SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - Saturn 'Yoyo'


Well-known Member
Mar 20, 2024
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: Saturn 'Yoyo'

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:517798568

Discord Username: broken_.ark

Age: 15

What's your current playtime: 3D 6H

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Foundation: Saturn 'Yoyo'
GOC: Saturn 'Jingle' Smith
Civilian: Wonderous Maximus

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: I'll go in depth as much as I can for each warning.
NLR x1: This warning was in 2023 and I'm assuming it was just because I was a new player, I have never recieved another NLR warning after so I have learned from that mistake.
RDM x4: I have recieved 4 rdms warns ranging from 2023 to 2025. I know that most of them were probably me playing gensec when I was really new and shot a dclass without warning or reason and I recieved a warning for that, otherwise I don't have an answer, sorry.
FearRP x3: I do remember these warnings quite well. I was playing as a tech expert I believe and use 106 to get away from either Ethics or ISD. I now know that this is against the rules and will never do such things again.
Metagaming x2: Both times these were mistakes. I remember the second one as it was more recent in depth. I was playing DEA and a mingy MCND was well, minging, and I used his name to blacklist him after not seeing his ID and that was classed as metagaming. He was permanently blacklisted from foundation after that so I guess he got mad and made a report because I didn't know his name; and that was classed as metagaming, which I am sorry for.
FailRP ban X1: I believe I was playing 079 when the old bug was still in where you could fly around even while contained. I was in E11 so I thought it would be a funny prank to turn off HCZ lights by hacking them. I indeed was not allowed to do this and got baned for it. I learned from my mistake to not do that again.
1x Ban for RDM: I do not know why I recieved this ban, but am sorry for it.

How many hours can you be on everyday: 3-6.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: I have a little bit of experience as a staff memeber in multiple communities. I was a Staff Manager for a DarkRP server which shut down a little while ago, where I refined multiple documents such as the Staff Guidelines we had at the time. I was also a Senior Moderator for a Fivem RP server. Nothing has changed since my last application, just seeing if I can become a staff member here once again.

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: 3 things that I am proud that I achieved in game are getting my first CL4 a little while ago, attending and assiting really an event that I think was really cool and rp intuitive, and recieving an award at the first foundation award ceremony. Recieving my first CL4 was my first step to furthering myself within the community, which is why I was proud of that. There was an event where I randomly got selected to be the main "interactor" with the event character, and It just went really in depth and I got to write a doc on it and it was really fun in general. And finally recieving an award at the first foundation award ceremony was an acomplishment because I didn't really know what to expect and was just an acomplishment for me.

Why would you like to become a staff member: I would like to become a staff member to further myself in the community while also alongside helping out the community. Helping out the community whether it be my activity or any input I may be able to give in order to help out the community/staff team in general. I think by being on the staff team I can help make the server better and I do hope that everyone will benefit from myself being on the team. I have also in recent weeks tried to better myself so people don't have a bad view on me, and I think and hope my image is getting better.

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: The thing I would improve would be the same as last time, which would be late night response times. Sometimes Im up till like 4am EST on accident and I see that there is sometimes 0-1 staff members on and I would like to help improve response times within the server. When reports get stacked up, a staff member will get on and take sits that are an hour old and the player wil not longer be there anymore or something, so I would just like to help with that.