[SCP-UK] Kakes ECM Application

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Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:

-For about a year and some change



In what country are you located?:


Time zone:

-Arabic Standard time/ Moscow Standard time

Character name(s):

-Oud, Bomba, Muffin, Sparky, Andy Aklov, Lillth Blackfrost

Civilian name:


What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

-UNGOC Major, Omega-1 CSG, Alpha-1 LCPL, CI-D, NU-7 LCPL ,E-11 CPL , ECA, DEA Special Agent

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- 2 Week ban for MRDM when i was new (Friday Sept 22. 2023)
-1 Fail RP warn (MondayOct 30 2023)
-1 RDM warn (Friday Mar 8th 2024)

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:

-Im going for Ethics Committee Member, Simple put it i think i have achieved enough of an understanding of what SC do in this server and i think im up for the challenge. Putting one foot Infront of the next moving up in the server is the only logical thing to do. Seeing that there is a spot open in the Ethics Committee offices hurts my hart knowing that when i was new to the server one of the best pieces of RP happened in those offices (granted it was before the update but point still stands). I just hope with my skills with in the server could offer those newer people the same experience i had.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:

i believe id be the best candidate for the following reasons:

Since i have built my roots in this community I've enjoyed every second of it and i keep finding my self spending hours a day on the server, Creating and joining in on RP that people around me have created. Seeing those friendships be created day in and out its a warming feeling to know that people all across the world are bonding over their shared love of SCP regardless on what side of the GOI Spectrum they may be (GOC i got my eyes on you boys.)

-Leadership/Strategic planning
Being a GOC Major and O1 CSG has taught me countless thing about leading people through rp encounters regardless of how tough they might be. Having to see what information i have around me, taking in to account how much man power we have, and utility we have at our disposal , ect. having your chooses and calls be the deciding factor on if you end up on top or sink to the bottom is one of the most rewarding feeling for everyone involved.

As a GOC Major, having to lead people through countless wars and diplomatic relations over my 10 month journey. Watching building up the CO team to be in a state where it is stable enough for me to leave it behind with all the happy memories i have created with them all. Not to mention working with all those diplomats in the GOC to create the DMZ agreement, TMOAT, and even rework the Paralaw Codex (more on them later).

And As an O1 CSG, Thanks to the CO team i see that its easy to lead those tough soldiers through all the Raids, Breach's, and AO wars (when they do break out). Those boys might be some of the best team members anyone could ask for the follow what you say even if everything goes wrong. They are still by your side

-Documents/RP Storylines:
Regarding some things that i have created:

The Mother of all Treaties (TMOAT)
is a document involving all Current terms that the UNGOC and Site 65 have agreed on, Terms, conditions, Relations, and so on. A document that took me over 2 weeks to draft up and countless more sending back and forth with SA to get it to be perfect (or as close to perfect as we can get).

DMZ Agreement
a surface focused agreement between GOC, CI and Foundation to keep the town of pinewood safe for surface RP to carry on with out anyone going hostile and going guns blazing, a Key part of surface RP that i don't see going away any time soon.

Paralaw codex
6 Articles that the UNGOC follow and get their ally's to follow as well, Article 1 Protection Act, 2 Humanitarian Aid Protection , 3 Anomalous Confect Governance, 4 Use of anomalous Entities , 5 Personal Paralaw , 6 General Paralaw.

All of them being vital parts of passive non combative RP that the GOC create and engage in.

Countless GOC Testing documents/requests

I know that this is no surprise that this is here but as a Major i have hosted and help many people test on SCPs that they find interesting ranging from SCP-099 to SCP-008. All to create RP between GOC and RSD. Along side working with cheesy to get the Research Attaché to come in to Site-65 to help out members of RSD with their testing.

Operation Black Veil
A DEA Project that was lead a while back, with its whole objective to deep cover in to the chaos bunks, calling out raids before they happen, any scps/hostages they captured and destroying keycards they might of captured.

