SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - Cole "Ace" Weinstein

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Mar 14, 2022

What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: Cole "Ace" Weinstein

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:228461761

Discord Username: kungjewpanda63

Age: 21

What's your current playtime: Roughly 2472 hours in total.

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Cole 'Ace' Weinstein, (foundation) 'The Duke' (civilian)

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: No,

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: Yes. Several warnings, and roughly 2 bans for micspam, LTARP, RDM. hitbox abuse etc. All of these warnings, were roughly 1 to 2 years ago and most likely no longer active. I have not received any warnings this year.

How many hours can you be on everyday: roughly 1 to 3 possibly longer

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: Yes, I was a moderator for 2 monthsish possibly longer. I got staff of the week on my first week of moderator, I frequently tried to take sits often and always tried to educate rather then punish. I also always tried to get both sides of the story and make sure my decision was the best possible option by consulting other staff members frequently. If I was unsure about a rule or situation a player had, I would go out of my way to get clarifications or ensure that I explain it in absolute detail to them so that they can understand it better as will I.

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: I achieved staff of the week on my first week of staffing. I was a very decorated security captain, very well known within the community. Participated in several extremely interesting GENSEC related RP's. Never got any complaints when I staff member. Achieved CPL in MTF E-11, I am also very high level and have whitelists for almost every job and SCP(Expect MTFS.)

Why would you like to become a staff member: I enjoy helping others immensely and allowing others to have a unhindered RP experience. This server is at its best when everyone is in character and creating interesting scenarios to play out. Having people ruining that can be extremely frusterating and some people do it by accident more often then not. I seek to help people understand the rules better and make sure they do not get punished for things they did not intend to do. I also just generally enjoy talking to people and working things out in a calm collected manner. Conflict resolution is very important to me and I strive to ensure that both sides come out of any situation happy as much as possible. I'm also very well versed in the rules and also have prior staffing experience. I'm not afraid to ask questions to ensure the best possible result, and will go above and beyond to ensure that the player gets the best possible gameplay and sit experience. Teaching and helping people are my main reasons, but of course there is the benefit of the XP and money which is just icing on the cake in my opinion. I resigned previously due to burnout but I feel like I am willing and ready to get back into the staffing game and help people have the best possible experience on the server and ensure everyone has good fun and great rp scenarios to play out.

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: My only issue previously was lack of communication. It was incredibly hard last year to get communication on rules and such. Even within teamspeak and or ingame. I would sometimes have to wait hours just to get a response. My only issue is that usually the player im in a sit with would also be forced to wait for a proper resolution. I am unsure how it is not but that was my only gripe. I also feel like some staff members do not exhaust every possible option to attempt to help players with sits. Typically if the person calling the sit does not have a clip the staff member takes no further action and just ends it. Even a attempt of just communication with the other player asking them what their take on the situation was would mean so much. Most players break rules on accident and having them brought to the sit room and just simply talked too can help them realize what they did was a mistake. Going that extra mile can really help players feel like their voice is heard and that you really did try your best to help them. I can understand that sometimes it does result in a he said she said situation, but just even attempted to exhaust every possible option I feel like is something every staff member should try to do.

Tony "Sauce" Baloney

Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Jun 11, 2024
Neutral support-
- I am confused about the hours like do you mean 2472 hours in Gmod or the server?
- I don't remember seeing you before please correct me if I'm wrong
- Nice application


Staff of the Year
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Group Moderator
Aug 29, 2022
Your moms bed
Application Denied

Hi @AceDiscounti ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

We have decided to deny your application due our staff team having negative interactions with you due to toxicity. We want our staff members to be able to handle themselves in a proper way so they are remember in a good way as you represent our server and how we operate.

You may re-apply in 3 weeks​
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