[SCP-RP USA] O5-4 "The Emissary" Application

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Jun 4, 2023
Steam ID
Discord name
For how long have you played on CG SCP
~2 years of time apart of the community. 1358 hours of active playtime
In what country are you located?
Time zone
Character name(s)
DoEA Murphy "Shark"
A-1 SGT "Kodai"

Civilian name
John "Fallout"
What server are you applying for?
Do you have a mic?
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held
Director of External Affairs and the ranks leading up to it
E-11 SPC

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
I have two FailRP warns, one minor glitching warn, and one RDM warn. Only one is active and none were severe.

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number)
I'm interested in elevating to the position of O5-4. I've enjoyed my experience on the server thus far and I want to reach new pastures by becoming Site Command. I'm also hoping to create more interesting storylines and work alongside the Event Team to create wider reaching and more fulfilling events. Thirdly, I want to work with other O5 to improve the Code of Conduct to make it more comprehensive. Lastly, I'm hoping to improve the gameplay loops of several departments/regiments inside the Foundation as well as GOC/CI so they have more interesting things to do. I believe becoming Site Command will allow me to accomplish all these goals.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?
I believe my experience both outside and inside the Foundation makes me a good candidate for Overseer. Dpt. Director has taught me how to lead a group of players and seek positive changes both inside and outside my department. It's also taught me to pick out good candidates to work under me and to properly pace myself to prevent burn-out. My more recent experience in Alpha-1 has given me a better idea of what Overseers do and how they conduct themselves on-site. It's also given me ideas to help improve the experience of other A-1 and OSAs by giving unique roleplay opportunities. Lastly, my time as UNGOC SGT taught me a lot about writing proper documents and conducting fulfilling RP with others. While my time was limited in the regiment, I enjoyed writing unique documents and following research studies through.

Second, I have experience with both being a role-player and being a roleplay leader. I have experience creating events and new interesting roleplay for others as well as being apart of said events and leading others to the events created by the gamemasters.

Finally, I've worked with other Sr.Cl4/GOI COs to improve everyone's experience on the server. I've worked with CI to organize the Sample Negotiation Treaty to allow the Foundation to pay for hostages using chemicals. I've improved relations with GOC both OOC and IC and worked with them to solve issues to better server health. Finally, I've worked with other departments to involve them in roleplay such as event GOIs.

Overall, I think all of these skills and experiences I've gathered would make me the best candidate for

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?

  • Resolving disputes/issues with things like demotions or discontent with command teams.
    • If Site Administration are unable to handle the issues presented to them and they do not fall under Ethics, they are handled by the Overseers. They also resolve issues within A-1 if absolutely necessary (although it's better to contact the Commander when appropriate.)
  • Dealing with problems that effect the entirety of the site.
    • This ranges from authorizing Advanced Armory when dealing with mass breaches to mass amnestics for large info leaks. They also initiate code blacks and subsequently detonate the Alpha Warhead in cases of mass breaches that are unable to be contained.
  • Being a roleplay leader and creating/enhancing roleplay on site.
    • As they are CL5 personnel, they have the responsibility to create new interesting and immersive experiences for all players while on site. This ranges from interactions with personnel working directly with them (such as A-1 or OSAs) and players outside of the Foundation like CI & GOC.
  • Approve tests that require Site Command approval.
    • This only really covers termination attempts and SCP-008 studies but still nonetheless an important job of an Overseer.
  • Ensuring the enforcement of the code of conduct at all times by all personnel.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?)
  • Working with the other Overseers to appoint new Site Directors and assisting them in managing Site Administration when needed.
  • Voting on and appointing new Dpt. Directors of Research.
  • Voicing opinions on new potential Overseers.
  • Managing the Code of Conduct document and revising it when needed.
  • Working with the other Overseers in appointing new Alpha-1 Commanders.
  • Work with Site Administration and other Site Command members to discuss important matters.
  • Voting on new Overseer Assistants.
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in.







