SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - TheLaggyOne

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Well-known Member
Jul 10, 2024
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: TheLaggyOne

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:633935273

Discord Username: thelaggyone1

Age: 14, however I do believe that I display enough maturity to be fit for the gamemaster team, I will also turn 15 by March of next year.

What's your current playtime:
Note: Been busy this past month, school holidays have started for me so my playtime will increase. I have 442 hours total, as per the 1 year achievement.

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: James 'Laggy' Jonathan (Foundation)
John Smith (Civilian)

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:

June 14: RDM | FailRP - Killing as a chef when using 914
June 15: [Ban] RDM - Same situation

How many hours can you be on everyday: 2-3 hours on Monday-Friday, more on weekends.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: Hosting events on two different SCP SL servers, where I would organize/run events using the console commands, and Gamemaster/Admin on a barotrauma server, where I could help out with people wanting to RP by spawning objects/creatures.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I enjoy the RP that are created by events, along with how they bring new situations to the game. I like the idea of organizing and hosting events, to make the game more interesting for the players.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I have good ideas to introduce a multitude of different RP scenarios to the player. I can be on at low-pop, which means I can host events or RP enhancements at that time when nothing interesting is happening. I have experience creating events, which even though they are on different games, can still be helpful as a Gamemaster. I have good patience and maturity when dealing with people, even when they are being frustrating.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

Book of personalities:

A new anomaly has been placed into LCZ inanimate for temporary holding, until it is transported to a permanent location. It is unknown what it does, other then the fact it is a book. When read, the person who read the book seems to act differently.

Functionality - Similar to the book of diseases, but when read, text would show up describing how they should act, along with saying not to disclose what the book does. Some effects could be:
Calm: No matter the situation, you are calm and relaxed, even in great danger.
Angry: You become increasingly angry at everyone, blaming small problems on them. (Note: This is not a excuse to RDM)
Sad: You are always sad.
These three would be the most common, however there would be slightly rarer effects.

Notes - This would require people to RP it out, which could lead to some issues if people decide not to listen to the effect. The effect would end on death or by ECT. Once the event goes on for too long, or people lose interest, someone will go into the facility to transport it to a different facility.


A man has shown up, who when talked to will give you a quest to complete, which will then be rewarded. He also has an apprentice.

Functionality - A gamemaster will teleport themselves to a location where people often go, such as outside medical. The more important quests would be:

Bring me 5 eggs. (would be the first quest)

Get me a level 2 keycard or higher.

My apprentice has wandered away, retrieve him, by force if necessary. Do not listen to what he says.
Storyline - When the person finds the apprentice, the apprentice would beg them to help them escape from the questgiver. If they choose to help, they will run into the questgiver, where the questgiver thanks them and tells the apprentice to follow, which the apprentice will reluctantly do. If they choose to return them back to the questgiver, the apprentice will plead to not take them back there.

Get me a gun, the more powerful the better.

My apprentice has wandered away again. Kill him. Do not ask questions. (If they choose to kill the apprentice, the questgiver will give the person their reward before disappearing. If they try to help, the questgiver will attempt to hunt them down by sending others on the same quest. If the apprentice makes it to surface, the apprentice will thank the person before both the apprentice and questgiver disappear)

Notes - There will be unimportant quests between these as well, none of which will have much impact. The questgiver will be immortal, however cannot harm people.


A ghost is going around haunting each base (CI, GOC and Foundation.) They just seem like minor things, like opening doors, but as time goes on, it gets more disruptive, like turning off the power or briefly possessing people. The only thing is that whenever someone gets possessed, they get a vision of something to do with the haunted object (the reason the ghost got in there.)

Functionality - The visions could range from general location, to clues about what the object is. Whatever faction finds it first can choose what to do with it, wherever it would be destroying, containing, or weaponizing it. The haunted object would just be a prop, which can be moved and destroyed.

