What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)
Your Username: SyrianRebelSquad
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:107193359
Discord Username: Froggo4844
Age: 20
What's your current playtime:
Do you have a mic: Yes
Your characters name:
Chez 'Shepard' Harest (F)
Chez 'Chip' (CI)
Professor Psy Hotic (Civ)
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: this is my first one for GM if your asking for whitelist
Combat Medic
DEA Senior Agent
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
1x FearRP, didnt have medal at the time but i was running away while at gunpoint.
1x RDM, Killed a MC&D while training someone for a snipers test
How many hours can you be on everyday: About 4-5 On weekends like 6 to 7
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: No i have not
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I feel like I have a better grasp for it for when I'm given little to work with and still am able to make something out of it. Ive already been a part of small events before with a 9000-a4 and a ghost event with Thorn so i do know what I'm doing. I think a little can do a lot and ill be able to provide that. I would like to become a game master just i can do that little extra bit of little so I'm able to provide a lot of lot
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I think i would be able to help mostly on research side of things by just giving them something to play around with. I could also help in bring more GOI events which i feel like NU7 does need quite a bit more of. I know certain groups should be rare sighting but it does feel good to be in the know of a group and deal with them without anyone else. I can build as well at least semi decently, and i understand the 250 prop limit is not a challenge to try to reach to. I can use PAC3 at least well enough to make models and such, compression may be a bit of a issue for me. I also have some people who could also help me out if ever needed
(i would also like to request Rowling and Thorn to be mentors as they both said i should try being a GM.)
Also, i know how to do RP when it is needed to be done and try to get others to do the same if they want. So i feel like i could people on the track of a event if it gets a bit off the rails. Lastly, i know that events will not go always the way you want. But i feel like i'm good at improvising in a pinch.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
SCP-009 will be transported on site for a new research project as a test with SCP-409. As the testing continues it is proven to bond with each other. This SCP-409-3 will be be a hyper effective strand. This will get out of control but safety features are able to stop the breach before it leaves HCZ. With the power out and the info that is received from research before communications got cut out. E11 and others will go and clear out the HCZ in a GTFO-style type event
[Sarkic Cult Tablet]
Recently in deep pits of the Icey lake shores is a tablet that is dug up by some ice fishers. The tablet is inscribed a Sarkic curse that starts making the town folks sick. GOC and Foundation medical must be find a treatment to the growth of tumors and abbesses. While Nu7 and others try to find a way to temporally stop the curse. The way to stop would be revealed through other certain Sarkic cult members who have been around looking for said tablet to enact this curse on the world. so stopping this is a critical mainstay.
A old dusty crate is sent to the insurgency or foundation. Its a old Halloween box that is torn and the only label still readable just says "Wizar Potio". Inside is a box 6 different sets of potions each. Each sip would enact the effect, these effects are give you spell like powers for a little bit. The yellow one could enact a immortality type effect but only if poured on you instead of ingested like a ambrosia. The red one could like hyper alert type station where you could see through shit. so on and so fourth and these could be either used for foundation research or CI use.
someone random opens a random door on site. 4 8854 skeletons with trenches coats and tommy guns yell "you fell for it" and start running around causing havoc. they do this for a little bit then go back into another random door to do it again. Once all caught, they only say "i ain't saying nothin" this is just one is just for shits and giggles
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
[SCP-8066] The only thing to fear
Ill keep it short due this being probably very hard to do. But TLDR on the story this is what happens when SCP-2006 Too Spooky actually finds out what scares people. this event would basically be a more ambient map changes and bit more scary effects. now in short i don't know how i would actually first scare people and second make a dupe without everyone knowing but as the event follow
We start with a simply normal site. We have been permitted SCP-2006 under orders from the O5 and DOR. This is to be taken with top security of SITE-65 which you all know how that goes. so someone either a random CI or a techie walk in and 2006 does his usual BOO stunt but to no effect as that is not what is scary anymore. SCP-2006 asks, so what is? He learns the truth from whatever source they would give and he starts to plan. Over the next few hours lights start to go out, noises from nowhere start playing, People act like they normally shouldn't. The works. The end of this event would be a GOC type infil where by any means necessary they would have to terminate SCP-2006.