██-2 places a manila folder on the meeting table "What an... extensive file we have with us today. Multiple commendations, medals, and a new group of interest that he helped put on our radar."

"Church of the Flame was it? It's interesting that they branded him a "heretic." Would this not be a liability?" ██-3 scans through the file before passing it along. "At the very least he has some sort of connection to this group. His connections with this group could become an issue."

"His extensive history and connections with groups of interest is expected for a Director of External Affairs. I do not believe that his connection with this... minor pest should devalue his application." ██-1 motions ██-6 to pass him the folder.

There's a long pause as ██-1 thoroughly reads through the section containing information on the group of interest. "-2, have they not taken a special interest in him specifically? His connections within groups such as the Chaos Insurgency are transactional. This connection is different. They want him specifically. Our only way of trusting the information he's given us with regards to this Church is word of mouth. He claims he's mislead them about SCP-457 and it's location on our site yet there still efforts from this group to steal the anomaly."

██-3 looks towards ██-2. "Exactly, he's a liability. It's clear that-"

"Need I remind you of your origins -3? He's been an exceptional employee who has proven his loyalty to the Foundation repeatedly. I do not believe interactions with this minor group of interest spoils his entire Foundation career. Medical staff have given him a clean bill of health and he hasn't been seen cooperating with any of their operatives nor being controlled by them."

██-1 puts out his cigarette before standing. "I think we've heard enough, I will be conducting an "interview" with Mr. Robinson. After the interview and we've gathered the information we need, we will vote on his elevation to Overseer."




23/05/████ 22:31: MTF ALPHA-1 has captured the subject and transported him from Site-65 to Site-██ for interrogation. ██-1, ██-2, and ██-3 are present.


██-3 paces around the room while ██-1 speaks. "Hello Mr. Robinson, we've read your interest form in becoming the next Overseer. We just have a few questions for you. Let's start off with your connections with the group of interest known as the "Church of the Flame". Why do they have such a keen interest in you?"

Murphy examines ██-3 before answering. "I'm not sure. They've been after me since I was the one to initially discover them. They've attempted to interrogate me for information and-"

██-3 interrupts him. "Right right, we've heard this before. You chose to mislead the group of interest of the real location of SCP-457 on this site. You were also able to determine their goals. We read the file. They continue to attempt to grow their influence on this site and it seems they have set their sights specifically on you. It's very possible you have been... compromised."

One of the A-1 observing the interrogation takes their gun off safety. Murphy looks towards the MTF's weapon before looking back towards ██-3. "Every attempt to control me using anomalous means has failed. Site-65's medical staff are able to vouch for my mental stability. I do not know how I can provide you an answer you will think is sufficient. I am, and will continue to be, loyal to the Foundation."

██-2 begins circling Murphy before beginning his line of questioning. "You have an impressive career in the Foundation. Why do you wish to join us? Why shouldn't we just keep you where you are and let you continue to direct the department on Site-65."

Murphy begins to answer, "My career and experience within the Foundation will be of great use to the Council. My influence and connections extend to all groups and can be used to advance the strategic and personal goals. I believe my talents would be wasted if I continued to remain as the external affairs director on Site-65. That's why I'm aiming higher."

There is a long pause while ██-1 smokes his cigarette. As it runs out, he motions towards two A-1 operatives and they walk right behind Murphy. ██-1 glances at the two Overseers before staring at Murphy "Well Murphy, I believe both of my colleagues have had their questions answered. As for me, I believe the questions I have for you will be answered soon enough. I'll be in touch."


██-1 stares at his computer, reviewing the interviews and files. ██-2 enters the room and looks towards him and nods in confirmation. ██-1 smiles and sits back in his chair. "He is quite an interesting subject. Let's see how we can use him, shall we?"

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Dr Random K.

Blacklisted Player
Oct 8, 2023
Site 54
My Director 😍
Uhhhh may better one win or smthn

EDIT: Nvm Pyro got super or smthn?
May both of us win?????? 🤩
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  • Cool
Reactions: Shark
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