What server are you applying for:
Your Username:
Your SteamID:
Discord Username:
14, though i have over 1000 hours in the server and I do feel like I am mature for the moderator role.
What's your current playtime:
4 Days. (over the month)
Do you have a mic:
Your characters name:
Foundation: William 'Fiber'
CI: William 'Eye'
Civi: William 'Optic'
GOC: William 'Spy'
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Yes, this would be my first application.
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
Some are recent, majority of them are expired.
2 Active warnings
How many hours can you be on everyday:
I am usually on mainly in the afternoons, mostly 1-8 PM CST, then I would take a break then usually get on the server at midnight, around 2-6 AM usually just to hang out since I'm usually awake and bored with nothin to do around the time..
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community:
No, would be my first time as staff in any community.
Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game:
Probably the role of an NCO in E-11, I had put alot of effort into ranking up and its probably the most greatest achievement I have accomplished in-game. Also maybe the times I have mass breached SCP's in CI, sometimes also breaching 008.
Why would you like to become a staff member:
The reason id like to become staff is because I really notice alot of things that happen alot of times, sometimes Tech Experts would be RDMing or failRPing, an example would be like running into 914 or something. Or if it comes to the same things with chefs, showing no interest in RP. I would usually be a victim or witness of these things, and there's multiple things they could get warned for. I don't want to get revenge on them or anything of that, but I think it would be fair for action to be put against them if you know what I mean. Or if it comes to someone new to the server, unknown to the rules and for example accidently metagaming a CI deepcover if their nametag shows their CI or anything, I'd want to inform or like tell them thats not how it goes and if they dont know what metagaming is, tell them about it and if the situation was more serious maybe issue them a warning.
If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so:
Probably increasing the activity and performance of the staff team, being active for long and preforming staff tasks almost all the time. Performance wise would be taking more sits for example, if server was low-pop I could help improve the performance of assisting the players who made the sits. And helping with serious situations, like for example CI breaching 008 without admin or moderator approval or anything of that nature, I believe I could assist in scenarios like that.
Your Username:
Your SteamID:
Discord Username:
14, though i have over 1000 hours in the server and I do feel like I am mature for the moderator role.
What's your current playtime:
4 Days. (over the month)
Do you have a mic:
Your characters name:
Foundation: William 'Fiber'
CI: William 'Eye'
Civi: William 'Optic'
GOC: William 'Spy'
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Yes, this would be my first application.
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
Some are recent, majority of them are expired.
2 Active warnings
How many hours can you be on everyday:
I am usually on mainly in the afternoons, mostly 1-8 PM CST, then I would take a break then usually get on the server at midnight, around 2-6 AM usually just to hang out since I'm usually awake and bored with nothin to do around the time..
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community:
No, would be my first time as staff in any community.
Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game:
Probably the role of an NCO in E-11, I had put alot of effort into ranking up and its probably the most greatest achievement I have accomplished in-game. Also maybe the times I have mass breached SCP's in CI, sometimes also breaching 008.
Why would you like to become a staff member:
The reason id like to become staff is because I really notice alot of things that happen alot of times, sometimes Tech Experts would be RDMing or failRPing, an example would be like running into 914 or something. Or if it comes to the same things with chefs, showing no interest in RP. I would usually be a victim or witness of these things, and there's multiple things they could get warned for. I don't want to get revenge on them or anything of that, but I think it would be fair for action to be put against them if you know what I mean. Or if it comes to someone new to the server, unknown to the rules and for example accidently metagaming a CI deepcover if their nametag shows their CI or anything, I'd want to inform or like tell them thats not how it goes and if they dont know what metagaming is, tell them about it and if the situation was more serious maybe issue them a warning.
If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so:
Probably increasing the activity and performance of the staff team, being active for long and preforming staff tasks almost all the time. Performance wise would be taking more sits for example, if server was low-pop I could help improve the performance of assisting the players who made the sits. And helping with serious situations, like for example CI breaching 008 without admin or moderator approval or anything of that nature, I believe I could assist in scenarios like that.
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