SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - steam power armor robin smith

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Well-known Member
Aug 4, 2024

What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: steam power armor robin smith

Your SteamID: 765619825177786

Discord Username: power armor

Age: 14

What's your current playtime: 1 day 7 hours 4 mins

Do you have a mic: yes

Your characters name: robin smith

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: yes

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: none

How many hours can you be on everyday: all day

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: yea kinda i hosted none staff events in other games

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: make small events and help with advents

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: i have a mind that is creative and dedicated and can help the server

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server): day break event research it, it would be a good event surface zone CI supply drops to help CI and civilians get guns and ammo, lastly ci or foundation nuke foundation nuke would be able to be accessed by level 4 and 5 and only when 096 682 are out

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): weapon shop for d class remove being able to shoot someone who did nothing wrong

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff): UNGOC would have a raid on CI and be able to steal a lot of supplies , A-1 or all mtf world ending scp attack, nu-7 defend against all scps every 1 minute they survive they get 100$(in game money ) E-11 weapon malfunction makes all weapons break, CI will have a drill or something dig trough the wall and give d class guns, O-1 attack 1000 or 100 npc zombies to get 10000$(in game money) foundation staff xp boast


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Dec 15, 2023
Application Denied

Hello, @matt-11 ,

Thank you for taking time to make an application, the Event Team Leads have decided to give you more time on the server before we accept your application. We feel like we need more interactions from you on the server and we feel it was rushed and not well thought out. We hope to continue to see you on the server and can't wait to see your application again :)

You may reapply in 2 weeks!

Regards, @PolarBear
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