[SCP-UK] Draco's 2nd Executive Researcher application

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Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:159175728

Discord name: thog#3431

For how long have you played on CG SCP: About 250 hours, according to the achievement.

Age: 14, i consider myself to be more mature than most of my age.

In what country are you located?: Finland

Time zone: UTC

Character name(s): Foundation: "Draco" CI: Jack "Slavik" Romm

Civilian name: Ale Peter

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes, i do.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF Nu-7 SGT [LDR] (Holding)

SCP-096 (Holding)

IA, Intel agent(Holding)

CI-A (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

-I have received one warning for breaking FearRP, and one for breaking NLR.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
-I am applying for Executive Researcher because the research department has been my favourite department in the server for a long time. It is the department i started my journey in and want to further enhance that journey. I have been a Senior Researcher for a long time and feel like i have developed my skills to a good extent, and feel like i could further develop my skills in the department by applying for Executive. I feel like the research department can be very overwhelming for new players, atleast it was to me. And i want to help everyone who is having problems and not understanding the job. I also want to move up in the foundation and start gaining experience as a CL4, and feel like Executive Researcher is a good place to start.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
-What makes me suitable for Executive Researcher is that i have good roleplaying skills. I consider that a researchers jobs requires good roleplaying skills and that is something i possess. I have already helped many Jr. Researchers in my time as Sr. Researcher and think that i could further help everyone by being an Executive Researcher. I have good knowledge of the ScD, Coc and Coe and understand the job of an Executive Researcher really well. I feel like me being an Executive Researcher coud open me for more roleplaying opportunities.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
-I have written many documents in my time as a Researcher. Though only 3 of them are excellent graded documents, which i know is low. I have never gotten a single poor graded document and all of my documents nowdays are Good or Excellent. An excellent document is something that has few grammar errors and is very interesting to read. An excellent document should also contain miscellaneous information, such as Equipment used, SCP's known abilities, images and credits. In my opinion an excellent document should also contain Lore, you dont always have to state the facts and perhaps use your own creativity and create some lore to the document

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

-Teaching & Guiding researchers

-Teaching and guiding new and even experienced researchers is one of the most important tasks of an executive in my opinion. An executive researcher should have all the skills and knowledge they need to teach researchers.

-Document Grading

Executive Researchers are one of the primary people who grade documents that researchers have uploaded. Executives are required to elaborate further as why a document was graded the way it was if the uploader asks.

-Conduct and supervise experiments

-Executive Researchers are one of the few jobs that can supervise and conduct tests on CL4 scp's such as : SCP-079 or SCP-682.

-Representing the department

-Executive Researchers are in a senior position within the department, and are required to act and represent the department in a good manner. Always be professional, and assist in the leading of the department with the Director of Research team.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
<Research Database>
<Personnel File>
<Sr.Researcher "Draco">

Personnel Name: <REDACTED> "Draco" <REDACTED>

Personnel Age: 32
Personnel Country: United Kingdom
Personnel Rank: Sr. Researcher

Before applying to the foundation "Draco" was a man who lived in London. He undergoed Military training at the age of 17 and served in the military until the age of 24. He had achieved the rank of Lance Corporal and was an honourable member of the force. When he resigned "Draco" started to look more into the jobs of Scientists and Researchers and really got into the job.

"Draco" was accepted as a Scientist in the research department of Kolonel Enterprises. "Draco" worked there for 6 years, until the enterprises started to fall apart and many of the workers there were corrupt. "Draco" decided that enough was enough and started to look for another job. "Draco" started to fall to desperation.

Until "Draco" received a mail invitation to apply into the research department of <REDACTED>. When he arrived into <REDACTED> he undergoed an interview and was accepted into the Foundation as a Jr. Researcher.

Researcher "Draco" gained the rank of Sr. Researcher in under 9 months. He has hosted many lectures and has been a huge help in the foundation. Many of the executives like him and he has truly been a good member of the Foundation.
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Nick Tyson

Active member
Dec 14, 2022

- Support

- Never seen you as a researcher

-You need to help Jr researchers and researchers you will be doing that a lot not lev4 test (Just remember that if you pass)

+Good lore

Overall - Support


- Support

- Never seen you as a researcher

-You need to help Jr researchers and researchers you will be doing that a lot not lev4 test (Just remember that if you pass)

+Good lore

Overall - Support


Haven't seen you on research at all
Seems like u are trying to get a CL4 job as you only played IA for 2 weeks for your ambassador app. Which got denied

Low docs

Maybe take a few weeks on one job before applying for something to make it seem like u arent CL4 hunting
Thanks for replying. Nick, didnt i say that one of the main tasks of an Executive is teaching and guiding other researchers? I never said that the only thing you do is cl4 scp tests.

And to you Sampaval, yes i am trying to get a CL4 job, where is the problem? I have played alot as a researcher and its quite unfortunate you havent seen me. I hosted a lecture today aswell.


Active member
Jan 22, 2023
I feel the -supports against him are unwarranted and extremely unfair, seeing as most of the people doing the -supporting suffer from the same deficiencies. For this reason, I give my support.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 22, 2023
+ Support

- Has helped me tremendously when I started out in Research, teaching me the basics and walking me through the various processes.
- Good roleplayer
- Quite active
- Experienced
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Well-known Member
Jul 19, 2022

Hello Draco,

Thank you for taking the time to make an application,

At this current moment in time, we do not feel confident enough to allow you to progress to the interview phase,
We recommend that you spend more time and earn a reputation with the department.

If you wish for any further elaboration upon this verdict please contact myself or my Co-Director Jeremy Siens.

You May Re-Apply In 2 Weeks Time Prior To This Verdict.
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