[scp-uk]James Hardy "the offender" captain appllicathion

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Well-known Member
Feb 25, 2024
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP :
around 150 hours
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:

Character name(s):
James Hardy "the offender"
Civilian name:
James Harly
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA)
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
(i don't have any whitelisted jobs)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
(LTARP) I crashed mid conversation, and I didn't know that I was warned |(RDM) I killed d-class without realising sweep was over 20 sec ago |(FearRP) when I first time joint server I didn't knew that rule existed and how it worked, and I end up in a sit because of that .

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
I want to improve conditions in d block for gensec by filling up vital role of security captain and I want to lead team which I want to inspire to be more active and polite members of community.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
I have strong sense of leadership which would help me become a respectable captain and I also memorised rules which gensec oblige to follow and I know how to organise well-made sweep

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?
Captain’s main duty is to insure stability in d-block by prevent riots from happening and if they happened to coordinate sweeps so gensec could confiscate all weapons and others illegal items, also captain’s duty in d-block insure to assign posts for gensec like(tower, airlock and escort) and most importantly captain should help cadets to find their way around d-block and help them become good members of gensec.
Captain can have duties outside the d-block like Lead the group for patrol and hold try outs to make gensec more component in a future, also captain must protect VIPs when needed.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
character of my captain came out from family of solders. his grandfather fought in ww2, his dad was a member of SAS and took part in many different operations. from his birth my captain was trained to be discipline and to follow orders. He was told many war stories by his grandfather which made him want to become solder. After school he went to Royal Military Academy Sandhurst to eventually become a captain in Uk army. After some years in army, he was sent to fight the war where he led multitude of successful missions, but he one he last mission he lost multiple of his people. in the end this mission was successful he still resigned from army because he felt responsibility for letting this to happened. He tried to find peaceful job but due to him having lack of interest in many jobs he couldn't find permeant job, but one day while he was in a pub a strange man approached him with a proposal to become a captain of security in one of facility. after thinking 15 minutes he accepted proposal and joined scp foundation as a captain.
- Support
-As I have seen you on site some times the App is not the best.

-You also said that you orginize sweeps really well I have never seen or heard from you doing a sweep.

-I also not have many interactions with you.

-You also said that we protect VIP's we dont do that as cpt as we are CL4 ourself and need to look after our own safety.


Well-known Member
Feb 25, 2024
- Support
-As I have seen you on site some times the App is not the best.

-You also said that you orginize sweeps really well I have never seen or heard from you doing a sweep.

-I also not have many interactions with you.

-You also said that we protect VIP's we dont do that as cpt as we are CL4 ourself and need to look after our own safety.
hello thank you for you reply but i want to clear some thing. I never said that i did a sweep. I said i just knew how to do one." I know how to organise well-made sweep"
MASSIVE -Support

-Super new and only recently got officer
-Never listened to captains
-Genuinely mingiest person ive seen and you werent even on techie
-Never had a good interaction with
-Doesnt show teamwork
-Bad app

Patch these out before you apply again. If I had to apply three times and do over 10 hours a day thats the standard.
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MASSIVE -Support

-Super new and only recently got officer
-Never listened to captains
-Genuinely mingiest person ive seen and you werent even on techie
-Never had a good interaction with
-Doesnt show teamwork
-Bad app

Patch these out before you apply again. If I had to apply three times and do over 10 hours a day thats the standard.
I recommend looking at other captains apps like mine or Oliver Andersons as his has to be the best app ive seen.

Mine: https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/aces-captain-application-uk.22340/

Olivers: https://www.civilgamers.com/communi...andersons-security-captain-application.22080/

Dont worry its your first app to my knoledge. Apply again when we say your ready and you will have a better chance!
from: Zack Baker (zack-baker@site65.scp.fnd.ca)
to: James Hardy "The Offender" (james-hardy@site65.scp.fnd.ca)
Subject: Security Captain Role Assignment


The following message is a direct consensus from the General Security Leadership Office

Hello @Beer

First and foremost, I would like to thank you in showing interest to apply for Security Captain, likewise, this shows that you had the courage, time and effort to write to us about your interest in expanding your duties within the General Security Department. After careful consideration, as well as a vote from other Security Captains and both Security Chiefs, we have come to a final verdict. This application is to be denied, no further action is to be taken.

The reasons for this denial may not be elaborated here in this final verdict, however should you have any questions about this denial, please get in contact with me or @Skinner

I wish you the best of luck, and if any questions arise from you, report to me first.
Zack Baker
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