[SCP-USA] Overseer Assistant: Helios Dawkins

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Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:104145642
Discord name: Somemate
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Probably a bit more than half of a year
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): 'Bygone' & Helios Dawkins
Civilian name: Delios Hawkins
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Ye
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
CI BCOM, E11 SGT, Gensec SGT,& Investigator
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Jun 12 ARDM - Honestly forgot what happened probably rdm'ed a dclass as a cadet or someshit (dont blame me I was a lee lad whom didn't know shit.)
Aug 15 RDM - Killed a officer who was being a massive douche to me (Looking back yes I shouldn't of done this. I merely should've gotten off if it was really troubling me.)
Sep 17 Metagaming - Tired telling my fellow E11 to stop following the red cable that was floating around but admins saw that I was also walking with the cuffs
Nov 12 Cooldown Violations - No clue what SL was thinking with this considering I was the only one actually following that rule on that raid. Feel free to ask Chez more about this

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
Why I should be an Overseer assistant: While at times I may seem unprofessional this is merely due to my light-hearted nature rather than me attempting to subvert any rulings or commands. If times call for it I can easily be a leader if required and take orders due to my time as a BCOM and E11 SGT. I would also assume I am mostly well liked around the site due to these factors. I also know how to handle myself in a roleplay sense.

Why do I want OA in the first place? Mainly soo that I may interact with more of the roleplay side of the server. While yes I have been enjoying the funny MTFs and RDMing CI; I haven't really gotten much chance to actually roleplay in these roles. While yes I have done a LOT of roleplaying compared to your normal CI to the point of getting SrDIR in R&D.... Its just been hard to get RP going as of late due to bad GOC relations and the event staff not giving much for us to even work with. Also I kind a just want to interact with Marvin a bit more; He was a fun guy when he was SD.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
Assistants of the O5 Council should obviously be able to work and do the bidding of their bosses (that of course being the O5) and ensure that their will gets done in a more lighter manner compared to the other red right hand. This might entail enforcing the Code of Conduct, Ensuring the gears of the foundation are in fact running, and to sign documents on the behalf of the O5. They are also to authorize the usage of advance armory and other orders which might need to be called to ensure the safekeeping of the Foundation.

This gentle hand of the O5 can of course involve the assistant doing an investigation upon the greater whole of the foundation ensuring that the MTFs and other departments are in fact following their duties.

Most important of all however: they need to be able to roleplay and be nice, after all they're the front line faces of the O5. Due to the O5 needing to hide themselves at all times they require the Assistant to be their face. This is why they have to at least somewhat act professional. A bad look on an Overseer's Assistant is a bad look upon the whole O5.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
I dont have this fully concrete yet but:
The Overseer Council had somewhat simple but hard to execute issue: People dying costs money. Money which they simply didn't want to spend to train new personnel to replace the old rotting ones and sadly the Foundation tends to lose a few lives on a hourly rate. While they had methods of immortality but all of them were... distasteful to the O5 weather that be control, cost, or time they didn't really like any of the options they had. This is why they look upon SCP:035 a item which could turn personnel into it's host. The O5 looked into methods into recreating the process of making SCP:035 which includes Alot of redacted things other very unethical ones some minor expunged maybe even a little bit of ######### and a bit of censorship? or is that going to far? would The Administer: The 'Scarlet King' approve of this? Probably.. This of course was very unethical which caused backlash from the EOC once they figured out what was happening but it was too late a single item was created: SCP:035-2. The item used to be a mere ISD operative by the name of 'Helios Dawkins' which is what the item refers to himself as. Due to no fault of that the Item which was once a member of the foundation they permitted it's use as foundation staff. Which is now where he currently operates as.

This wasn't the first time that this has happened however fore there was another mask created a few years ago thusly making Helios Dawkins SCP:035-3 instead of -2 which is what he thinks he is. The subject of what happened to the mask before him is heavily redacted but the item was stolen by the chaos insurgency and even seemly weaponized as a result of this the O5 have been keeping a very close eye upon Helios Dawkins to even the point of making him an assistant for them so that he is never too far from an A-1 if history should repeat itself. It is also warned if this 'Bygone' is ever spotted within the Cell near by that SCP:035-3 should be placed into storage till 'Bygone' removes himself. Once out of storage he should be given a dosage of Class of whatever is required to make him forget the whole event.

As such this could lead some nice funny roleplay events such as A-1 fucking RDMing me when they see CI and much more!
Some roleplay moments I could think of at the top of my head could be that I could be placed in event where I actually find out about the 2nd 035 and then have the O5 make me forget this (maybe even imply this has happened more than once.) or where Ethics kidnaps me to figure out what actually caused my creation.


Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2024
To Betriv: Sorry for the funny CI and DEA banter didnt mean for that stuff to come off as toxic, also I have come to learn that the cooldown thing was not invaild as I once thought but still getting warned for one respawn being 18 short of the minute timer is a bit of a bruh moment but I shall not argue about that here.

To Aleks: CSGT, Also :Steamsad:


Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2024
No CL4 experience besides BCOM, minimal document experience, while you don't include it in your description you are a R&D Director which still is minor document experience.
I wouldn't say that I have 'minimal' document experience considering the amount of wrote up which I haven't uploaded to the net. The reason why my logs of documents are lacking are simply due to me not really not needing to upload anything. I have gone through the process before however soo I know what I am doing (even got a excellent rating). Being in R&D usually has you make documents for tests however and considering I am a SrDir for it I should have at least good enough knowledge on the topic.

While yes I have no foundation CL4 experience I have a fair amount of CI CL4 experience. While yes they're not the same thing- I would say I should know enough to adjust to this new status quo.
Jul 1, 2023
Secure Transmission Recieved.
Decryption Key Accepted.
Opening File Message.

From: The Office of Foundation Site Inspection
To: @SomeCustodian
CC: ███-█ Containment Supervisor
Subject: Under Observation


[ Request For Elevation Denied ]
The following is to be read aloud to the Object in question.

Foundation Object ███-█

Your request for employment within the Office of Site Inspection has been denied.
You will remain within containment for further observation and research until your status has been fully evaluated.

You may submit another request after a period of two weeks has elapsed following this communication.

Assistant to Site Inspector Truman
Luna Thorne

OOC: Application Denied. If you have questions, feel free to reach out. And no, this does not make 035-2 cannon.​
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