[SCPRP-UK] Hamster's OSA Application

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Aug 14, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:566429056
Discord name: mrhamster2272
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 years
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Jimothy'Hamster'Smith[F] , R.'Hampter'[CI]
Civilian name: Jeremia Hamster
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- DEA Sr agent
- DEA agent/operative
- ISD Operative/agent
- CI Delta
- GSD Sergeant

- E11 LCPL
- E11 CPL
- E11 SPC
- CI alpha x2
- Exec researcher

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
My active warns are:
- RDM: I had shot a dclass who was in cuffs and who I thought was resisting, however they were not.
- NLR,Failrp: SCP 912 had beaten me to death with a stunstick, I respawned and went back to 912 then I shot them.

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
There are many reasons why I believe I am a good candidate to become an Overseer assistant, one of these reasons being, my time in the community. During my time on site I have been a part of many departments and met countless interesting people, from which i have learnt many skills and qualities that make me a useful and good member of site 65. Some of the departments I have worked in and skills I have learnt are these:

Research: During my time in the research department I have learned many things, such as, how to remain professional and communicate with my fellow researchers and also other departments; such as gensec, as it is crucial to treat them with mutual respect in order to conduct research and allow for a safe experiment. I believe respect is a crucial part of being an OSA as you work closely with other departments to ensure things are run correctly and that you can report to o5 effectively, without being clouded by bias, allowing for detailed reports. Another key skill I have learnt from my time in RSD is, the creation of documentation. I have created many documents which were graded Excellent and good (10 E grade docs), I believe writing good documentation is a key aspect of being an overseer assistant and is the reason why I would be a good fit for the role.

MTF NU7: As a member of NU7 I have experienced and learnt a multitude of skills. A big skill I learnt from my time in nu7 is the ability to lead and also follow orders efficiently and to the letter. I know that a good OSA is capable of obeying the orders of the overseers and communicating those orders precisely and with authority, furthermore my time as a CO has given me the opportunity to work in collaboration with fellow COs in order to better the regiment, this is a thing that I believe makes me suitable for the position of OSA, as working with other departments and other assistants in order to fulfil a common goal (overseer orders and projects), is an important aspect of being an OSA.

GSD: During my time in gensec as a captain, I have worked together with multiple captains and chiefs in order to create RP and opportunities for gensec, in form of creating operations or giving gsd more chances to engage in RP. I believe creating and engaging with roleplay is another valuable skill an overseer assistant should have, as allowing for roleplay and giving people things to do is what keeps people enjoying the server. Although my time in GSD ended abruptly, I have learnt from it and hope to be a better part of the server, and so far I think I have done a decent job at doing this.

CI: As a CI delta I have engaged in RP with other GOIs such as foundation and GOC, it is this RP that I believe makes me a suitable fit for OSA as cooperating with other GOIs (or departments as OSA) is extremely important in order to get the results and information needed to effectively report to overseers and to fulfil their commands while allowing for people to engage in RP aswell.

Other reasons I believe make me a suitable fit for overseer assistant are:
Activity: I am an extremely active member of the server, trying to hop on site whenever possible and spending time doing activities and interacting with others. I believe activity is something that an overseer assistant should have as being available to assist people whenever possible and whenever necessary is extremely important.

Clearance Level Four Experience:

During my time so far on site I have held multiple CL4 jobs such as GSD captain and NU7 LT. Because of the roles I have held I have a good understanding of the duties cl4 personnel have and how to conduct them. Although OSA is a junior CL4 position and does not require previous experience, I believe that having this experience is what gives me a better edge in regards to being a good OSA.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
- Authorisation of AA.
- Conducting operations and interviews of site staff.
- Working in collaboration with alpha 1 in order to maintain order of site.
- Fulfilling the orders of the overseer council.
- Conducting regular CL4 duties, such as closing PW bd, opening AA etc
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Name: Jeremy 'Hampter' Hawthorne
Age: 26
Country of origins: England
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: Black
Blood type: A+

Jeremy Hawthorne grew up in an upper class rich family, comprised of educators and influential officials, namely his father Sir Edmund Hawthorne who served as a high ranking diplomat in the British Foreign Office. From an early age Jeremy was led on a path of political aspiration in order to follow his fathers footsteps, eventually graduating oxford university at a surprising young age with a degree in political science and international relations. Jeremy had a knack for debate and charisma, he was set to become what he was destined to be.

Jeremy entered work in the same place as his father, eventually working up the ranks in the British foreign office. During an operation abroad in East Europe, something unexplainable had happened, a phenomena of unearthly origin ... anomalous. After witnessing a team of unmarked operatives sweep the area, preventing any further observation of such an unorthodox thing, he was asked to go with them. After some hours of "interrogation" and questioning on the events that happened, he was let go. Soon after, a representative of the SCP foundation visited Jeremy and asked him something he did not expect. Jeremy was asked to join the SCP foundation, as it turns out his file was reviewed and his profile was of great interest to some of the higher ranking members of the foundation. Jeremy Hawthorne took up the opportunity and fit in perfectly within the bureaucratic and governing aspect of the foundation.

After a few years within the foundation, Jeremy worked his way up the ranks within the administrative sector and caught the eye of the overseer council, he was offered a position as assistant to the o5 council and he gladly accepted, with ambition and determination in his heart he began his work, hoping to one day be a part of the council himself.
Last edited:
Jul 30, 2023

The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello @Jimothy"Hamster",

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.
  • Cool
Reactions: Jimothy"Hamster"
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