[SCP-RP USA] Steven Preisler's Site Advisor Application

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Active member
Jul 27, 2024

Out-of-Character Information

Steam ID

Discord Name

How long have you played?
I've been playing for many months and accumulated nearly three weeks of consistent playtime over these months.



Which country are you located in?
United States

Which timezone are you in?

I'm in Central Standard Time and nearly always online from 4 PM to 12 AM daily.

Character Name

Steven Preisler

Which server are you applying for?

Do you have a microphone?
Yes, and I no longer use my horrible microphone on my headset. I have since upgraded to a quality external microphone.

Do you have any whitelisted roles and positions?

Ethics CommitteeDepartment of ResearchDepartment of Internal AffairsChaos Insurgency
Clearance Level 3Not applicableSupervisor of the Chemical Research BoardInternal Affairs AgentAlpha
Clearance Level 4Assistant Coordinator for the Welfare & Security Subcommittee (Holding)Executive Researcher (Holding)Not applicableNot applicable

EDIT 9/20/24 - Passed Foundation bar exam, certified judge.

Have you received any bans, kicks, or warnings?
I have around three warnings relating to FailRP that will expire in October. These warnings were when I was new to the server and didn't understand everything completely. I haven't had a moderative incident, warning, kick, or ban in months.

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I'm applying for Site Advisor for various reasons, and my constituents and I hold close. I have a comprehensive frame of reference across multiple issues in many departments and an in-depth understanding of Foundation policy and bureaucracy. Many of the duties of a Site Advisor are similar to what I've been doing as an Ethics Assistant, such as reviewing departments and supervising them. I wish to expand my already expansive knowledge of Site 65's operations and learn more about its inner workings. I'm a very improvement-driven person; every day I play, I work toward being a better Assistant.

I also wish to represent other departments inside of Site Administration that I've worked closely with and now get to serve. I've worked extensively with the Department of Research as an Assistant, answering policy questions and being a gateway for them to reach Site Command regarding interdepartmental matters. Site Administration is capable of assigning Research projects to the Department of Research. As an Executive Researcher, I know many projects I wish to give to the department to gradually manifest unique roleplay experiences.

I enjoy meeting new people and talking with them, especially newer players who may need assistance with Foundation policy regarding anything from what may cause a Code 2 to activate to what codes can be tested and what is deemed ethical. Department reviews and oversight are among my favorite things because I can do what’s mentioned above. Still, I'm also allowed to gain a deeper insight into many departments, which can affect my views and decisions. I'm a very open-minded, easygoing, and nevertheless professional person who can get along with everyone. I'm not afraid to admit when I may be wrong, and I work to improve myself as much as possible, which is why I'm in the position I am today.

To wrap this up, I'm running for Site Advisor to represent many people and their issues inside of Site Administration, gain valuable experience, learn more about the administrative inner workings of the Foundation, and be the best person I can be.

What makes you suitable for Site Advisor?
My experience as an Ethics Assistant and, recently, an Ethics Assistant Coordinator makes me qualified for this line of work. As an Ethics Assistant, I've excelled far beyond my duties by representing the committee in an excellent light, being a professional, kind, and helpful representative of the committee, and enforcing the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. Furthermore, my ventures and constituents throughout several departments have given me valuable insight into their issues, policies, and inner workings. I'm in touch with the regular casual players of Site 65 and wish to represent them and be a liaison with them inside of Site Administration.

I've already shown my capabilities in interdepartmental management through my assistance to the Department of Research regarding many disputes and issues that have since been resolved thanks to Site Administration and myself. I've shown countless times that I'm more than willing to go the extra mile for people by assisting Internal Affairs whenever necessary, performing investigations to ensure that Foundation policy isn't violated, and helping people wishing to speak up and blow the whistle on misconduct or abuse. I'm incredibly passionate about what I do: helping people in whatever ways I can.

I'm well-known as an Ethics Assistant throughout the Department of Research, especially to newer players. I'm recognizable to nearly everybody and I have a good reputation. I'm well trusted throughout the Foundation to receive and manage violations of the Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, and the Legal Codex to obtain justice for the victim. Many dozens of people entrust me with their sensitive legal matters, and I'm incredibly proud to represent them and provide justice for them.

Due to the nature of my position, I have an in-depth understanding of cornerstone Foundation legal documents such as the Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, Legal Codex, and department policy. I know I have what it takes to excel in this position, and I want to take my career to the next level with this Senior CL4 position.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in roleplay?

Design, authorize, and execute practical tests with the Department of Research to obtain valuable information and create roleplay experiences. (I attended one of these projects today, specifically a cross-test between 427 and 999)

Appoint department directors for almost every department apart from Internal Affairs and the Department of Research (they're decided by their respective side of Site Command, respectively).

Appoint M.T.F. Commanders (once again, Site Command decides commanders for their regiments).

Evaluation of all departments' performance and subsequent management.

Performing tribunals of low-level offenses on behalf of Internal Affairs (for investigations).

Management of Foundation policy in conjunction with Site Command.

Authorization of Advanced Armory.

Management of G.O.I. relations.

Management of emergencies in the Foundation.

Be a first contact for whatever departments may need.

Conducting hostage negotiations whenever necessary.

Authorization of K.O.S. past airlock whenever necessary.

Auditing departments that are "failing".

Lore Document

Welcome to the Foundation Electronic Mail System. You have 56 new messages and 6 of which have been marked as important by sender. It's currently 3:31 PM on September 8th.