Notes - Anything to do with containing or weaponizing the object should be RPed out. The longer the event goes on, the more specific the visions will be, to prevent the event from being too long. People doing important RP will be avoided from possession, unless it would make the RP more interesting for the people involved.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
The Foundation, GOC, CI, and the Civilians all receive a message from a unknown source: "They are coming. Defenses have been prepared. Gather armies, bring all your might, and you may just survive. Protect pinewood, it's all you have." Large mountable turrets appear around the border of pinewood, along with pinewood be expanded out with flat ground all around it. After 10 minutes, zombies will start appearing on the expanded plains area, where people will have to hold them off. As time goes on, the zombies will become more powerful, pushing the forces back, to a more enclosed area. The more terrain that the zombies overtake, the buildings in pinewood become visibly destroyed, along with the lost land being very dangerous for people to navigate. When the zombies push each faction back to their base, the same person sends out another message: "You have lost pinewood, but it is not over yet. I will deploy more turrets, along with a shield. Do not fail now." Another turret will be deployed at each base, along with a shield at the front door of their base, which will break over time when the zombies attack it. Eventually, each faction will be pushed into their base. The zombie force will gain strength suddenly, but then suddenly start retreating. When they return to surface, they will arrive to a very heavily destroyed surface zone, where there are no zombies, but everything is destroyed. The buildings are rubble, the roads are cracked and unusable, and strangely, even the terrain is heavily damaged, with the ground shaking at random times, it was more damage then normal zombies could achieve.
They will receive a communication from that person saying: "I am disappointed. I had to save you, 3 armies cannot protect a single town. Meet me at the destroyed bar." When people go to the bar, a person will be standing there. When enough people are gathered around he will start talking about how he saved the place, but then will suddenly stop and say "Something isn't right. Prepare." He will then run outside, away from everyone else, where the ground will collapse around him. Under the ground will be a subsurface cavern, which is littered with zombies of different types. The man is nowhere to be seen, however they receive one last communication from him: "Go into the cavern to find the heart, and destroy it. I will have passed away by the time you receive this, and I wish you the best of luck. No help is coming, you must do this yourself." When people go in, there will be large areas of zombies, and a faint pulsating can be heard/felt. As people get closer to the heart, the pulsating gets louder, until they find the heart, and when they attempt to destroy it, their vision will get darker along with the text "You struggle to keep consciousness." Eventually everyone in the cavern will become unconscious, and everyone in the cavern will be teleported to spawn, and everyone in the server will see this text: "You survived. You try to recall what happened, but the memory seems to be fading. Zombies? Heart? None of that happened. Perhaps if you listen closely to the ground, you may just hear a heartbeat, or perhaps it's just your own. No matter. You have a job to do, a life to live.

Notes - The event should have CI, GOC, and the Foundation all working together, but should go the same if they don't. The reset will effectively remove any memory, along with any physical things, to do with the event. If someone does something IC that doesn't relate to the event, they will remember that.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
A person will appear at HCZ primary, and will walk towards any non-sentient SCP's CC. When asked, all the person will say is "I am bringing them the gift of knowledge." If the person reaches any CC, the anomaly will gain intelligence, being able to strategize, talk, and feel emotions. E-11 have to decide what to do with this person. If contained, the person will become increasingly more frustrated, before going hostile, where they will "Overload peoples brain with knowledge" which causes the person to be unable to see or hear for a while, with a chance for death. The SCP will try to escape, where if it gets out of HCZ, it will disappear. If E-11 allows him to do his thing (which probably won't happen), he will give sentience to a couple SCP's before heading out of HCZ and disappearing.

Functionality - A gamemaster will head to a SCP's CC, where the SCP will then get a prompt saying "You have now gained intelligence. You are able to talk, strategize, and feel emotion. (Note this will only last until you die/disconnect)" The gamemaster will also be a SCP, so they have to lower their health to capture the anomaly.

Notes - If the event goes for too long, the SCP will start visibly dying, with no way to save it, where it will explain that their knowledge is too powerful for them, and that they will die because of it.