Sparky's Lab Requests
Omega-1 CSG Sparky has his own little lab under core sector where he works on his gear to help out O1 with it, So far he has created INS!GHT an AI system to help Omega-1 out when they are low on manpower, a 3d printer that can steal objects from around the world and may more things to come

When i first started to play on the server i non combative roles always caught my attention , Ive wanted to become and exec for the longest time when i was rather new. After a few weeks of that i met Mirai(when he was a GM) and join his logistics Division. Leading me down a rabbit hole of lore i never new was a thing But when i looked for any other non combative roles i could find any sadly, so i had to join an MTF Unit at what point it lead me to becoming a DEA Special agent. After a few months of that i moved on to Alpha-1 after being recommended by an OSA for Operation Black Veil. A few weeks later i end up leaving and going back to E11 and joining GOC only to be taken in for an ECA interview only for a few days later to be scouted out by O1. taking us to this very day. Spent all my time in O1 and GOC and enjoyed every second of it

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

- The best way i can explain is is by dividing it up in to two parts Cl4 Responsibilities (The thing that CL3s and bellow see you do) and CL5 Responsibilities (Things only SR CL4/CL5 See you do)

CL4 Responsibilities: Actions that people see publicly

- Host, Plan and rule on tribunals with the help of ECA's and ISD.
Viewing evidence, picking out a Jury and Judge
- Auth Advanced Armory when 2 or more Keter Class SCPs are breached or 3 Euclid Class SCPs (Or if the breach is bad enough) .
- Grant Mass Term on D-Class if there are no other ways to keep the D-Class riot contained safely and preserve as many D-Class and GSD lifes.
- Aid with call outs of SCPs during a Code 5 (Via CCTV/Head cams)
- Help Researchers with Biological testing/Unethical testing such as SCP-008, Biological tests with SCP-914 (Getting them to explain to you why its needed)
- Issuing Code Black if a breach is bad.
- Helping out arrests/enforcing the FLC.

CL5 Responsibilities: Actions you do behind closed doors
- Detonating the Alpha War head if the site is over run and there is no way of containing the breach. Though as an ethics member who is ment to preserve humanity you must think twice, Is sacrificing all those human lifes worth it? Is there really no other way to protect the humans above? Is it a guarantee that if you dont press that button that more people will die due to the breach making it to the surface?
- Site wide amnestication should an info breach get spread to far out I.e. the information of CL4/CL5 SCPs. Ethics are CL5, Overseers being on Floor 3 ect ect. Although this is mainly a Overseer issue to take care of, Ethics might have to step in should there be no O5 on site.
- Assassinations of Foundation staff should their life be a threat to the foundations motives.
- Making sure that all the things that foundation staff do are ethical. Should it not be possible due to the anomaly at hand they will attempt to be cold but not cruel. Such as the case with Humanoid anomalies that didn't chose to be born this way but have to be kept in containment (with accommodations such as passive breaches, Access to hobbies and so on) Should the Anomaly be a risk to people around it (such as in the cases of SCP-231 and Procedure 110-Montauk, or the Sowing Circle in the tale of The Foundation Eats Babies, ect )
- Keeping the Overseers in line. Making sure their research doesn't strip humanity to far back. Or in other words Getting your hands dirty to humanity may live to see another day.

At the end of the day. Ethics must preserve humanity. Both in language and action, Simple changes such as replacing Killed with Terminated. There is no room for emotion when you are keeping humanity safe.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- The ECMs take care of the following

- Coordinating with Omega-1 and O5 to better RP on the site.
- Interviewing Ethics Assistants
- Communicating with the DoISD, and ISD CL4 to see if they need any help with anything
- Working with other ECMs to cover the work of the ECC should they be away for long periods of time (aka if they are on LOA/ the slot is open)
- Responding to demotion appeals should they be on the ethics side of the foundation ( aka ECA,ISD CL4 so on)

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Hello. I am Hellenstic.aic, a ver2.0 Artificially Intelligent Conscript used by Foundation Overwatch for archival and communications. How can I help you today?

>Access Level 5 file network.

Accessing requested network…

Welcome Sir. How may i be of assistance?

>Access Dr Saif Al-Qadar's Personnel file

Certainly! Here is Ethics Committee Member Dr. Saif Al-Qadar Although information on this staff member is scarce. Feel free to edit at a later date.