Subject Steven Preisler's Audit as of September 8th
From Recordskeeping and Information Security Administration
To ç̶͈͇͚̩̘̋̆͜͠ȧ̵̠̱̯̣̥̰̣̪̫͉̹̰̟̩̓̈́̋́͛̐̚ͅṢ̷̛̛̺̮̦̪̟̲̬͓̮͌̀̽̓̽̎͆͑̉͘ͅD̵͉̗̆͑́̍A̷̰̖̭͆̇2̸̨̫͚͔͈̠̤͓̩͇̞́͐̓̇̈͆͋̍̎̇͒̑̌̒̕ͅc̸̠͓̲̞͓̝̥͈̋̃̐͑̉̋̌̐̍̌̀̀͜͝͠͝d̶̠̩̭̽̋̔͛̌͒͊͗̊́̄̇̕̚͝@scp.foundation

Good evening. I've processed your request and attached the PDF to this email as an attachment. This information is classified as TOP SECRET (CLEARANCE LEVEL 4).

Thank you for contacting R.A.I.S.A. regarding your request. If there's anything else you need to inquire about, please contact us.

Delete this email and the document once you're finished with it or we will do it for you.

Attachments (1) stevenpreisler_audit_09_07_cl4.pdf

> Click here for a shortcut to my lore <
(Sorry, it's incredibly long)
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Weebe San

Active member
Aug 10, 2024

Why are you applying for Site Advisor? For your first paragraph I like how you say "my constituents and I hold close", Site Admin looked upon by many as the go to individuals whenever something needs to be discussed especially when looking at the people who seek SA help via CL4 comms. For your second paragraph you've always been supportive of the endeavors relating to research as I've seen firsthand you answer questions that I have other that my fellow researchers have. It's good to be well versed in research policy and the types of tests research can do as we'll sometimes seek approval from site admin for tests. For your last point you've always been an easy person to approach and maybe I'm biased since we used to work together more closely and we're great friends but you're very approachable. I've also seen firsthand when taking into account a code 2 that you looked at policy regarding it's legality so it's good to see you're someone who ensures the site is following policy. Overall you have great motives to apply for this position.

What makes you suitable for Site Advisor? In terms of your suitability your experience as an Ethics assistant makes you qualified for this position as Ethics assistants work towards fulfilling orders from the ethics committee. As previously mentioned in another one of my points you're notoriety as a friendly face within the RSD is well noted. As a former executive we look up to you as someone we can go to when we have questions or need help with something. A sentiment like that goes a long way these days when it comes to determining how well other departments and people can approach you for assistance. Lastly, I do believe after your work as an executive and ethics assistant that you're suitable for a Senior CL4 position.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in roleplay? These responsibilities seem accurate in terms of what I've seen Site administration do, while a bit of an explanation for each even if it was just a sentence explaining their importance would've been nice, they're still valuable factors and responsibilities that one must known to fully fulfill them. I will say one of they most important for research is the tests we get from SA regarding Projects such as Reclaim which is one I've recently worked on. Overall a good overview of the responsibilities that Site admin has in roleplay.

I wish you the best with this application my friend : )
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Active member
Jul 27, 2024

Here's my current vtime and levels. My schedule only allows me to play weekdays from 4PM to 12AM although on weekends I'll be able to be on as much as I'd like.


Well-known Member
Jan 13, 2024
+ support
• Has done incredible work in RSD
• Has done incredible work on ECA
• Has the skills necessary for the job
• Is very knowledgeable, I go to him even when I’m unsure
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New Member
Sep 16, 2024
  • extremely helpful to new players
  • got me a work permit
  • ive been irl friends with this guy forever and he's a great and genuine person. He has been there for me at my lowest of lows and is overall great to be around.
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Active member
Jul 27, 2024
neutral like him but there are other candidates that are more suited for the potison
Thank you for your response!

Although the other candidate may have more experience on paper, many of the duties I do as a ECA Coordinator are some of the same duties I’d be doing as a Site Advisor.

Many people agree that I’m suited for this position, including the soon-to-be Director of Research and the three best Executive Researchers on site. Furthermore, my peers agree that I am suited for this position heavily.

I have an extremely strong work ethic and I assist as many people as I possibly can while I am playing. I am probably the most active Assistant and I have represented every department I’ve worked for in an exceptional manner.

Although I may be less experienced, many of my other qualities mentioned above make up for that.

I hope you have a good night!


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Mar 19, 2024
+Major support
Steven may not have Senior CL4 experience but he’s more than earned his chance at Site Advisor. His dedication as an Executive Researcher and his hard work as an ECA have shown that he’s got the commitment and the skills needed to fulfil the shoes of site advisor. Steven’s proven time and again that he’s willing to put in the effort, always striving to improve, learn, contribute, fill in gray areas and welcome others. I believe that his determination and drive make him more than deserving of this opportunity. He is a super kind person to all around him and that makes him one of the best if not the best candidate applying for site advisor, including me.
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Active member
Jul 27, 2024

Minor Announcement

Despite my commitment to being active, I will be occupied today and tomorrow.

I have been supporting a family member through extensive surgery today and I will be spending time with them tomorrow.

I appreciate all of the support so far and I will not disappoint you all.

Thank you.

EDIT 9/20/24 -
PASSED Foundation Bar Exam, certified judge.

EDIT 9/21/24 - I’ve returned home and I will resume normal activity.
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