are creating? Nu-7 then find out that its a upgraded juggernaut and exfil the base. Preparing if they use that new juggernaut for a raid.
O-1: The Ethics Committee Chairman is on site, O-1 protecting them as usual. A group of disguised foundation staff have been noticed following them, but they are plotting something on the Chairman. Since they have been caught following the Chairman the surveillance on the group has increased. However the group are civilians trying to get info on them. O-1's job currently should prevent them from exfiltrating the site to prevent infobreaching the Chairmans name to pinewood.
A-1: The Cheif Overseer is walking around the facility, he then turns a corner and A-1 has lost sight of him,
they then call out that the Cheif Overseer is missing, in a panic combatives begin looking for the missing O-5, A-1 then split up and attempt to find them.
Foundation Staff: There is a bounty on a person, whoever finds this person will receive an item.
All foundation staff try to find this person to help either neutralize them or arrest them.
UNGOC: The foundation is dealing with a breach crisis, its not your ordinary breach. GOC have been testing a prototype to
fight anomalies, and they believe that they could use it to help contain whats breached in the foundation.
CI: CI have found a new SCP, they research it and everything. They discover that it is friendly towards them. They then get an idea to weaponize it to assist in raids.
They then get more CI for the raid. They think they should be able to mass breach with this SCP, so then their mission is to mass breach with the SCP they captured.
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