[SCP-USA] Chan's Application for O5-4 "The Alchemist" [Approved by Randal to post early]

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Oct 26, 2022
A message from the office of: O5-1 "████████"


A lone silenced gunshot is heard from outside of the Director's office, the Director looks up startled. Yes, it is true he had heard plenty a gunshot before; yes, it is true he has been the source of many alike sounds. But this time.. this time something was off. For some strange reason, he thought to himself, "oh it is probably a fed up security officer executing another Class-D", but then another gunshot followed in a similar fashion. This time.. this time it was much closer.

The Director zoned out for a moment, tuning back to the vivid glow of the television and to the smell of his paperwork. He pondered for a moment on what to write next in the endless stack of reports he had to complete by the end of the work day, but then he remembered the gunshot. The Director didn't think about it immediately when he heard it, but now he arrives at a moment of realization whilst his eyes widen; the gunshot was silenced. Normally, this wouldn't matter, who hasn't heard a suppressed weapon discharged indoors before? After all, it was a Foundation site and hub for Foundation combative
personnel. But, the staff who were equipped with such an attachment didn't very often discharge this kind of weapon in Personnel Wing. In fact, this almost never occurred. General Security almost never received them, it couldn't have been the death of a Class-D, it had to be-

Another silenced gunshot, this time at the door, a body is heard impacting the floor just outside and a voice shouts, "clear!" Something was deathly wrong. For a moment, the Director considered drawing his weapon, but his thoughts were interrupted when he heard a fuse ignited behind his door. It was evidently a breach charge. The Director's mind clears, his thoughts cease all at once, and training kicks in. He jumps under his desk. The suited man draws his weapon, sweat drips from his brow.

KABOOM! The door flies off the hinges and everything goes quiet for just a moment before he hears someone rushing into the room. The Director swallows his fear as he had done many times before, and he stands up, weapon drawn, ready to fire. BOOM! The Director's weapon discharges as his arm is wrenched from his target forcefully and he is tackled to the ground. A hood is put over his head, and the butt of a rifle makes contact with his skull. He could have sworn he heard a few more silenced gunshots as he drifted into unconsciousness.

The hood is ripped from his head. He looks up, his hair completely messed up from the journey to Site-001. He squints his eyes, adjusting to the bright lights in the room. His senses come to, and he hears one phrase. "Welcome, O5-4"
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