List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
O-1: [OSHA Violation] O1 is on their usually runs when there ECM falls into a mirror and breaks it. You know that means, and as soon as the ECM leaves there office a bomb goes off. O1 job is to protect the ECM from many pranks to silly down to deadly. Watch your feet
A1: [Intermittent Vengeance] Recently a member of the chaos insurgency has mind controlled one of the O5 somehow. Its A1 job to actually find out who is the one being controlled. The problem is no one actually is but no one believes each other. All CI left was just a notes with clues that are misleading to the actually case.
E-11: [682 Best Friend (that isn't 079)] 682 has finally found humanity! in a terminally ill pet. E11 job is to either keep that pet in tip top shape or replace him without 682 noticing. If he does notice he will not be happy. Mutations will occur and e11 will have to be on their A- game to get him to calm down. AA is authorized.
CI: [Music is the story of 1 million words] CI find a 1980's style cassette tape. Any song that is put in there actually happens to the best of its ability. Thriller by Micheal jack son will spawn dancing zombies. Eclipse by pink Floyd will make a lunar eclipse happen . so on and so forth, research with it and find out what song truly is the best.
UNGOC: [Yes, 'Yellow?'] A special kind of of poly morph has made its way into pinewood, but this a different one. It instead posses people instead of changing into them. The GOC must find and eliminate this threat before anything drastic happens.
Foundation Staff: [A normal day] A day where nothing bad happens at the foundation. This doesn't mean things don't breach or nothing goes wrong. its just nothing bad happens. 106 is out but not doing anything expect chatting. People don't have guns out and guarding people. No is getting sick and no one is arguing with each other. Things feel like they should be going wrong but they aren't. Find out why
Nu-7: [Damn Feds] The useless UIU from America want to come in after a report of a incident of a attack at the site. Ignoring them as usual until you read the report and see that there prediction came true yesterday. While they don't what NU7 does, the UIU made reports about "some snake people" coming in and trying to stir shit up. Your job is to team up with some UIU and find out more about "some snake people" and there plans.
Your Username: SyrianRebelSquad
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:107193359
Discord Username: Froggo4844
Age: 20
What's your current playtime:
Do you have a mic: Yes
Your characters name:
Chez 'Shepard' Harest (F)
Chez 'Chip' (CI)
Professor Psy Hotic (Civ)
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: this is my first one for GM if your asking for whitelist
Combat Medic
DEA Senior Agent
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
1x FearRP, didnt have medal at the time but i was running away while at gunpoint.
1x RDM, Killed a MC&D while training someone for a snipers test
How many hours can you be on everyday: About 4-5 On weekends like 6 to 7
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: No i have not
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I feel like I have a better grasp for it for when I'm given little to work with and still am able to make something out of it. Ive already been a part of small events before with a 9000-a4 and a ghost event with Thorn so i do know what I'm doing. I think a little can do a lot and ill be able to provide that. I would like to become a game master just i can do that little extra bit of little so I'm able to provide a lot of lot
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I think i would be able to help mostly on research side of things by just giving them something to play around with. I could also help in bring more GOI events which i feel like NU7 does need quite a bit more of. I know certain groups should be rare sighting but it does feel good to be in the know of a group and deal with them without anyone else. I can build as well at least semi decently, and i understand the 250 prop limit is not a challenge to try to reach to. I can use PAC3 at least well enough to make models and such, compression may be a bit of a issue for me. I also have some people who could also help me out if ever needed
(i would also like to request Rowling and Thorn to be mentors as they both said i should try being a GM.)
Also, i know how to do RP when it is needed to be done and try to get others to do the same if they want. So i feel like i could people on the track of a event if it gets a bit off the rails. Lastly, i know that events will not go always the way you want. But i feel like i'm good at improvising in a pinch.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
SCP-009 will be transported on site for a new research project as a test with SCP-409. As the testing continues it is proven to bond with each other. This SCP-409-3 will be be a hyper effective strand. This will get out of control but safety features are able to stop the breach before it leaves HCZ. With the power out and the info that is received from research before communications got cut out. E11 and others will go and clear out the HCZ in a GTFO-style type event
[Sarkic Cult Tablet]
Recently in deep pits of the Icey lake shores is a tablet that is dug up by some ice fishers. The tablet is inscribed a Sarkic curse that starts making the town folks sick. GOC and Foundation medical must be find a treatment to the growth of tumors and abbesses. While Nu7 and others try to find a way to temporally stop the curse. The way to stop would be revealed through other certain Sarkic cult members who have been around looking for said tablet to enact this curse on the world. so stopping this is a critical mainstay.
