[SCP-RP USA] Pyro's Site Advisor Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:440283029
Discord name: ryàn#5856
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 8 Months
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Foundation: "Pyro", UNGOC: "Firestarter", CI: "Incendiary" (Not Currently Using)
Civilian name: Always Changes due to Helping with Events occasionally
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Of Course
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Nu-7 CPT (Current)
Ethics Assistant (Current)
UNGOC CPL (Current)
MTF Nu-7 COM (Previous)
MTF O-1 LT (Previous)
CI Beta (Previous)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 1 NLR/RDM Warn in August for Killing a D-Class who Killed me for an Assassination Quest after I had died & 1 RDM Warn in October for Killing another member of CI within the conscript room whilst both of us were waiting to be enlisted for CI.

Why are you applying for Site Advisor? I have been planning on applying for Site Advisor since I was regularly playing as a Combat medic 7 Months ago, the Idea of overseeing Departments, Giving reviews to said departments, advising Departments & ensuring there is no problems within is something ive always aspired to do, as someone who regularly does Reviews and updates on peoples activity within as a member of SL I can assure I'd do an amazing job with the mentoring of my superiors in Site Administration

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- I have lots of experience with Clearance 4, have held one or more Clearance 4 Jobs for 5 months now roughly and have only had hiccups in the beginning learning from my mistakes quickly
- Availability is something I am very good at doing, no matter the time of day I am usually available, if not I will always try to get back to you as soon as possible to resolve any problems that may arise
- Professionalism is something I thrive to achieve, my attitude and professionalism has improved greatly from when I joined & many of my peers will be able to vouch for that
- I always thrive to put more effort than needed with everything I do, I am always ontop of everything I do & never leave anything in the cracks

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
- Interview Members of the foundation on how they feel and view their department, how there can be changes that will make improvements to the overall department
- Giving advise to Senior position Department members if they are unsure about what to do in scenerios of uncertainty
- Oversee Different Department ensuring there isn't any problems within that may arise that would otherwise jeopardize the internal structure of the Department
- Authorizing Advanced Armoury to MTF members to assist them with recontaining SCPs that are breached within the facility
- Authorizing Sweeps and Mass terminations when D-class personnel have mass amounts of contraband or an Information breach is within the D-Block area
- Assist with & speak to Members of UNGOC if any complaints arise within about any foundation personnel eg. Nu-7 or Intelligence

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Name: Gregory Shmitt (CODENAME: "Pyro")
Date of Birth: Jan/17/1998
Country of Birthplace: Alberta, Canada
Age: 25
Clearance Level: 4

From humble beginnings as a chef cooking for the Medical staff, becoming a Combative medic assisting Epsilon-11 with Containment breaches, Helping GENSEC with D-Block sweeps to becoming a member of MTF Nu-7 flying through the ranks, even becoming the Commander, Gregory Shmitt "Pyro" has always led by example to foundation personnel, with the help of Site Administration he did a great job during his time.

Gregory Shmitt "Pyro" has always been Inspired by those who keep the site in order, from the Site Administration to Site Command, from Managing Departments to Writing Documents for personnel both caught his eye on applying, but he had to choose one... so Gregory Shmitt "Pyro" went with the Site Administration, as his long experience within Nu-7 has made him somewhat of a Leader himself, Implementing and changing how Nu-7 works for the greater good to then pass onto the now Commander "Joese".

Nu-7 would never be the same without "Pyro" but was better than ever with the new COM "Joese" & LTCOM "Zeus" ready to ensure Nu-7 is and will always be the great and amazing Regiment "Pyro" always knew it to be, with lots of amazing members of Nu-7 becoming Commissioned Officers it was time for Gregory Shmitt "Pyro" to take a new journey within Site-56 as a member of Site Administration.

He would shortly write in his Application for Site Advisor to the Site Director Caboose & Site Managers Khan & Penumbra, hoping to do just as he wanted, to ensure everything in foundation is kept on track, to ensure every Department has what it needs to thrive more than ever & to assist Senior personnel with any questions or concerns they have regarding their department.


Well-known Member
Nov 29, 2022

From the Office of Site Administration

Regarding the Site Advisor Application for - [ "Pyro" ]
Application Accepted

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Site Advisor.

Your application has been accepted!

Please contact your Site Director for whitelist and role details.

Best regards,

Site Director "Caboose"​
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