[SCP-RP USA] O5-1 "The Finality" Ascension

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Jun 4, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:120907744
Discord name: _.shark._
For how long have you played on CG SCP: ~2 years of time apart of the community. 1870 hours of active playtime. I'm currently on an active ROA for personal reasons (hence my recent inactivity.)
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: PST
Character name(s):
O5-2 Murphy "The Emissary" Robinson
Civilian name:
John "Fallout"
What server are you applying for?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Director of External Affairs
E-11 SPC
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have two FailRP, one RDM, and one Minor glitching ban. The minor glitching ban was revoked, and the other three are from more than a year ago and thus I cannot recall exactly what happened.

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number)
I'm applying for O5-1 due to my desire to continue the legacy of the previous -1 as his goals align with my own. There's a lot of backend issues in O5 that I wish to clean up and becoming O5-1 will allow me to do so more efficiently. I also wish to continue to push for larger scale storylines by either creating them myself or inspiring others to do so. Foundation Command operates within the black box that not a lot of players can see into, I also hope to change that by having a bit more transparency on the part of our decisions moving forward. Becoming the Chief Overseer will better allow me to complete all these goals and push others to improve the server as a collective.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?
I've accomplished numerous things during my tenure as Director of External Affairs, mainly administrative work alongside conducting covert operations with DEA in-game. If you wish to look exactly what I've done, my previous O5-4 application went over them.

For the players reading this: Understand that Foundation Command operates in "secrecy" and while I will share what I can in this application, this section will be vague for the purposes of preventing metagame about ongoing roleplay. Server Leadership may feel free to reach out to myself directly if you want to interview me on exactly what I've done as an Overseer.

  • I've watched over specific high level personnel and pushed them to do more in their positions. If not, resign to allow other, more ambitious personnel take their place to allow the departments to grow. As such, the departments in question were able to bounce back and become more cohesive.
  • I rewrote the Overseer Assistant handbook and re-did the internship section of the program to allow for better evaluation of new assistants. I've also managed the assistant program by myself by assigning open orders and dealing with inactive assistants. Two of the most stellar assistants from my program were able to reach Site Administration. I also continue watch over it and have plans to continue to rework and improve it.
  • I've conducted several operations with both Assistants, Research Staff, Engineering and Technical Staff, and Alpha-1 leading up to several projects. (Purposefully vague as this is ongoing.)
  • I've created, updated, and completely revised important documentation such as the Code of Conduct and O5 Handbook with plans for more in the near future.
  • Alongside the previous -1, we oversaw a major order given to Site Administration that led to the creation of several important documentation that will be used in the coming days.
  • I am currently the most experienced Overseer and have been in the position since June 7th, 2024 (roughly 141 days in the position.)
  • I've been responsive in external communications (hence why I think I've been consistently bombarded by people's DMs every time I wake up) and have a presence on site when I'm not covertly observing personnel. I've been able to maintain a 2D 12HR minimum VTime (average of 4D but I am currently on ROA.)
  • I have extensive experience in leadership positions and high level roleplaying roles in this community and others and thus know how to conduct myself in character. This experience also extends to my time in several roles across the server as I've tried to experience every role at least once to get a better understand and emphasize with the players in said roles. This experience has ranged from CL1s to CL4s and this experience has allowed me to create more immersive roleplay for players in said groups.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?

There are numerous responsibilities of O5-1 and by extension, the Council in roleplay but these are some of the main ones:

  • Direct and Impose the Code of Conduct on all personnel and ensure it's compliance at all times.
    • This responsibility ranges from the creation of operations to ensure high level personnel are following the Code of Conduct to updating it as policies change and ensuring it's always up to date to reflect the Council's will.
  • Resolve issues that would effect the entirety of the Foundation or cause major regional instability.
    • While Site Administration is able to handle the majority of the on-site responsibilities, the O5 Council may need to step in when certain issues arise that could effect strategic interests. The most common way they do this is with the detonation of the on-site nuclear warhead.
  • Push roleplay scenarios across all levels of the Foundation and outside it.
    • An important responsibility as O5-1 is to both push roleplay yourself and to ensure other high level personnel (mainly the other Overseers) are pushing interesting on-site scenarios for those around them.
  • Approve tests and operations that require Foundation Command oversight.
    • The most common approval is SCP-008 samplings but this extends to other permissions departments/regiments could request in their operations.
  • Continuously work to maintain site stability and authorizing certain protocols when necessary.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?)
  • Voting on and appointing new Overseers, Site Directors, Directors of Research, and Overseer Assistants.
  • Revising Foundation policies especially the Code of Conduct when needed.
  • Directly overseeing the Alpha-1 regiment and appointing new Commanders.
  • Working alongside the Ethics Committee to push new policies.
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in.