A old dusty crate is sent to the insurgency or foundation. Its a old Halloween box that is torn and the only label still readable just says "Wizar Potio". Inside is a box 6 different sets of potions each. Each sip would enact the effect, these effects are give you spell like powers for a little bit. The yellow one could enact a immortality type effect but only if poured on you instead of ingested like a ambrosia. The red one could like hyper alert type station where you could see through shit. so on and so fourth and these could be either used for foundation research or CI use.
someone random opens a random door on site. 4 8854 skeletons with trenches coats and tommy guns yell "you fell for it" and start running around causing havoc. they do this for a little bit then go back into another random door to do it again. Once all caught, they only say "i ain't saying nothin" this is just one is just for shits and giggles
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
[SCP-8066] The only thing to fear
Ill keep it short due this being probably very hard to do. But TLDR on the story this is what happens when SCP-2006 Too Spooky actually finds out what scares people. this event would basically be a more ambient map changes and bit more scary effects. now in short i don't know how i would actually first scare people and second make a dupe without everyone knowing but as the event follow
We start with a simply normal site. We have been permitted SCP-2006 under orders from the O5 and DOR. This is to be taken with top security of SITE-65 which you all know how that goes. so someone either a random CI or a techie walk in and 2006 does his usual BOO stunt but to no effect as that is not what is scary anymore. SCP-2006 asks, so what is? He learns the truth from whatever source they would give and he starts to plan. Over the next few hours lights start to go out, noises from nowhere start playing, People act like they normally shouldn't. The works. The end of this event would be a GOC type infil where by any means necessary they would have to terminate SCP-2006.
List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
O-1: [OSHA Violation] O1 is on their usually runs when there ECM falls into a mirror and breaks it. You know that means, and as soon as the ECM leaves there office a bomb goes off. O1 job is to protect the ECM from many pranks to silly down to deadly. Watch your feet
A1: [Intermittent Vengeance] Recently a member of the chaos insurgency has mind controlled one of the O5 somehow. Its A1 job to actually find out who is the one being controlled. The problem is no one actually is but no one believes each other. All CI left was just a notes with clues that are misleading to the actually case.
E-11: [682 Best Friend (that isn't 079)] 682 has finally found humanity! in a terminally ill pet. E11 job is to either keep that pet in tip top shape or replace him without 682 noticing. If he does notice he will not be happy. Mutations will occur and e11 will have to be on their A- game to get him to calm down. AA is authorized.
CI: [Music is the story of 1 million words] CI find a 1980's style cassette tape. Any song that is put in there actually happens to the best of its ability. Thriller by Micheal jack son will spawn dancing zombies. Eclipse by pink Floyd will make a lunar eclipse happen . so on and so forth, research with it and find out what song truly is the best.
UNGOC: [Yes, 'Yellow?'] A special kind of of poly morph has made its way into pinewood, but this a different one. It instead posses people instead of changing into them. The GOC must find and eliminate this threat before anything drastic happens.
Foundation Staff: [A normal day] A day where nothing bad happens at the foundation. This doesn't mean things don't breach or nothing goes wrong. its just nothing bad happens. 106 is out but not doing anything expect chatting. People don't have guns out and guarding people. No is getting sick and no one is arguing with each other. Things feel like they should be going wrong but they aren't. Find out why
Nu-7: [Damn Feds] The useless UIU from America want to come in after a report of a incident of a attack at the site. Ignoring them as usual until you read the report and see that there prediction came true yesterday. While they don't what NU7 does, the UIU made reports about "some snake people" coming in and trying to stir shit up. Your job is to team up with some UIU and find out more about "some snake people" and there plans.
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