Denied SCPRP 682 Issues

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Dec 10, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Changes SCP-682 stats to make them LESS FUCKING GODAWFUL IN THE NEW UPDATE.

1) Either make 682 able to regenerate HP if left alone for long enough at a rapid rate, or make them regain health on kill at exchange for a longer attack delay
2) Make 682 have an insane amount of health, like their hitbox suggests
3) Make 682 very, very resistant to energy weapons and ballistics so that 40khp goes on for longer.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
682 is playable and more engaging
682 is better balanced

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
E-11 sobbing they can't stand atop the firing pit with freedoms and instantly rc them

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I'm going to be fucking real, this update is a disaster, launched like a disaster, and otherwise had disastrous consequences for MANY SCPs. 682 no longer can get to normal HCZ exit without losing >35k hp because of shitty map & balance design.


How did anyone think that making 682 walk beneath this catwalk, and across several very open firing rooms was a 'fair and fun' gameplay loop? 682 doesn't regen health, and has really buggy hitboxes and only 40khp... Just go type green or 7722 instead, its more fun as they have counters to E-11 standing up there with energy weapons, 682 doesn't.
I have a few issues with this
1. 682 is still really strong, he can handle himself quite easily in a breach if he plays it smart snd doesn't let the 40k health go to his head.
2. The way you worded this is in a very complaining manner that I think was made without much thought.
3. The map design is absolutely intentional, believe it or not but the point if the server is roleplay, not to go on a killing spree as an SCP for hours on end, recontainment it's pushed to end the breaches quicker and bring in more RP.

4. I dont know about USA, but i doubt 682 has even breached on UK, its too early to complain about balancing issues when more than likely we haven't seen how it works out.
5. I kind of like the idea of each idea, personally i think the regen one is the better idea, but have it stop if he gets to a beamable percentage, and have it start after roughly 15 seconds and accelerate once it gets going, however he can only regenerate a maximum of 2k to 7k health to make it fair and non repetitive for the containment teams.
6. You said update was disastrous for many SCPs, and you're better off playing TG or 7722, again my issue is that is not a breach server, ots an RP server, and going on to an SCP to wreak havoc for god knows how long ruins the flow of the RP going on else where
Dec 10, 2022
I have a few issues with this
1. 682 is still really strong, he can handle himself quite easily in a breach if he plays it smart snd doesn't let the 40k health go to his head.
2. The way you worded this is in a very complaining manner that I think was made without much thought.
3. The map design is absolutely intentional, believe it or not but the point if the server is roleplay, not to go on a killing spree as an SCP for hours on end, recontainment it's pushed to end the breaches quicker and bring in more RP.

4. I dont know about USA, but i doubt 682 has even breached on UK, its too early to complain about balancing issues when more than likely we haven't seen how it works out.
5. I kind of like the idea of each idea, personally i think the regen one is the better idea, but have it stop if he gets to a beamable percentage, and have it start after roughly 15 seconds and accelerate once it gets going, however he can only regenerate a maximum of 2k to 7k health to make it fair and non repetitive for the containment teams.
6. You said update was disastrous for many SCPs, and you're better off playing TG or 7722, again my issue is that is not a breach server, ots an RP server, and going on to an SCP to wreak havoc for god knows how long ruins the flow of the RP going on else where
1) The problem is people abusing /holster with energy weapons to keep running back with freedoms (Which staff do not tend to punish in the form of taking their freedom away)
2) Fair point; though it was more to illustrate the frustration of such a breach
3) Then why do we have 7722 and 9000's which have no form of roleplay during a breach (AND INFACT, HAVE A RULE STATING ALL ROLEPLAY IS SUSPENDED DURING BREACHES FOR SCPs)
4) 682 has, but only briefly
5) Personally, I agree here; making 682 be able to regenerate up to ~7khp would make him still beamable with multiple people, and yet still a threat
6) Then why is there such a focus on breaching now? Why is 682 locked behind CL4 and needs ethics approval for any form of worthwhile testing? Why are many SCPs literally unroleplayable (9000-A-3 and 9000-A-2 for example, and 076) where their entire roleplay is to just kill without even talking...?
Dec 10, 2022
-support. The map design is entirely based around being able to run away from mtf. You have many path that lead to the exit. It's possible to litteraly this cat walk as you can go around it. The mao design is litteraly made for you to be able to choose your path. Just go and learn it and you will see.
682 literally cannot fit easily into many of these areas, and has issues getting stuck on corners without having to hitbox abuse to get past.

For reference: 30,000 HP 682 was easily more playable and far more fun to both play, and counter against despite the 10k hp difference, because they didn't have the hacky solution the devs put in applied to their hitbox.
1) The problem is people abusing /holster with energy weapons to keep running back with freedoms (Which staff do not tend to punish in the form of taking their freedom away)
2) Fair point; though it was more to illustrate the frustration of such a breach
3) Then why do we have 7722 and 9000's which have no form of roleplay during a breach (AND INFACT, HAVE A RULE STATING ALL ROLEPLAY IS SUSPENDED DURING BREACHES FOR SCPs)
4) 682 has, but only briefly
5) Personally, I agree here; making 682 be able to regenerate up to ~7khp would make him still beamable with multiple people, and yet still a threat
6) Then why is there such a focus on breaching now? Why is 682 locked behind CL4 and needs ethics approval for any form of worthwhile testing? Why are many SCPs literally unroleplayable (9000-A-3 and 9000-A-2 for example, and 076) where their entire roleplay is to just kill without even talking...?
1. People using energy weapons doesn't just affect SCPs, it affects CI raid, GOC everything really, I'd go as far as to say SCPs are the least affected, I've very rarely seen e11 using energy weapons on scps.

2. I understand breaches can be upsetting, it's no problem.

3. 7722 absolutely has RP, I've set up a confessional booth with 7722 before where people confessed their sins, I've seen people spare anyone reading bible verses, 9k can act like animals or diseased, its about creativity.

4. Hasn't around for it my apologies.

5. I think it's the best option.

6. Again it comes down to creativity, 9k as I said can act diseased or be pack predators, 076 can take an interest in finding 073 and make it his mission, point is there's more to a breach than a murder spree, as for 682 who's sole mission is to destroy humanity, yeah obviously there's not a lot to work with, other than trying to kill everything, but that should unique to 682 and 682 alone, not a standard across several SCPs
Dec 25, 2021
you made this suggestion out of pure rage and copium. doesn't really help to convey your message when all you do is shit on peoples hard work on day 1 because you dont know how to navigate the map. the update is amazing and the map is amazing.

regardless, I think your ideas are fine. 682s hitbox is the worst thing I've ever had to deal with in an SCP-RP server, and it's amazing how it still hasn't been adjusted. Giving him abilities to compensate would be fair. He is meant to be immortal and adapative and stuff
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