"Well, it's about time, wouldn't you say?"

A lightbulb cracks to life. Two figures remain shrouded in darkness on each side of the room. The figure on the left begins to speak, "Hello, glad to see you made it here in one piece. Apparently it's rather difficult to kidnap an Overseer... but then again, nothing is impossible."

The figure is begins to pace around the room, they're faintly illuminated by the light. Murphy notices their black suit and a strange pin on their suit jacket. "Your resume is quite extensive, I'm inclined to give you the position of Chief Overseer here and now. However..." as the words leave their mouth, they sink back into the shadows.

The other figure steps forward,
"Hello Murphy, apologies for my partner's... ramblings... You shall refer to me as Dusk, my partner's 'name' is Dawn." Dusk begins to walk around Murphy, "I do agree with my partner, your track record within our Foundation has been extensive, especially more of your recent... projects on Site-65-"

His words are cut off as Murphy jumps up and runs towards the door, "Oh I wouldn't do that if I were you." He ignores Dusk's advice and reaches for the door handle; opening it, he finds himself in an empty field. Endless plains going on for what seems like eternity.

appears in front of him "There's nothing here for you, I suggest you focus on what's in front of you." Dawn pushes him back and closes the door behind them.

Murphy begins to stand
"So Dusk, Dawn, I take it you're with him, what exactly do you want?"

"Not exactly with him, but close enough."

Dusk begins to withdraw a small cube from his pocket. As Murphy continues to observe it, it warps in size, shape, and composition. "Now, this... device is a personal project of that certain someone, one of the few things that would further his goals. We'll need to implant it in your body."

"Why exactly would I do that, you've offered me nothing but promises that I have a feeling you cannot fulfill."

"That's where you're mistaken, we're quite involved with Mr. █████████ and if you're smart, you know we wouldn't know his name if we were lying. If I recall correctly, he had quite the hand in your initial appointment to Overseer. He's recently severed his connection with the Church of Flames and thus has become a target. He knows your connection to them may result in a... vulnerability for him and thus he has asked for our services to convince you to implant this device."

"You'd be wise to listen to him. In order to complete our end of the deal we've been offered, you have to live. Whether you accept the chip or not, that's a different story. We were told to pressure you into implanting it but not to force you." Dawn snatches the cube out of Dusk's hand and examines it for themself. "If I were in your position, I wouldn't take it either. I can't imagine you're able to truly perceive device 'they' call the [CRITICAL ERROR. UNKNOWN SYNTAX.], would you?"

Murphy takes another look at the device, he's not even sure it's a chip anymore. As it continues fluctuating, it grows more unstable, warping reality around it. "Even if I wanted to put that... thing anywhere near me, it doesn't look exactly stable enough to last longer than a few seconds. I'm not exactly looking to become another byproduct of my recent project."

A small tremor shakes the room. Cracks begin to form on the cell. This world is crumbling. Energy beams from the device and hits Murphy and knocks him against the wall. "WHATEVER THAT THING IS, SHUT IT OFF!" he barked at them.

"We don't exactly have the power to do that... we've tried to keep it stable but unfortunately it needs a host in order to stabilize. Now, if you want to leave here in one piece, I'd strongly suggest putting that on your body." Dusk calmly walks over to Murphy, still on the ground, and hands him the device.

Murphy angrily tosses the device against the wall, it phases through it before reappearing in his hand.
"What you said was a lie, wasn't it? The part about needing me alive to complete the deal you've made?"

Dawn laughs, "As much as it'd make our jobs so much simpler if it was, no. However, this reality destabilizing won't kill you per say, more... spread shards of your consciousness across several realities. You aren't really dead, you'd just wish you were. Oh, and as for us, we can just leave, but we'd much rather prefer to ensure you implant that device." Dawn shifts in and out of the room to prove their point.

"Don't forget Murphy, you would be in good graces with Mr. █████████ if you implant that device. I'm sure he'd generously reward you for your loyalty."

"So my choice is implanting whatever this thing is in my body or shatter my consciousness into millions of pieces."

"Well, more or less. Once this device stabilizes, we'll collect you and bring you directly to him. He'll want to see his little project in action."

"What a horrible hand. I suppose I don't really have a choice, do I?" Murphy slowly places the device on his skin and screams in pain as it fuses with his body.

Dusk watches him and flashes a wicked smile,

"And so begins the final act."
Jul 27, 2024
+ Support
Out of all the O5 currently on this server, I feel you are the most qualified for this position. You've shown great leadership qualities in all of my experiences with you throughout my tenure in Site Administration.
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