Major thanks to Pyrite, Sean O'Connell , and Athena for giving me the tools and resources that i needed to get this done :D Sorry for any spelling errors Dyslexia kicks hard
Dec 1, 2024
- Going off your roles alone you do not have any Senior CL4 experience on a Foundation class

- ECM demands good leadership abilities and I'm sure as a UN you may have achieved that however Id suggest you being a CO in an MTF, Department lead or even SA before going for such position

- Application is nicely consolidated however

Harry Nolan

SCP-RP Staff
Oct 6, 2022
Massive +Support
  • Brilliant Application and lore
  • Really good with RP
  • Already knows alot about EC from O1
  • Has experience in high positions
Overall I think he would be a perfect fit for ECM and I wish him the best.
(Thanks for feature in lore)
Neutral leaning towards -support

I would reccommend going for Foundation Senior CL4 first, as I am not trusting that UNGOC CO taught you how to lead from an administrative point, you should try to get Omega-1 CO or even SA and reapply again after gaining enough experience in these roles.
App looks good tho, so this is a positive.

Good luck,
Jack Raider
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Heya jack,

First off thank you for taking time and leaving your opinion on my application.

But to address your concerns, I can see why not having a Senior CL4 position could seem like a problem but if you check the things that i have created on GOC/O1 you can see that not only do i have the ability to create/help others create RP. But i also have lead GOC through the tough times it went through from being on the edge of collapse to being a GOI that is always being talked about. That being said im sure that is more than enough proof that i would be able step up to the role of ECM.

I would agree with some people that it is a big step up from GOC to Ethics, But thats where my O1 CSG comes in and shows that im able to lead a large amount of people. I understand that you still might have some doubts with my capabilities but the O1 CO team have seen me in action.

Anyways thank you

Regards, Kake
Apr 19, 2024
In the time I was in GOC, I've seen Oud/Bomba do some phenomenal roleplay. He is an excellent roleplay lead and is able to coordinate people well. A lot of people dislike him skipping directly to CL5 without holding any Foundation Sr CL4, however I would like to state that he has been an UNGOC Major for over half a year, being next in line for LTGEN, which is a CL5 position. I would like to see him holding a position like ECA/OSA first to get a handle on how roleplay works, rather than escorting people. Obviously O1/A1 still partake in roleplay and create it, but I'd love to see you doing more as the "leader" in these areas like when you are being guarded, rather than being the guard.

I have seen you do a lot of roleplay in your current sectors and you do great work as a gamemaster too, but I haven't seen you actively leading in recent roleplay situations (mostly because I'm not in GOC/O1). One of the main requirements as an ECM is to lead roleplay situations and actively command people around.

Nonetheless, I fully support you becoming an ECM but I do feel you may be better off trying a few positions in ISD first or as an ECA to become closer aligned with the Ethics Committee both in character and out of character. A position like Inspector or DoISD if you feel up for the task would be a golden opportunity for you to work towards currently.

As a side note, I actually really enjoyed that lore and it was really cool, having loads of interesting speculation, especially around that video. Although obtaining the position of ECM could have a little more explaining around it, I do like considering options and posibilities.

(A lot of this is probably nonsensical, I dont usually write long responses)
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Heya jack,

First off thank you for taking time and leaving your opinion on my application.

But to address your concerns, I can see why not having a Senior CL4 position could seem like a problem but if you check the things that i have created on GOC/O1 you can see that not only do i have the ability to create/help others create RP. But i also have lead GOC through the tough times it went through from being on the edge of collapse to being a GOI that is always being talked about. That being said im sure that is more than enough proof that i would be able step up to the role of ECM.

I would agree with some people that it is a big step up from GOC to Ethics, But thats where my O1 CSG comes in and shows that im able to lead a large amount of people. I understand that you still might have some doubts with my capabilities but the O1 CO team have seen me in action.

Anyways thank you

Regards, Kake
The issue is not lack of leadership ability but rather lack of foundation leadership ability; from my experience, UNGOC CO and even MTF CO (no matter the regiment) --> Site Command, are always too big of a step. Both of your *main* roles are highly focused around creating and planning/dictating combative RP if something goes sideways, Site Command operates on a different level of administration; that is why Site Advisor should be your first goal to achieve in a road towards SC!

Thank you for the response, hopefully I clarified my concerns fully.
Jack Raider
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