[SCPRP UK] Application 'Lock'

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Well-known Member
Dec 14, 2021

Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console):
3d 3h 33min [That was perfect timing] + Time since SCPRP Server Started [Over 2-3 Months]

26 Years

In what country are you located?:

Time zone:
GMT +1

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable):
[PVT E11 Lukas 'Lock' Zuul]

Chaos name (include your rank):
Gold 'Key' Locket

Civilian name:

Steam ID:

Do you have a mic?:
Yes with sound changer and added Lauch-pad if needed

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
None in the current Warning System.
From in the old system:
- 1 RDM, being a Guard and in a riot situation killed a d Class
- 1 Ban was handed out but removed after a Talk with the handling Staff.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
- Yes, as Game Master. As Super-admin and as Head Staff.
Being Part of a Staff Team and Event Team with 400H+ experience,
My Strengths being: Extremely Honest, Treats Humans like Humans, Very Creative
My Weakness Being: Sensitive, Gets Angry if pushed/stressed to much, Doesn't know how to take a break

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
-Yes, Over 8000H+. Passive RP, Support RP.
Current Server RP Projects:
Project Low Level 079
Project SCP-173-L Lunar Statue
Project SCP-912-L Lunar Armor
Project D-Worker Janitor

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
Two to four hours, sometimes one if my work takes my time up or I am to stress to work. Health comes first.

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
Well I have seen the sign everyday and realized that you are still looking for people, I was already in your GM team and I am one of the trusted people anyway. I still hear that staff tickets are very slow so I want to help keeping the ticket nice and quickly done. I can provide a calm and focused environment.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I am honest, so honest it hurts. I am quick to adapt and exceptional at focusing at a task, my main focus is in professional sit environment and a conclusion. On top of this is that I am mature and on my way to my 30s with my thoughts always changing and making it sometimes very easy to stay collected, can forgive easily.​


CG Super VIP
Feb 20, 2021
+support for many reasons.
A lot of staffing and RP experience.
Amazing interactions.
Well-formatted and readable application

(Also there is no 'old' warning system for SCPRP)

Best of luck.
Dec 25, 2020

I don't play SCP-RP anymore and I haven't been on for some time. I can't comment on your recent activity, but from your past experience as a GM on the server, I'd think that you would do well as staff. You've done a great job (aside from the one hiccup) in the past showing your RP ability and maturity. Best of luck.

'Negan' White

Active member
Jan 29, 2022
+ Support
+ good rule knowledge
+ active in IG
+ good RP interactions.

-/+ unsure on TS activity

Good luck !


Active member
Mar 14, 2022

-"Raiden Here"

Hey there Neko
I know we haven't met Before but I Have Heard Word About you going around the Facility and In-game in General So personally from what I have been told and in my own opinion from what I have read on your Application ill going to give you more than a positive as It wasn't just Positive Alone

I'm going to give you
+ Full Support
+Positive Feedback

+Good Rule Knowledge
+Good Roleplay Intent
-This is my first comment on an Application and I personally think it's a Great one to Pick



Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 24, 2020
Application Accepted

Hi @Neko,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

Congratulations on having your application accepted, please join the Interview Waiting Room in TeamSpeak and put "Waiting for Interview" in your name so we can proceed with the next stage of the process.​
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