CI is receiving a delivery, a prototype weapon from a different base, and NU-7 managed to gain knowledge of this delivery. All they know is when it's being delivered, and it is dangerous. NU-7 has to intercept the delivery and bring it into their base, otherwise CI will be able to raid with this new weapon.

Functionality - A vehicle with a will arrive between the foundation and CI base, with CI/NU-7 having to escort it. The vehicle is indestructible, however it moves slowly and depending on which faction has control, the vehicle will head towards their base. The teams win when the vehicle has entered their compound, and gain access to a temporary weapon which would be helpful when raiding. The vehicle will get faster the longer the event goes on, to prevent stalemates.

The ethics committee appear to be fading away for an unknown reason, with their memories and consciousness fading alongside them. O1 have to figure out the cause of this fading and stop it. Eventually O1 will find the cause of the fading which is being caused by a chemical the was placed in the vent that was mixed with a bit of all of the ethics member's DNA. Once the problem is solved, they have to find out who caused this, and how they got access to the ethics committee's DNA. There will be clues pointing towards a specific O1 member, which will be who caused it.

Functionality - The fading will be caused by lowering the opacity in a player model (I believe that should be possible) and the other parts will be told to the ethics members to RP. If O1 don't find the chemical in time, the ethics members will be in a catatonic state (In a coma) while being barely visible until it is solved.

Notes - The O1 involved with causing the problem will give consent for them to be the culprit, and any long term RP consequences will be voided, unless they wish for the event to be a form of resignation event.

One of the members of the Overseer Council has been replaced with a skinwalker. They will not know this at first, only noticing minor changes in their behavior, which may be a bit less... human. Eventually they will be told that there is a skinwalker, and they have to find out who, while the skinwalker Overseer attempts to prevent them from figuring this out by ordering people to disrupt them, and trying to act human.

Functionality - The skinwalker will be played by one of the Overseers. They will be told to act differently and try to prevent anyone from finding out they are a skinwalker. If the event goes on for too long without the skinwalker being found out, the skinwalker will be revealed, and it will try to get out of the facility.

Notes - Will require at least 2 Overseers to be on for the whole event.

Foundation staff
A new chef has arrived at the facility, with them being from a place known for it's mysterious drinks, and they are offering their services to the people in the foundation. The person will, when asked for a drink, give the person a cup with a random effect

Functionality - A person will come in from surface, saying that they are a new arrival, and someone in facility staff can confirm that, to make sure they don't get held up on surface for too long. The person will give people cups that will have a random status effect that lasts for ~10 seconds.

Notes - The event will end once it goes on for a good amount of time, where they will drink a potion of their own and disappear.

After a recent raid, NU-7 managed to steal a very important CI document. They haven't been able to bypass the security measures preventing them from opening it, but it's only a matter of time before they do. CI need to locate this document before the foundation manage to get access into it.

Functionality - CI will gain knowledge of the document that was stolen, and will have to raid to retrieve it. During that, there will be puzzles the foundation have to solve to unlock it. If foundation get the information, CI loses.

Notes - If they unlock it too quickly, there will be a timer displayed on the box where it will open afterwards, just to give CI the chance of opening it.

A new anomaly has appeared, and it seems to dislike GOC. It is playing tricks on members of the GOC, and at first, they seem harmless, but as time goes on, the tricks become more and more harmful, until it starts killing people. GOC have to find a way to trap this anomaly, before the tricks get too dangerous.

Functionality - A gamemaster will control a anomaly, which will teleport around and play various tricks on people, wherever it's something small like stunning a person (Shooting them with the tranq gun) or setting up explosives to go off in a hallway.

Notes - If the event goes on for too long, have the anomaly die from a trick that backfired
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Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Dec 15, 2023
Application Accepted

Hi @TheLaggyOne ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

After deliberation, we have decided to accept your application, congratulations!

Please wait in TS Interview Waiting Room at your earliest convenience and get in contact with me (Grizzly) or @King 'Reaper' on discord.
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