[SCP-UK] Latvian's Ethics Committee Assistant Application

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Nov 7, 2022
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:420014006
Discord name:Cloids
For how long have you played on CG SCP:Since November 6th 2022
In what country are you located?:United Kingdom
Time zone:GMT
Character name(s):Janis Stradins "The Latvian"
Civilian name:Kayla Sr.
What server are you applying for?SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF NU-7 CPL (Held)
Internal Affairs Ambassador (Held)
Internal Affairs Agent (Holding)
Doctor/Combat Medic (Holding)
DEA Agent (Holding)
RRT/HW/Drivers/Armoured Vehicle/Medical licenses (Holding)
Overseer Assistant (Held)
CI-A (Held)
Ethics Committee Assistant (Held)
MTF E-11 SPC (Holding)
SCP-096 (Holding)
GSD Sergeant (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?
I have made my return back to the server for the next coming months, I see this as a opportunity to do something over the summer and I do quite miss being ECA from the past so I want to bring it back. Other than that, I have had a satisfactory amount of Jr. CL4 experience in the past before I took a break from the server, I had spent several months as ECA, OSA, Ambassador with countless hours spent on document making and creating fun RP.

With that said, I believe there is always room for great change within departments! So I would like to work with GENSEC, MTF and the other departments to help them out where needed for improvement to ensure their consistency from within. I have done this in the past by helping them out to understand how they could improve their job, giving departments new intuitive ideas to improve their standing and reputation. My previous high activity showed my dedication to my most loved job, ECA... as mentioned before I sometimes would spend countless hours on document creation for cross tests, as shown in
this example (couldn't find the rest of the pages for this examples unfortunately and that's only one of the countless documents I have created), some of my documents had been commended by the then ECC 'Athena' (formerly ECM) and I quite frankly enjoyed spending the hours making them.

Furthermore, I like learning, reading, creating paperwork, fixing issues, and learning from people. So I see this as some core aspects of the needs from a ECA, I want to make a difference in the community, prove that it can produce high-quality roleplay for the coming months and changing how people think about Ethics for the better. I also enjoy constructive criticism as much as giving it, granted it helps me or the other person improve on past mistakes, and I can say I have both received and given a lot of it, and it really does help, my honesty sometimes may be harsh but it has no bad will intended in it. This can be something as simple as just talking about a document or someone being/me being scolded for a mistake.

To touch up a little bit more on the Ambassador, OSA and ECA roles I have had in the past... They have substantially improved my leadership skills and the way I look at things even in real life, I have always been happy to see people improve and step up the ladder, and I could have made IA and Ethics Committee have a better outlook whilst I was around because of my friendliness, and empathy for people. To be a bit more personal, I have also taken a few leadership roles within my University's Societies by electing myself for Vice-President for one and a Socials Manager for another, combined with the other short courses I have also taken there to improve my leadership I believe I can lead well under the right circumstances.

Anyways, enough about selling myself... I can only hope that I can be accepted back into the community and be ECA once again!

What are the responsibilities of ECA in RP?:
The core responsibilities of a ECA are to:
- Enforce and suggest improvements for the Foundation Legal Codex to be more inclusive.
- Actively oversee departmental activities.
- Assist department reviews.
- Lead Foundation Members to success by helping them improve.
- Dealing with difficult problems within the Foundation.
- Attend meetings with Site Command Members, department leaders, site administration, and more.
- Completing orders given by ECM.
- Report to the ECM about any arising issues within the Facility.
- Giving orders to GENSEC/MTF during difficult times such as; hostage situations, breaches or intruder alerts and authorising AA when required.
- Signing documents for research cross tests.
- Ordering termination past D-Block of D-Class during mass riots.
- Issue orders to NU-7 AA operatives when escort is required.
- Writing documents about site activity.
- Containing info-breaches that may compromise site security.
- Permitting the entry of visitors into the foundation such as MC&D and Rangers.
- Completing Ethics Committee orders.
- Creation of high-quality documentation.
- Hosting or gathering evidence for tribunals.
and more...

Please give some lore about your ECA character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- from: SCP Foundation Administration (scpsa@sa.scp.fo)
- to: Site Command (sc@scp.fo)
- sent: 21/01/2023
- subject: (TOP SECRET: FOR CLEARANCE 4 EYES ONLY) Automated e-mail from Site Administration Archives on data request for "Janis Stradins "The Latvian""

Janis Stradins was first entered in the Foundation Personnel Database on the 6th November 20██, he was one of the few newly selected Foundation personnel from the 32nd Annual Recruitment Week for the SCP Foundation, he is aged 43, is a former Latvian National and a speaker of 4 languages.

He was born in the Latvian SSR in 19██, in a high-class family working for the KGB. His background consists of an intel gathering related job in the "Committee for State Security of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic" (Latvijas Padomju Sociālistiskās Republikas Valsts drošības komiteja) as a intelligence agent, his primary station was in Riga, Latvia to lead the team dedicated of finding and execution of western spies during the years of 1986-1991.

During the so called "The Barricades" from the 13th -27th January 1991 he left the Latvian KGB and participated in the gathering movement of the Soviet OMON police force to alert the Latvian Supreme Council of upcoming assaults on the country infrastructure.

After the dissolution of the USSR he transferred to the State Security Service (Valsts drošības dienests) as a Intelligence Agent tasked with leading a secret team of 4 gathering intelligence data in Minsk, Belarus on military movement during the years of 1991-2004.

In the second-week of November 20██ he applied for "The SCP Foundation", he received a invitation to attend a meeting with a external SCP agent in regards to a recruitment offer, once accepted he was brought to the facility after a long vetting process. Shortly after he was accepted into the Internal Affairs department and has changed the direction of the department for good, he has lead multiple operations leading to the arrests of multiple culprits and has successfully executed numerous people for FLC violations.

Current timeline:
In December 20██ "The Latvian" was promoted to Internal Affairs Ambassador based on positive feedback from Foundation Staff on his hard work and dedication to the department.

In February 20██ "The Latvian" was promoted to Overseer Assistant based on positive feedback from Foundation Staff, his work has vastly changed the direction of how departments operate to achieve the best result.

In June 20 ██ he was taken for an interview by an ECM and offered the ECA role, after his acceptance of the role the site had improved in numerous ways.

In September 20██ he disappeared from the site due to ████ ██████████ ██ ████████.

In June 20██ he reappeared at the site as a Internal Affairs Agent.

In June 20██ he was once again taken for a interview by an ECM and offered the ECA role.

God bless the Foundation.
Secure. Contain. Protect.
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New Email Received
From: The Ethics Committee

>>Open Email

Attached: Position Request Results

A Letter from the Ethics Committee

Good Day Mr Stradins,

The Ethics Committee would like to thank you for your interest in becoming an assistant to the Committee. We can see you have the initiative, drive and ambition to make such a bold request. Becoming an assistant to the Committee requires dedication and hard work, something we see in you.

After deliberating with the Committee regarding your request, we have come to a unanimous agreement. This request has been accepted . Please await contact from the Committee, we will come to you. We look forward to the prospect of you joining our team and how you will assist the Committee.

See you soon, and best of luck.

Have a lovely day,
Ethics Chairman Oisín McKenna
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