SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - Rockriley333

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Jun 17, 2022
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: Rockriley333

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:613060540

Discord Username: Rockriley333

Age: 18

What's your current playtime: 4 days 18 hours

Do you have a mic: yes

Your characters name:
Foundation - Riley 'Rockin' Newman
Civilian - Ace Dwane
GOC - Mathew 'Rock' Sigils [1121]
CI - Ace "Rockin" Dwane

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
RDM - I lit a guy on fire as GOC for info breaching instead of arresting him...
all the rest are extremely old

How many hours can you be on everyday: 3 - 6

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
yes I have been a gamemaster/Event Coordinator for 6 community's currently still for 3
I did/do 1 - 3 events a day on each server to make sure everyone is having fun and staying engaged with the gameplay I also do events for people that have good ideas and want to be part of events.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
I want to be a gamemaster to make events for the community and keep everyone active and engaged with the server. I want to make sure that our player base is happy with playing and interested in staying, not only for our old players but also for our new ones, and I believe that by hosting events, this could help with keeping people engaged.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
I want to include everyone in my events, not just one of the divisions. When I host an event, I want to make sure that I can include everyone so that my events are fun for every player in the SCP RP. I want to keep all our players engaged and playing this server.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
The UIU comes along with an unknown SCP to hand it over to the foundation, as it has been causing them problems as they could not contain it, so they speak with site administration on the ability of this SCP and why we are handing it over to the foundation. As we are in the meeting room talking about the general information about this anomaly, it breaches containment. This anomaly is a 6,4 man dressed in a large cloak with the ability to summon shadow creatures from the void. He can control them any way he wants, and he also has the capability to shadow walk (the ability to transfer himself to the shadow realm). The UIU would have to work together to destroy or contain this anomaly.

UN-GOC 2. A member of the UN-GOC in another FOB was working on AI and robot technology to attempt to convince the 108 council to use these robots as soldiers instead of real human units to further protect life. as these robots were effective there was the risk of them being hacked or salvaged for heavy parts to allow other GOI's to sell them off or make vehicles out of them so the 108 council terminated his project and cut off all funds to his research, of course he was not happy about this turnout so he took everything he built away from the GOC and stored it in a unknown location after a few years this R&D still set on his work and the lives of others started to threaten the GOC saying he was going to attack small GOC FOB's until he got what he wanted but what he wanted was not possible for the GOC to deliver so this rouge unit sent his robots after all the GOC base fobs causing war between man and AI for days different types of bots attacking the GOC bases.

The chaos insurgency hears about this cave near the pinewood base fob that could possibly hold an anomaly. The CI get into a helicopter that takes them to this cave. Once they enter, they see a large stone with what looks like someone's hand sticking out. They use explosives to break the stone, and as they do so, a large flash of purple light flashes at the CI as a shock wave sends them into the walls. The man they break out of the stone asks why he has been summed and by whom. The man they broke out of the stone looks around, seeing that he is surrounded by dangerous individuals, so he asks what they want with him and why they set him free from the stone. This entity is not friendly, however, and has other motives. He wants to set free his god, the one that walks the void. The CI would have to attempt to fight off this entity or attempt to make a deal with this mysterious entity.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
The CI got their hands on five variants of SCP-610. They transported them to the pinewood base fob for testing, but while testing, one of the 610 variants was able to burrow into the ground. This SCP-610 started building a nest under pine wood and making huge flesh like spawners that were spitting out units of SCP-610. The CI decided to send in some units to try and exterminate all of the units of SCP-610 and destroy the nest. As soon as they go in, they get killed by some weird mutated version of SCP-610. After hours of the CI talking on what to do, they decide to tell the foundation and GOC about the situation. As the CI tells them about the situation, two of the houses in pinewood fall into these holes, leading into the nest that SCP-610's have created. All GOI's then realize how bad the situation is as units of 610 start to crawl out of the hole, building flesh on the houses, killing civilians, and turning them into more units of 610 as well as using their flesh to build another spawner GOC and CI try to fight off SCP-610 but are unsuccessful with how fast they are coming out of the nest. SCP-610 takes over the entire area of pinewood, condemning the entire area. After hours of trying to come up with a solution, a alarm goes off for SCP-008 containment as SCP-610 borrowed under it falls apart. SCP-610 and SCP-008 merge together, making a mutated version of SCP-610 that is faster, stronger, and more dangerous. Some are gaining the ability to shoot spikes out of their faces, while others are gaining the ability to shoot spores out of their backs to infect others after hours of foundation, GOC, and CI work together to destroy this anomaly.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
NU-7. NU-7 is tasked with holding back people who are rioting. Little did the foundation know these were not your ordinary citizens, as NU-7 sees a few of them bearing the mark of the serpent's hand. It seems that the serpents hand has caused a major information breach and are using the civs as a distraction to the foundation. For whatever they are planning, NU-7 will have to go and capture the command of the unit of serpents hand that is stationed in pine wood.

