[SCP-RP USA] Teel's Chief of Medicine Application #2

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Aug 31, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:46323542
Discord name: Teel#1155
For how long have you played on CG SCP: About two months
Age: 28
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: Central Daylight Time
Character name(s): Teel
Civilian name: Conker
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- None

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- No

Why are you applying for Chief of Medicine?
- The medical team has become a sort of second family to me over these past couple months. And I want to give back in some way. Do more than what a doctor or combat medic may do. Helping to guide the current and future doctors. Ensure our department stays altruistic, to understand selflessness and sacrifice. To put others before you. What it means to be a doctor and to help those in need. Possibly be a positive role model, in some way.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Medicine?:
- The constant need to do more, to give more. I may have only been here for two months, but all that time has been dedicated in the medical field. Having performed countless procedures, EST's, many patient interactions. With a particularly strong altruistic attitude regardless of the individual.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
- "EST" Procedure;
+Ask why the procedure needs to be administered.
+Once confirmed to be a valid reason to perform, ask if they have been revived before in their current life.
+If yes, the procedure cannot continue as the patient can't be resuscitated. If no, then next question.
+Ask if they consent to EST
+If no, the patient may leave, as EST is a choice (unless SCP-914 was involved, in which case consent is not necessary) If yes, then the patient will be instructed to turn around, and warned not to go into the light. Then EST will be administered.
+Once the patient becomes unconscious from EST, to promptly use the defibrillator and bring them back to life.

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Medicine in RP?:
- Generally oversee medical. Train the trainees, testing them if they have earned their medical license. (once support level 10) Ensure all my colleagues are following the rules. To instruct trainees, doctors, and combat medics on what they need to do. Give appropriate punishment for any recalcitrant or general rule breaking.

Please give some lore about your Chief of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Teel had an incredibly average childhood, with incredibly average parents. Not one day was more exciting than the previous day. Quiet through most of his childhood, up until high school. When he discovered jazz. Nothing in his life had ever excited him, until that point. And he remembers it so well. Walking home from school, passing a record shop that had Miles Davis playing through a vinyl player's speaker. Taken aback and unsure what to do with himself, he indulged his senses to listen more. Though he never was very talented, it inspired him. He wanted more. Not just more jazz, but something to inspire those same feelings. Having quite average grades in school, no subjects in particular stood out to him. This newfound feeling of joy gave him drive, and wanted others to feel as such. Anything he could do to inspire others. Or to help in some capacity. But sometimes inspiration can come in the worst of times. Both of his parents had been hospitalized from a drunk driver hitting them head on. Both were in critical condition. Teel stayed with his parents every day after school, torn inside seeing them asleep on their beds. But every day, little by little, month by month, had improved. But what Teel witnessed, was inspiration. That feeling hit him again, the day he walked out with his parents. Watching every day, nurses and doctors caring for his parents. That hit him harder than even he had realized. The indulgence of jazz gave him life, and found an output to give that life back. Not allowing any obstacles to stop him, he went full steam ahead and plowed right into Harvard Medical School. Coming out above the rest of his peers. Unknowing he had caught the attention of some rather unique individuals. Nearly a decade passes, finally achieving his goal of becoming a fully licensed doctor. And those unique individuals from a decade prior finally approached him. He was offered a lucrative contract for his versatile skill sets. To work in a facility fully equipped for all his needs. The only catch; He must leave everything behind him. And start a new life. He thought of his parents, what would they think became of him? But pushed those thoughts out as he had to look forward. And what was in front of him, was incredibly bright, and enticing. He signed the contract. In that moment everything went black, for what felt like seconds. Waking in a rather comfortable chair. Around him were doctors, nurses, patients, and a man in all black standing before him. He couldn't quite make out what the man was saying, as Teel was still coming to his senses. Catching the last few words; ..."and I do hope you find your accommodations rather suiting. I heard you liked jazz so I had a vintage 80's vinyl player put into your room, records provided. Everything from Louis Armstrong to Duke Ellington! We'd like you to be as comfortable as possible with your stay here." And in that moment there was a loud siren, with flashing lights from the walls going off. And a fairly bored sounding voice booming over an intercom, something about a breach. He sat stunned, wondering what has he gotten himself into.
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