[SCP-RP USA] "Nohacks' ECM

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Jul 21, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:519426805
Discord name: NoHacksOnlySkill#7081
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 8 months
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: United states
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): "Hacker"
Civilian name: John thomas
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
IA Ambassador Holding
Alpha-1 Sgt Holding
Omega-1 SGT held
OA Holding
ECA Held
MTF E-11 SGT Held
MTF Nu-7 CPT Held
MTF O-1 SGT Held
MTF Nu-7 LCPL Held
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have 2 warnings of my knowledge.
P.S I have improved a lot
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I am applying for the position of ethics committee member Because over the months of playing, I have learned that the ethics committee does play a big role, so with skills i have learned over the months of playing and learning from each high-ranking role I have held and the skills learned from each role unitizing these skills could improve the ethics committee.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
Activity is something, I take pride in as the server is basically my safe spot from a lot of things, Discord, I always answer someone,
when they ask questions about ethics or even regarding test for SCPS, Ideas for regiment "Squads, Training ETC" I always plan to be very active as
my work on the server is something I take serious because it means a lot to me.

My communication between foundation members in secondary comms go back to my activity am always active in Secondary also sharing information between my fellow regiment members always giving clear comms, even during stressful moments i stay cooled and collected to not seem unprofessional nor toxic towards any player as i would not want to be yelled at or screamed at for a small mistake taking in secondary comms help everything run smoothly.

My Behavior on the site is excellent, Always Welcoming, Professional and serious as being rude and Dis welcoming to new people on site would not benefit relations with other regiments nor GOI as that same person may never see the nice side of the ethics committee, Being Professional is a must towards all site staff even D-Class personnel as they are human beings.

My knowledge on the ethics committee is high and as my time as a Ethics Committee Assistant, i have already been put in stressful situations from know right to wrong, But being ethical towards all personal are a must ethics still need to be enforced on curtain situations as I have to arrest certain people for breaking the CoC rules miss using scps are a big things in the facility cause problems and misunderstanding from researchers
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
Testing approving-Ethics are in charge of approving Cross-testing and more dangerous SCPS like SCP-### but making sure these tests are for good research and not a waste of time and endangering foundation life, They are mostly overseeing these cross-test to make sure things are ethical towards D class personnel and SCPS to make sure they are not missued and making sure the test follows the document approved by the ethics committee.

Code black Situations- As ethics is part of Site command, They are Level 5 which they are in charge of getting foundation staff out of the site in case things get out of hand a Code black is called when MTF on site are struggling to contain the SCPs from reaching surface by this time ERT will arrive and hopefully save the site and if not AKA the alpha Warhead will be active giving enough time to get the rest of MTF and Gensec out of the site to stop major Deaths.

resolving conflict within the site- As ethics they also deal with conflicts between departments or regiments which may call for a meeting between the two who are having these problems with or Ethical concerns with one another. Members of the Ethics Committee are expected to provide the final say and resolve conflicts effectively.

Review Reports from assistances-As a member of the Ethics Committee, they have assistances in which they gather information and do reviews on other areas of the site for ethics which they will make a short document to provide to ethics first for approval and then a full report on the Regiment, Department, Test or Annuel reviews on departments.

Code of ethics/CoC-A very important in-game character thing is to up hold CoE but is no longer a thing but a important thing is now the CoC is very important to up hold as ethics now so all Site personnel know that there are still rules behind things and must be followed by all Site personnel

Emergency Response-Has a CL5 member they are responsible for important reactions and escalation depending on the situation like Mass termination of D block because of a info breach, AA authed for MTF teams.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Born in February 21 1997 was taken into the foundation at 18 after a SCP-096 breached containment killing his family and his entire town, He started off as a janitor and work his way up the ranks to a Gensec Officer over watching D-block, 2 Years later he proved himself to be a very useful person, As the Ethics committee gave him a chance at becoming there Assistant to help improve the COE and the foundation, He accepted the offer, After he Accepted the offer he was assigned to MTF Beta-1 helping them find GOI finding hostile threats on surface and talking with GOC about relations and benefiting both sides to success, Destroying SCPS that could end the world, Doing this could help save many lifes around the world, He then goes on to change site protocols to help improve the site even more by improving Code black protocols on fast and effective ways to save as many people as they could to help keep site staff safe from SCP's containment breach's, Ethics was very impressed on his ideas so they called him into the offices to talk about a reconstruction of D block to give D class a more comfortable living area and more things to, and also giving them the medical attention they needed in the first place which was neglected by Site Command, Causing improvements on gensec staff so they understand the CoC and a little bit of ethics that improvised into the CoC, He is now working his way to be the best he can to improve all site affairs and Helping E-11 improve E-11 for safer lockdowns when SCPs are breaching or when the site has fallen he now works his way to the top to become the best ECA, One day he is walking down Reseach hall and then is blindfolded by a unknown person and is dragged to a office and sat down Infront of all ethics committee and the Chairman himself, He offers him a spot on the ethics committee He.....
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-/+ Neutral

I think you're a decent guy, Nohacks, but you haven't held a position as a Sr. CL4 in MONTHS. Additionally, you have not been an ECA in quite a while (I believe you left ECA around the same time I was removed from O-1?). IA is the only role you have that correlates with the Committee, and I must say I see you on A-1 or OA considerably more than IA Ambassador. Perhaps getting DoIA or ECA would better your case in the future.

Best of luck to you, all the same.
From the Ethics Committee of Site-65
Ethics over all.png

The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: "No Hack's" Ethics Committee Member Application.

Thank you for showing interest in the position of Ethics Committee Member, the committee is in agreement that you are not yet suited to be an Ethics Member. Please get in contact with us for your reason for denial.
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