SCP-RP USA - Stee Ven Site Advisor Application

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stee ven

Well-known Member
Aug 12, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:159217625
Discord name: henbrk#5927
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since august I believe
Age: 14
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: PST
Character name(s): Stee Ven [AUD-5], Stee Ven Sr
Civilian name: Stee Ven Jr.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: E-11 CPL, CI-G, Exec. Researcher
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: FearRP, FailRP for ignoring IA and diving into the abyss of dblock, LTARP for power outage while being captured

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?I am applying for site advisor because, in my month long time as an executive, I've seen the RP side of the server, and how neglected it can be at times. Around site, in my department and others, I've seen problems that I spend lots of time writing up proposals to fix, only for it to be turned down because I'm an executive and am not in a position to really make change. I have made attempts at improving my department, but it's a long and exhausting process to make change when Ive got to send proposals to many people. As site administration, I will have the ability to make positive changes around site, which I plan to do.

I really love research and hate to be leaving it behind, but I think Site Advisor is the next step for me other than Director of Research. As a Site Advisor, I can be a positive influence around the site, help others, and actively be able to broaden my RP capabilities, as well as improve my reputation.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:In my time as an Executive, despite being fairly short at one month, I've learned how to guide & assist researchers, teach, develop better problem solving skills, and gain more love for the RP aspect of the server. I have also learned how to deduce problems in a department and create effective solutions to solve them.

Despite none of my proposed changes being implemented in research, I think should I have been in a position to push changes easier, they would have been accepted.

I understand the majority of policies & protocols onsite and am always willing to help teach others about these. I've developed good communication and leadership skills while helping lower researchers get their tests approved. teach how to make good documentation, etc. I have learned a small amount of knowledge regarding managing a department, I will not lie and say alot because i'm just an executive, but it's a good start. I have the ability to understand my mistakes and improve from them ( a good leadership quality ) and will try to actively seek out feedback regarding my performance.
And lastly, I think I have an all around good reputation on site, apart from my various messing around in OOC as a Class-D, and past activity, which I admit was extremely mingy.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:Site Administration serves for multiple purposes, which I will break down here.

- Communication Relay
Site Administration usually communicates with departments about changes, improvements, and adjustments that they would like to see, as well as changes Site Command and Server Leadership is requesting.

- Departmental Management
Site Admin needs to ensure every department is up to par on performance and conduct, analyze & search for problems in departments and work with departmental leaders to create solutions to these problems.

- Role Model
Site Admin needs to be acting as a role model, being a good leader, approachable, and helpful figure on-site ready to answer questions and accept feedback regarding each department and general conduct on site and how things are run.

- Negotiator
Site Admin can handle hostage negotiations when it comes to Foundation personnel captured by the Chaos Insurgency, as well as determining whether raiding the Chaos Insurgency is necessary to recover said personnel.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Accessing Personnel Dossier ███ ████
Name: Stee Ven
Rank: Executive Researcher
Birthdate: 1983
Birthplace: California, San Francisco

Early Life -

Stee Ven was born in California, San Fransico in ██/██/1983 at the height of the San Francisco War of Steel and Blood, 1970-1992. The Foundation's intelligence department produced the cover story known as the 'Blood and Crip war'. Foundation agents stepped in and stopped several veil-breaking operations by both sides. Stee Ven was, as a result, well versed in the Cogwork Orthodoxy and Neo-Sarkicism.

Post-Early Life -

Stee Ven received several internal augmentations as standard with Cogwork Orthodoxy members. Stee Ven's primary duty was the creation of anomalous metal augmentations. Stee Ven inducted an estimate of ~550 people before the age of 16.

College Life -

Stee Ven deduced a way to travel to the Alexylva University using Ways that has since not been discovered. Stee Ven has refused to explain how he reached the Alexylva University. Stee Ven learned how to do several augmentations and produce several dangerous anomalous weapons. (see below documentation for anomalous weapons now contained as SCPs produced by Stee Ven) It should be noted at this point, Stee Ven's internal body at this point was 79% mechanical, and was unaware of the SCP Foundation's existence.

Capture of Stee Ven -

At this point, Stee Ven has produced 32 gearrenders, and 193 standard soldiers for the Church of the Broken God. During the 2020/09/13 raid of Site-19, Stee Ven served as a field 'medic' for Broken God members, but was, however, captured and interrogated (see the logs below) about various things as the Intelligence Department has been overseeing Stee Ven's actions for long periods of time.

Stee Ven Interrogation -

The camera ponts towards a table with a chair in the dark.

█████ ████: Hello Stee Ven. How has your day been?

Stee Ven: Why have you taken me?

█████ ████: You were raiding a secure Foundation site and were captured. I have some qu-

Stee Ven: What is a Foundation Site? What is the Foundation? Is this the terrible Deconstructors I've heard of?

█████ ████: You are part of the Church of the Broken God, no?

Stee Ven: Cogwork Orthodoxy. Not the 'BROKEN GOD'.

█████ ████: Why is your church attacking Site-19?

Stee Ven: To acquire part of our god.. it's ... digestive system.

█████ ████: You were part of the war of steel and flesh, were you not?

Stee Ven: I was a child. I saw pain, I saw destruction, and I ran. I didn't understand what was happening. why it was happening. My family was consumed by writhing, terrible masses of flesh. The Orthodoxy did not help me, because I had not helped them enough. I understood, and I continued to fight, and I fought great, and I continue to work until the day the Orthodoxy can return my family.

