[SCP-UK] Caeden Bowen's ECA Application [2nd]

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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 21, 2021
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I have played CG SCPRP over 3 different spaces of time:

  1. Dec 2022 - Jan 2022
  2. Mar 2023 - Jun/Jul 2023
  3. 9 May 2023 - Present
15 Years old.

In what country are you located?:
Wales, UK

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Caeden 'Satchelboy' Bowen (F)
Caeden 'Chaos' (CI)

Civilian name:
Caeden 'Ddraig' (Ddraig is welsh for Dragon)

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
I am applying for this position on SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?:
Yes, I do have a mic.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Chief of Security (Senior CL4)
Senior Moderator
Event team
DEA Senior Agent
IA Agent


Executive Researcher (Head of PSY-5 division)
Overseer Assistant
O1 (Unsure on rank but likely LCPL-SGT)
Trial Gamemaster
E-11 Private

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have 3 warnings on my account:
  1. FailRP - 20th April 2022
  2. FailRP - 3rd of May 2022
  3. RDM - 28th of May 2023
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
I am the best candidate for this role due to many factors:

1) I already have plenty of Clearance 4 experience that would be required for the role of Ethics Committee Assistant and have plenty of experience in passing down orders and creating my own.

2) In the past I was an assistant to the O5 Council, and therefore I have been trained in an extremely similar role in the past and performed well as that role.

3) I am active on site - I am extremely active in Site 65 on a range of roles and have gained a vast knowledge of everything that I can on site.

4) I possess strong leadership skills and qualities reminiscent of great leaders. (As seen on my role as Chief of Security)
5) My current experience as staff on the event team and my past experience as trial gamemaster has helped me gain a vast understanding of the rules and a very useful skill of being able to create roleplay somewhere where there is not any.

6) I am well known amongst the community and well liked by a majority of it.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
The role of an Assistant to the Ethics Committee has many responsibilities in RP, these are:

Primary Responsibility: Assisting the EC and IA in enforcing the FLC and upholding moral standards and ethicality around Site. They can do this by working closely with IA catching people who wish to break the FLC and people who act in unethical ways around site.

Additional Responsibilities:

1) Representing the Ethics Committee - Another role of an ECA is to represent the Ethics Committee when they are too busy or for any other reason unavailable to do it themselves, this could be by personally meeting with and punishing a member of CL4 personnel or just by passing orders down the Foundation's chain of command on behalf of the Committee's members.

2) Tribunals - Ethics Committee Assistants are able to hold tribunals as a judge for members of CL3 personnel who have broken the FLC who request a tribunal, or if IA have requested a tribunal (Of course this should only be done if the person being given a tribunal actually has intent to roleplay)

3) Assisting in the management of O1 - Assistants should give Omega 1 operatives orders and check on them when there are no ethics committee members to do so. They are also able to give operatives of Omega 1 permission to use their Clearance 4 card.

4) Providing Advice / Answering queries: As an assistant people will go to you for advice or in some cases questions about the FLC or what is considered as unethical, it is your role to provide them with these answers and advice.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Caeden Bowen was promoted to the rank of GENSEC Captain after a long 8 years in the foundation's General Security Department. As a Captain he was obsessed with maintaining law and order within GSD's ranks, he became well known for being the strictest Captain when it came to his men performing unethically or breaking the Foundation's legal codex.

One day Bowen woke up expecting a regular day of him heading to d-block, managing his staff and squashing a riot or two. Just as that thought had crossed his mind he heard something over his comms line, from a member of Internal Security, O-1 to be precise, "Captain Bowen, report to the ethics committee offices immediately, one of your men is here rambling on about assassinating somebody.

Moments later when Bowen arrives he walked down the steps to the Ethics offices, when he felt someone grabbing him, and while someone held him still another injected him with something.

Bowen begins to wake up, completely confused, the last thing he remembers is waking up.

"Where am I?" Bowen hardly manages to speak, still completely confused and disorientated, and tied to a chair.

When he becomes more aware of his surroundings he sees that he is in a brick room, two things in the room, one being him and the other...

"Huh? Where am I" He hears from the other thing in the room, Ethics Committee Member James says, tied down to a chair.

A man then walks into the room, wearing black military gear, face obscured by a mask.

"Bowen, lets cut straight to the chase." The mysterious figure says

"You have two choices, you or the ECM." The mysterious figure states.

"What am I choosing?" Bowen says, still dazed.

"Who lives, and who survives." The figure responds. "Both of your fates lie in your hands Bowen.

Bowen closes his eyes, knowing what he must do. "Me, Kill me."

The room falls completely silent for around 10 seconds, when bowen opens his eyes he sees the figure aiming a gun to his head.


Bowen comes to, he sees MTF Omega 1 lifting something off of his head, a headset. They leave the room with the device.

"Congratulations Bowen, you passed our test" A voice says from behind

Bowen turns around, seeing the 3 Ethics committee members and the Chairman of the ethics committee.

"What did I pass?" Bowen says, confused.

"A loyalty test" Says ECM James, the same from the simulation. "Thank you, by the way."

Bowen gives a slight nod to the ECM, "But why, was there something I did that needed my loyalty to be tested?"

"You were up for a promotion to become one of the assistants to the ethics committee, you passed." Says the chairman.

"Do you wish to accept this role?" ECM James says again.

"Yes Sir!" Bowen exclaims, a little too excitedly.

"Go rest up Bowen, you'll need it for initiation tomorrow." The chairman states. "And congratulations."

- Ethics Committee Verdict Report
- Mr. Bowen for Ethics Committee Assistant

Good Afternoon Mr. Bowen,

Thank you for showing an interest in joining the Ethics Committee; The Committee has met in deliberation of your application and concluded that you are suited to assume the position of Ethics Committee Assistant.

Would you kindly contact myself or an Ethics Committee Member at your earliest convenience in order to arrange an interview.
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