[SCP-RP] USA "Moxxie" Gamemaster Application

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Jul 17, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP:
2074 hours since June 2022
In what country are you located?:
United States
Time zone:
Mountain Standard Time
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable):
MTF Nu-7 Major "Moxxie"
Chaos name (include your rank):
CI-Delta "Strix"
Civilian name:
[GT-CL] Ronny "Doofus" Salami
Steam ID:
Discord ID (name#0000):
Do you have a mic?:

What server are you applying for?:
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
This is my first Gamemaster Application, but I've made several applications in the past
(Links are posted in order from Newest to Oldest)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have never received a warn, kick, or ban on the server
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
Not Gamemaster/Event manager, but I was staff on a now shut down Secret Lab server and hosted event rounds
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
My only experiences with roleplay on GMOD is the SCP-RP server and the MRP server
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
I can be on 3-4 hours from Sunday-Friday

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
I want to provide fun and memorable experiences to the players on the server. I want to provide an experience with events that will allow older players to recapture the spark of fun from when they first started the server, and to give new players the spark to keep them playing. I also want to increase the amount of roleplaying the server does, cause at times it can become a bit stale with detailed and immersive roleplaying

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I have tons of experience with the server, and have played through my well share of events, both minor and major, and would like to improve on the pillars already set by the event team. I want to do events that involve everyone, from D-Class to Civilians to Goi's, I want everyone to feel involved in the server.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server)

SCP-131 Shenanigans
While Site-65 temporarily contains SCP-131-A and SCP-131-B, a containment breach knocks out the power to the temporary holding cell. Following their sudden freedom from containment, they observe the containment breach, and explore around the foundation. Due to their high speeds, it may be challenging to get both instances back into containment.

(Would just entail simple fun with a safe class SCP)

SCP-019 "The Monster Pot"
After a field agent discovers and brings SCP-019 to Site-65 for safe containment, the SCP foundation discover that they have a new task that has to be constantly overseen or else a catastrophic breach could occur. SCP-019, due to Site-65's ill-prepared containment of SCP-019, begins to have SCP-019-2 instances to emerge from the pot. Although these instances are smaller and weaker than most of the sites anomalies, being able to be taken down with only couple mags of ammo, they have to be in check or else too many to handle may spell the end for the site.

(Any amount of GM's, preferably up to 3 will act as the 019-2 instances, while E-11/GSD make sure that they don't break out of containment, or allow too many to be in existence at once)

Troubles in the Tech Department

An insider for the Chaos Insurgency alerts Cell-56 that one of the foundations head technical/engineer directors, one of the few people responsible for the improvement of SCP containment chambers, the CI hatch a plan to kidnap this director, possibly getting information on how to disable containment chambers more efficiently than hacking.
(Around 5 GM/Participants, 1 playing the Technical/Engineer director, the rest as a personal security detail. The Tech/Engi director is here to observe the containment status of Site-65 and to see if any improvements needs to be made in order to uphold the security of the site. CI will be alerted VIA trucks driving in from pinewood, as well as an anonymous secure comms)

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

Intense rumbling is felt all throughout pinewood and neighboring areas. Pinewood isn't prone to earthquakes, so the shaking is cause for alarm. As each GOI sends out a field team to investigate, a giant portal appears in the open field of pinewood. Before long, a creature steps out, an unworldly beast aggressive to anything it saw. The creature would wipe out the local police force who were trying to investigate the portal with ease, prompting The Foundation, The UNGOC, and the Chaos Insurgency to temporarily stop hostilities with each other to prevent any more beasts from coming into this world, and figuring out a way to shut the portal.
(Just a simple kill big enemy that comes through portal event, nothing too extreme. Would require props to build a portal in the open field)

List an example mission for each of the following:
Omega-1 + Chaos Insurgency:
A convoy carrying Ethics Member "Boston" from Site-██ has suddenly been ambushed and knocked off course by the Chaos Insurgency. Ethics Member "Boston" is taken hostage by the Chaos Insurgency, but manages to alert them via Radio Communications before he was kidnapped.

It's up to Omega-1 to rescue the Ethics Member from the Chaos Insurgency, using whatever resources are available at Site-65. They may recruit personnel, such as Combat Medics and DEA to assist with the rescue of the visiting Ethics Member
It's up to the Chaos Insurgency to prevent the Ethics Member to be returned. As they are defending Cell-56 from the attacking foundation, it's also a mission to force information out of the Ethics Member. This information will be a big help for the Cell near Site-██

A-1: Recently, from observations from Alpha-1 and Overseer Assistants disguised, many of the sites staff, including high ranking directors and administration have been discovered to know about things that they shouldn't, such as the identities of the Overseer councils, as well as codes that access the nuclear warhead. It's up the Alpha-1 to eliminate the threats, and question people of interest about where they got the knowledge. (No real infobreaches related to Site-65 will be shared)

Nu-7: Recently a large influx of militant persons of interest have appeared in pinewood. They didn't appear to be part of the Chaos Insurgency or the UNGOC. During a infiltration mission conducted by DEA to investigate the group, its discovered that they are an anti-foundation group of unknown origin. They have discovered Site-65, and are planning to attack and take over the site. The militant group are heavily armed, so it's up to Nu-7 to take them out before they have a chance to attack the site.

E-11: Site-65 are tasked with the temporary containment of SCP-075 "The Corrosive Snail". During the fairly simple task, a containment breach occurs, and SCP-075 manages to escape from its chamber. This puts E-11 at high alert, as the snail is known to pounce at people and excrete a highly corrosive substances from pores on its body. Due to it's high speeds and small mass, it's hard to locate the SCP, which sends E-11 into a goose chase looking for the snail before it kills someone

UNGOC: The UNGOC have gotten reports from a concerned civilian of a being that has been lurking in the trees surrounding pinewood. As UNGOC investigate the matters, a couple operatives seemingly disappear, unable to be tracked down or contacted. As they investigate, they discover a humanoid creature terrorizing the citizens of Pinewood, slowly picking them off one by one like a buffet. It's the UNGOC's job to terminate the creature before anyone else gets killed, but the creature has many tricks up its sleeves, so it will not be an easy job.

Foundation Staff: A sickness has been going around the site, inducing nausea and pain in all parts of the body. The use of kant counters have shown that the infection has an origin point someone in LCZ, and may possibly be anomalous. Although the kant counters cannot figure out exactly where these infection origin points are. It's up to containment specialists and medical personnel to figure out where these infection points are and eliminate the origin points before the infection evolves into something fatal

Dr. Ternith Plague

Active member
Dec 13, 2023
Excellent roleplayer, and an even better player. The events listed are creative and could work in the context of the server.
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