SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - Tim Hardy

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Tim Hardy

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Jun 26, 2024

What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: Tim Hardy

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:525595535

Discord Username: pronefungus

Age: 23

What's your current playtime: 8 days 17 hours

Do you have a mic: yes

Your characters name: Tim Hardy, Tom Hardy, ans Garry Hardy.

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: No,

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: no

How many hours can you be on everyday: 5-10 hours

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: Yes I do. I have been staff on Five M and minecraft.

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: In Civil Networks some things that I am very proud of in this game is that I have reached the role of ambassador after weeks of playing IA and learning most if not all of the FLC, CoC, and the CoE. Not only that even though they may not be huge accomplishments I have become a CI Beta and becoming a Senior Researcher and becoming apart if the LRT sub-regiment. What makes this even better is that I have done all of this while being dyslexic.

Why would you like to become a staff member: I would like to become staff because I am able to play long hours, as well I am extensive staff experience inside which means I already know how to deal with sits and what their punishment should be, and will always be able to keep my cool and never get angry. Recently I have noticed while playing that my sits have taken a long time for a staff member to take my sits even for the simpler things, I want to be able to help and take these sits so no one is waiting for someone to take their sit. Lastly, I just overall enjoy this server and want new and old players to enjoy the server to the fullest extent and offer a fair treatment for all players.

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: One thing that I would like to improve is the already mentioned long sit times, I want to improve this and make sure there is no sit for longer than 5 minutes. As well I want to offer a comply fair ruling system and have no bias with any of the players, and I do a innocent until proven guilty verdict which is what do in IA, I always am kind and unless there is clear evidence they are innocent.


Active member
Jun 22, 2024
+ support
Really good for IA and RP in generally. Would make an excellent staff ong


Staff of the Year
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Group Moderator
Aug 29, 2022
Your moms bed
Application Accepted

Hi @Tim Hardy ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

Congratulations on having your application accepted, please join the Interview Waiting Room in TeamSpeak and put "Waiting for Interview" in your name so we can proceed with the next stage of the process.
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