Denied SCP-XXXX "The Translocating Keycard"

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Damian "Blinkerton" Luck

Well-known Member
Nov 14, 2022
XXXX is just a placeholder, not sure on a real number yet. I think it would fit in with the new reality bending SCPs. Not entirely sure if i'm gonna upload this one to the wiki or not, but we'll see. This is an original creation and I think it would be a nice addition to the server as a relatively harmless SCP. I think the most realistic and balanced way to have it added would be to have it randomly spawn somewhere, similar to how 096's photo works. For balancing reasons, it should probably only be able to spawn and function as a CL1,2 & 3 Keycard. I have posted the lore and template below.

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This would add SCP-XXXX; an Anomalous keycard that functions as a CL1, 2 & 3 Keycard.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+New inanimate SCP
+Relatively easy to add
+Could possibly relate to the new reality bending SCPs.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-Could make it easier for D-Class to escape
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

It should not cause any balancing issues, as it randomly translocates and only functions as a CL1, 2 & 3. It would be very cool to see another inanimate teleporting SCP, and I feel as if this one would work in the server really well.

It should also be relatively easy to add; you can just use the same/similar teleportation system as SCP-096's photos, just with new locations.

I feel as if D-Class wouldnt be able to abuse this as its random; it wont be the cause of too many extra escapes.

SCP-XXXX: The Translocating Keycard

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the unpredictable and highly dangerous nature of SCP-XXXX, containment measures have proven to be ineffective. Instead, containment efforts are focused on minimizing the potential consequences of SCP-XXXX's teleportation events. Site-██, the designated containment facility, has been reinforced with reinforced walls, security protocols, and emergency evacuation procedures designed to address sudden facility relocations.

Description: SCP-XXXX is an anomalous keycard resembling those commonly used for access control in secure facilities. It is constructed of plastic and metal, and its physical appearance is identical to non-anomalous keycards of its kind. However, SCP-XXXX possesses an extraordinary and hazardous property: it can instantaneously teleport anywhere in the facility, seemingly at random.

The teleportation events caused by SCP-XXXX occur at irregular intervals and are not triggered by any known external factors. During a teleportation event, SCP-XXXX will emit a bright flash of light, followed by the instantaneous relocation of the facility and all its contents, including personnel, infrastructure, and surrounding environment. The new location can be anywhere on Earth and even extends to locations within the Earth's atmosphere, such as low orbit or beneath the ocean surface.

The range of teleportation is seemingly limitless, as some relocations have placed the facility in remote or inaccessible locations, while others have occurred within heavily populated areas. The duration of the teleportation event varies, ranging from a few minutes to several hours. After each event, SCP-XXXX returns to its original containment locker at Site-██, awaiting the next teleportation occurrence.

Efforts to track or predict SCP-XXXX's teleportation events have been unsuccessful. It defies conventional understanding of space-time manipulation and displays no consistent patterns or correlations. The mechanism by which SCP-XXXX achieves these translocation events remains unknown, making it impossible to prevent or control its movements effectively.

Addendum XXXX-1: Research into the origins and purpose of SCP-XXXX is ongoing. Investigations are focused on understanding the underlying principles behind its teleportation abilities, as well as potential methods to neutralize or mitigate its effects. It is theorized that SCP-XXXX may be connected to an unknown extra-dimensional entity or tapping into an undiscovered aspect of reality, but these hypotheses remain speculative at this time.

Note from Site Director: Containment of SCP-XXXX has proven to be a significant challenge, and its unpredictable teleportation events continue to pose a threat to both the Foundation and the general public. Priority must be given to the safety and security of personnel, as well as mitigating the potential collateral damage caused by SCP-XXXX's teleportations. Ongoing research efforts must be supported to better understand and develop countermeasures for this highly dangerous anomaly.
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Goondra "Sleepy"

Active member
Dec 9, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi Damian,
Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.
Content team feels this SCP would not fit inside of Site 65 very well.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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