E-11. E-11 A mysterious thing keeps happening in the facility random things keep disappearing and random personal kept disappearing at first everyone thought it was normal as people and things disappear in the foundation all the time, it only started getting weird when everyone started to loose their memories overtime, and everyone was drained of their energy E-11 was tasked with finding out what was doing these things to everyone, E-11 searched and searched for something to explain why this was happening then E-11 found a small cave in pine wood that had this large blue glowing ball of light with strings of light heading in every direction on further inspection that light was attaching to everyone even the E-11 in that cave with it, E-11 was then tasked with fixing this breach in reality.

CI. CI gets a call from the highest of their command, the engineer he is aware of something that lerks in pinewood that no one else knows about a device that is constantly stopping time to the knowledge of the engine it is off in the mountains near pinewood, the CI take a helicopter to the distant mountains after hours of searching the suspected area one of the operatives fall through something the air rippling all the CI carefully head into this zone where they see this massive structure hidden by magic the CI attempt to raid this structure but are attacked by these weird glowing entity that seem to have the ability to move the elements around them after a long battle the CI get their hands on this glowing stopwatch they head back to the CI base and report back to the engine.

A-1. Serpents hand somehow break into the foundation, kidnapping a member of the 05 and taking them back to the wanders library. A-1 would have to figure out how to get into the wanders library, fight off many anomalous members of the serpents hand, and retrieve the 05 all without dying. In the process, will they save their beloved 05 or will they all dye trying?

O-1. The ethics committee tasks 0-1 with a special task. Ethic's have heard about an accent artifact in Antarctica that could grant them the power that they would need to take over the entire site... Ethics have always thought that the 05 just abused their power, so they want this artifact to destroy the 05. Well, one Petercilar Ethics member does O-1 go to Antarctica to find this artifact, but when they find it, they see that the UN-GOC found it first, and they were trying to remove this artifact from the stone it was stuck in but were unsuccessful. O-1 will have to fight the UN-GOC, as they will not give up this artifact easily.

GOC. UN-GOC finds out about an anomaly within pine wood that no one else could get their hands on and needs to be destroyed. This object could control time itself, and anyone with this KTE could wipe out everything or everyone. The GOC must find this object before anyone else and destroy it as it would be a danger to the world. But before they can destroy it, one of the GOC members uses this anomaly, sending all of them back to the stone age. Before they can get the object, he sends himself back to the current world. The GOC would have to build new technology and find a way out of the past that they were sent to before the traitor of the GOC could do any bad with the object.

Foundation Personal. All of the power in the foundation flickers off as purple orbs of energy float around as they hear someone chanting Eco through the entire site. A quick shadow jumping around killing people in the dark. The foundation gets the power back on weakening the entity but not stopping him. This entity sums people of the dead and using them to attempt to break free all the other anomalies. This entity, nothing but a shadow in the dark, must be stopped by the efforts of all the foundation. Once captured, research teams must carefully research this being without letting him go.
Last edited:
Jun 17, 2022
for my spelling and grammar errors I am sorry as I do have some problems that cause me to have a hard time with my grammar and spelling... I even ran this through a grammar and spelling checker and it could not even help me. still this is should not be a huge excuses for these errors but no matter what I do its hard to help making these mistakes... I am only human after all.


Active member
May 13, 2024
Actual great person to hang out with, many and I mean MANY creative ideas to behold, he also makes me laugh quite a lot so thats a plus on my end.


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Dec 15, 2023
Application Accepted

Hi @RockRiley333 ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

After deliberation, we have decided to accept your application, congratulations!

Please wait in TS Interview Waiting Room at your earliest convenience and get in contact with me (Grizzly) or Raixin on discord.
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