█████ ████: This... gives us a new view of the Orthodoxy. We would like to ask two more questions. Firstly, how did you reach the Alexylvia University?

Stee Ven: I can't let you guys know that. Trade secret of the Orthodoxy.

█████ ████: Well, I'd like to ask you about the various contained SCPs we have attributed to you.

> Loading file SCP-8203...

**Item #:** SCP-8203

**Object Class:** Safe

**Special Containment Procedures:** No special containment procedures are required for SCP-8203. SCP-8203 is primarily obtained by purchasing it from M

**Description:** SCP-8203 is a blueprint/widely spread weapon sold my MC&D large firearm primarily colored white, with some blue lightings that are orange while the firearm is powering on. SCP-8203 has several unknown markings, a noticeable one depicting the logo of the Cogwork Orthodoxy, with a large holographic scope. SCP-8203's firing mechanism is presently poorly understood, however it is speculated that SCP-8203 fires concentrated beams of energy due to the lack of bullet casings. SCP-8203's magazines contain several wires with exposed ends that continuously spark. It is not yet understood how these wires power the energy rifle. The wires demanifest after each firing, causing each magazine to only last for 6 rounds.

SCP-8203 is part of a series of weapons produced for the Church of the Broken God by POI-821, full name Stee Ven. Efforts to capture POI-821 are ongoing.

> Would you like to view files relating to this one? SCP-8105, SCP-8924, SCP-8361, SCP-8626

>View All


**Item #:** SCP-8105

**Object Class:** Safe

**Special Containment Procedures:** No special containment procedures are required for SCP-8105. SCP-8105 is mainly distributed my MC&D salesmen. Due to the high volume of weapons in the anomalous market, all SCP-8105 instances cannot be contained, and no efforts to do so will be made.

**Description:** SCP-8105 is a large, green assault rifle that functions similar in a manner to SCP-8105, utilizing the same 'torn-wire' powering mechanism to fire highly concentrated beams of energy in a less damaging manner than SCP-8203, but significantly more rapid. SCP-8203 is part of a series of weapons developed by POI-821. Efforts are ongoing to capture the person.

Addendum: The remaining energy weapons will not be documented, but listed under SCP-8203/SCP-8105, as they use the same mechanism for different purposes, and are all created by POI-821.

> Foundation Career

After some negotiating, Stee Ven decided the Foundation's point of view was correct and began work as a Junior Researcher. Stee Ven, despite other applicants, climbed through the ranks at a normal pace. Once reaching Sr. Researcher, Stee Ven started Project Beta-10 which would be responsible for the creation of multiple anomalous bionics. After lots of success, the Beta-10 project was further developed into AUD-5, a new division dedicated to utilizing the anomalous.

> SCP-1879 Interactions

After some interactions Stee Ven decided to provide little insight on with an SCP, Stee Ven was told that the GOC had connections to a group that knew how to make SCP-008 beneficial. Stee Ven was also told the GRU knew how. Stee Ven contacted and went to the GOC's base for a meeting, where the ambassadors present claimed to have no knowledge of what Stee Ven was talking about.

Disapointed, Stee Ven returned to the Foundation and went to Floor 3 to discuss meeting with the GRU, where it was revealed the GRU bombed Site-56 and actively worked with the Chaos Insurgency, meaning Stee Ven's options in creating a lasting affect on the research department in such a major way was limited.

The following document is a note found in Stee Ven's notebook within his home. This document is subject to Level 5 security clearance.
'Made it out, asked how I could achieve ultimate power, like a reality bender. It says "Within this part of canada hume fields are just a taste of what reality could be. Those damn things lead to so much destruction and they appear from thin air because our activity. You want to be powerful simple solution. Maybe finding what is truly causing what is causing all those hume fields in pinewood and in this facility. Find the secret within those and that is the way to gain power. The overseer council seems to get their funny... abilities from this specific area of the world'.

Stee Ven is currently being monitored for unusual experimentation involving hume fields. Stee Ven has, as of yet, done 4 tests involving what is causing the appearance of hume fields around the surface.

Recently, Stee Ven acquired an occult book containing hundreds of pages of powerful runes. Stee Ven has not conducted any research in relations to the book as of yet.

Continued observation by the Intelligence Department regarding Stee Ven potentailly returning to the Cogwork Orthodoxy is ongoing.


Well-known Member
Sep 30, 2022
+experience with CL4 positions (was executive for roughly a month now)
+good leadership qualities (successfully helped lead Gamma-2 and created an entirely new research division, AUD-5)
+very active on site

Man Manson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 17, 2021
SCP Foundation.png

Records and Information Security Administration

From the Office of ████████

Regarding Site Advisor Applicant - Stee Van

Application Pending
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Site Advisor.

We feel that you would be a great candidate but due to going with another candidate and a lack of slots we will be placing your application on hold for the time being. We will keep you updated when this changes.​
May 9, 2022
SCP Foundation.png

Records and Information Security Administration

From the Office of ████████

Regarding Site Advisor Applicant - Stee Van​

Application Accepted
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Site Advisor.

After consideration from Foundation Command, you have been deemed fit for this position. Please contact RAISA's office in Site-56 to receive your new security credentials.​
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